ChatGPT vs. Jasper

When you stack up ChatGPT vs. Jasper, you find there are pros and cons to both. Magical is a 100% free alternative that also lets you automate repetitive tasks to save an average of 7 hours a week.
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Chrome Store · 4.6 stars · 2,620+ reviews

How does ChatGPT compare to Jasper?

See how both apps compare, and why Magical might be the better alternative.
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100% Free
AI-Powered Technology
Use the latest generative AI technology to write content for you.
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Unlimited Content Creation
Generate as many words using AI as you like. No limits.
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Improves Spelling and Grammar
Generate high-quality responses using AI that are error-free.
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Easy to Use
Simple for anyone to pick up and start using, without any additional training.
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Messaging Automation
Save your text as shortcuts and expand the text where you type.
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Easy Personalization
Automatically detect names, job titles, and more to ensure 100% accuracy in your message personalization.
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Quick Replies
Instantly generate error-free replies to emails and messages with just one click.
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Works Anywhere Online
Use on any website, email application, or web app within your Chrome browser.
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Works across all devices and browsers
Available on Safari, iOS, etc.
Only on Chrome
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- Thomas Biggerstaff
“Magical is insanely helpful to my daily workflow as a virtual assistant. It has saved me so much time it has become the part of my work that I actually look forward to. It's fun to use too!”
- Kristen Wheeler

Magical has the best of both ChatGPT and Jasper

Powered by the same technology as ChatGPT and Jasper, Magical lets you instantly craft emails and messages using AI. Even better? Magical is 100% free and comes with automation features to save you an average of 7 hours a week on repetitive tasks like messaging, data entry, and filling sheets.
Go to workspaceAdd Magical to Chrome - it's free!
Chrome Store · 4.6 stars · 2,620+ reviews

Magical has 2,600+ 5-star reviews on Chrome store

Magical is trusted by 500,000+ customers worldwide

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