Share Magical with your network and earn up to $800 per post.
We know our users love Magical, and we want to reward you for it. Showcase your use cases to help other users and expand our Magical community. 💚 Whether you're a tech influencer or a productivity enthusiast, we’ve got something for you.
Participate in 3 easy steps
Apply Today
You can post only about Magical or also shout out other apps. A dedicated Magical post is capped at $800. Multi-tool posts are capped at $400.
Create & Share
Post with no revision cycles! Yes, we’re serious. You know best what your audience wants to know. Our only requirements are that you:
  • Mention & tag Magical prominently
  • Include the URL
  • Make your own video or add one from this folder
Get Paid!
Send us your post, and we’ll send you cash. 💸
Incentive Structure
What do we look for in a creator?
Influencing Reach

Frequently asked questions

How often can I post per month?

We compensate 2 of your posts about Magical per month. For posts that are only about Magical, please always align with before posting. You can also do more posts and decide at the end of the month which post you would like to invoice. We will only compensate for one account per creator.

How do I get paid?

We can pay you via bank transfer or Paypal, whatever works best for you!

Can you show me example posts?

Some ideas for dedicated Magical posts:

  • My biggest productivity hack as a ____ (founder, salesperson, etc.)
  • How I save 10 hours a week with Magical
  • How I use AI to write and reply to emails for me
  • My #1 secret productivity app

Some ideas for multi-tool posts:

  • Top 10 productivity tools
  • AI tools you haven’t heard about
  • Best Chrome extensions to maximize your productivity
  • Best AI tools to save you time

How do I know if I can participate?

We’re currently looking for creators in the North America or Europe regions with an audience in AI/GPT, Productivity, Sales, or Customer Success!

Create, share and
get paid!

Apply to Magical Creator Program