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15 of the Best Sales Email Templates

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Hate to kick off with some bad news, but 40% of consumers have at least 50 unread emails in their inbox. And no matter how impressive your offering, that can be devastating for sales strategy. 

So how do you make sure that your communication doesn’t find itself in virtual limbo? A good sales email template is an excellent place to start. 

But to thicken this plot, a template is exactly that — a start. The likelihood is that your search is not for a single sales template but rather a range of sales templates that can cater to different industries and different points in the customer journey.

Just meeting for the first time? That’s one type of sales template

Writing your first follow-up? That’s another.

Reaching out to an existing customer? Yep, yet another.

Then there’s also brand tone of voice, integration into your other digital sales channels, and understanding what degree of familiarity to strike. 

Basically, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to pulling this rabbit out of this hat. 

But the one non-negotiable is getting those emails read

So let’s dive in. Here’s how to create the best sales email templates that are appropriate for a variety of uses.

How do you write a professional email sales pitch?

Those who have put together IKEA furniture will know that, while you may be building a different piece, a few key ingredients are common almost every time. (Oh, those wood dowels.)

A sales email pitch is similar. 

While you’ll change things up according to your specific aims, here is a very basic formula that works across the board:

The teaser 🎥🍿

AKA a compelling subject line. 

This is what will get them to open your email in the first place. Otherwise, the virtual void might be calling. (We have more on constructing the ultimate cold email subject lines here.)

Okay. Now they’re in. Next job: you have to keep them there. 

The opening act 🎭 

AKA the very first line of the body of your email. 

Make them feel special. Call them by their name. Tell them why you’re reaching out to them. Don’t give them a chance to wonder what this is all about. Confusion can quickly lead to deletion. 

The magic trick 🪄

AKA the problem you’re going to solve for them. 

Get right to the pain point. (That’s the specific problem they’re experiencing.) And then tell them how you are about to make their life a whole lot easier. 

And here’s the really interesting part:

Before opening this email, they may not have even known that they needed you. 

Explain (briefly) that there is evidence that their problem exists. (Statistics and case studies are your friend here.) And then show them how you’re going to be the one to solve it. 

The closer 🎬

AKA the easily actionable and fully measurable call-to-action 

Ask them to do something very specific

What this is all depends on where this particular customer is in your sales funnel. But it could mean clicking on a link to a page on your website, signing up for a demo or trial, or scheduling a call. 

The final bow 🎆

AKA your comprehensive signature

Think of this like a combo between a digital business card and a very brief company resume. 

Make sure they have all the info they need to get in touch — as well as reasons why they should. Here’s an outline:

  • Name (make it personal)
  • Title
  • Company logo
  • Website
  • Any relevant awards 
  • Any links to content you’d like them to see. 

So, with all that in mind, let’s see how that works in practice.

Best sales pitch and proposal email templates 

Making a sales pitch is hard: you need to make compelling points and pique someone's interest without crossing too far into the spam zone. Following templates can greatly increase your chances of success. Knowing which sales pitch email templates to use can make a big difference. 

Template 1: 

Subject: Streamline Your Operations with Magical Automation Solution

Hello [Recipient's Name],

I trust this email finds you doing splendidly! After our previous conversation about the efficiency issues at [Company's name], I wanted to propose how our advanced automation tool can help.

The attached proposal outlines how our tool will automate repetitive tasks, reduce human error and increase overall productivity by X%. It also provides details on implementation timeline and pricing options. Click here to view the detailed proposal.

If it piques your interest or if there are any questions or clarifications needed, let’s schedule a meeting at your earliest convenience.

Your consideration is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

The key to crafting an effective sales pitch or proposal email is personalization. Make sure you understand your prospect's needs and show how your product or service can address those specific pain points. Be concise, courteous, and don't forget a clear call-to-action!

Template 2: 

Subject: Enhance Your Productivity with Magical AI Software

Hello [Recipient's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out from Magical, an innovative company specializing in AI and automation software designed to boost productivity.

We've noticed that companies like yours often face challenges in managing tasks efficiently due to manual processes. Our solution automates these tedious tasks, allowing your team more time for strategic initiatives.

Would you be open for a quick call next week so we could discuss how our product could benefit your organization?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

[Your Name]

Best meeting request email template 

So you need to get face-to-face (er, over Zoom anyways) with someone? Getting a spot on their calendar can be harder than scoring tickets to a Taylor Swift calendar. Use a meeting request email template to cut through the noise and make it worth their while. 

Dear [Recipient's name],

Thank you for your interest in [Your company]! I would be happy to answer the questions you have sent me. Here are the details you requested about our company and references from other customers. [Provide the answer to their question].

To determine if our solution is the right fit for your needs, let's schedule a 30-minute meeting to discuss. The agenda for the meeting will include:

  • Assessing if [Your solution] is the right fit for your company
  • A 15-minute demo of how [Your solution] brings value to companies like yours
  • Answering any questions you may have

Please suggest some suitable dates and times, and I will arrange a meeting accordingly.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, [Your name]

Best follow-up email templates 

You put in all the work of a killer sales call. The person was excited, interested, and asked all the right questions. Then boom. Ghosted. Get back to the top of their mind with a follow-up email template

Hi First Name,

It was great chatting to you the other day and hearing about your ideas for Developments at Company Name.

Would you like to schedule another call to discuss any further thoughts?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Your Name

Best prospecting e-mail templates

When you need to make a connection and fast, a prospecting e-mail template is key! The secret to success with e-mail prospecting templates is finding one that matches your personality and product. 

Template 1: Funny but informed 

Subject Line: Busted by [observation] from your post


I came across your recent [PROSPECT PUBLICATION OR POST], and after doing some research, I noticed [HUMOROUS BUT WORRYING OBSERVATION RELATED TO PUBLICATION OR POST].


At [YOUR COMPANY], we specialize in helping professionals like you overcome these challenges and achieve [ACHIEVABLE GOAL].

As we work to get everyone on the same page and streamline our [PROCESS], I was wondering if you've ever struggled with [ACHIEVING SPECIFIC GOAL].

I don't mean to sound [JOKE REFERENCING PROSPECT’S PUBLICATION OR POST], but would you be interested in learning more about how we can help you and your team?



Template 2: Asking the right question

Do you have the capacity for 10X the growth?

Hi {NAME},

We’ve just seen results of {INSERT IMPRESSIVE GROWTH RESULT} for our client in {INSERT RECIPIENT’S INDUSTRY}

And that’s not the only time we’ve been able to pull this off:


If you’re ready, we’d like to make this happen for you, too. Are you free for a call at {TIME} on {DATE}? We’d love to take you through the next steps.

Chat soon,


Template 3: Tantalizing their taste buds 

It's a match!

Hi {NAME},

We've seen what you do, and we'd like you to see what we do.

Looking at the results you've already been able to achieve, you're a perfect match to trial our beta program, {INSERT PROGRAM NAME}.

And, no, we don't say that to everyone. Our approach is to be selective about our test audience so that we can get the feedback we need from those in the know.

The good news for you is that we get to help you out in the process.

Our program will allow you to:


Yep, we're pretty excited to share this with you.

Get in touch here {LINK TO WEBSITE} to access your free trial.

See you soon,


Best cold e-mail templates 

Ever received one of those spammy SEO cold pitches in your inbox after you registered your domain name? Yeah, we want to avoid our prospects ever feeling the way we did it. Admit it: you marked "spam" within three seconds of getting one of those, right? 

Instead, foster a real connection with someone by using a strong cold e-mail template. 

So, how do you write an introduction email for sales? The perfect sales introduction email template is one that suits your very specific needs. 

So, try these templates on, change them up, or mix and match however you want: 

Template 1 

Hello First Name,

I hope this email finds you doing well. I'm reaching out because How You Obtained Contact Info.

I wanted to share that Company Name has developed a new platform that can assist Your Team at Company Name, with One Sentence Pitch.

I believe that Specific Product or Service can offer Core Benefit to Company Name.

Would you be available for a brief call on Date and Time to discuss this further?

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Your Name

Template 2: Differentiating your offer

Who doesn't love a free trial?


Okay, fair enough, not everyone loves a free trial.

In fact, they're often sugar traps that mean getting stuck in some co-dependent relationship that it's impossible to get out of.

That's why we created our no-strings attached trial. Of course, we hope you stay. And we think you're going to. {INSERT NUMBER OF USERS WHO CAN'T BE WRONG.}

But we’ll let the quality of our service make that happen. 

It’s as easy as clicking here. {INSERT LINK TO FREE TRIAL}


Template 3: Building on what they’re already up to

I see what you’re trying to do. And we can help.


I had a look at your blog and see that you’ve begun harnessing the power of SEO.  Congratulations! 


You’re sitting on a massive opportunity here, and we can help you turn that potential into tangible success.

Here’s some of what we’ve been able to achieve for other companies.

  1. Grow organic traffic by __________. {LINK TO CASE STUDY}
  2. Improve ROI by _________. {LINK TO CASE STUDY}
  3. Boost revenue by _______. {LINK TO CASE STUDY}

We look forward to doing the same for you.



Template 4: Talking shop

Found this and thought of you


I see we have a shared interest in how automation is impacting email communication. 

I found this article {INSERT LINK TO ARTICLE} in {INSERT IMPORTANT PUBLICATION} that speaks about the nuances of this evolving landscape in profound detail. 

I’ve found this particularly relevant to the application of automation in our company. We’ve seen {INSERT IMPORTANT GROWTH STATISTICS} as a result of implementing {INSERT IMPORTANT STRATEGY}. And that’s without having to do any of the slog work ourselves.

If you’re keen to chat further, perhaps we could schedule a call? How about {INSERT DATE AND TIME}. 

Looking forward to it!


And what about a sales follow-up email template?

Here’s an exciting, actionable sales statistic: following up within an hour increases your chances of success by 700%

Follow up depends on the current relationship status. 

If there’s been some sort of interaction from their side, it’s important to jump on it. 

If there’s been no interaction from their side, well, it’s important to jump on that too. 

And then there’s the situation where there’s been interaction, and now they’re flexing their ghosting muscles. (👻💪 🤯)

Here are some templates that take you through the different scenarios:

Template 1: So close, and yet so far

Still keen to chat?


We wouldn’t be where we are as a company if we didn’t believe in the power of persistence. So here we are: persisting. Basically, we think it’s well worth our time and resources to connect with you. 

In the past few months, here’s what we’ve been able to achieve for our clients: 


Plus, we even went and won ourselves this {INSERT IMPRESSIVE AWARD}.

You can schedule a call by clicking this link. 

We look forward to reconnecting with you.


Template 2: Turning on the waterworks

*Sniff* We miss you.


We hate to see a good thing go.  

So we’re trying again.  

Because some things are worth fighting for. 

Please get in touch. It’s as easy as clicking here {INSERT LINK} to schedule a call. 


Template 3: Celebrating the connection 🎉

Your style, our brand? I can’t believe we found each other.

Okay, it was probably just a matter of time, but we’re just thrilled that we’ve met. 

That cart you put together? Well, well, well. If it isn’t some of our favorite items in one place?  

Don’t worry. They’re all still waiting for you. We’ll keep the safe for the next few days while you get ready to push that button. 

See you soon! 


Template 4: It’s not what you know, it’s who you know

I can’t believe you know {INSERT MUTUAL CONTACT}!

Hi {NAME}, 

Small world, indeed.  

I’ll admit, after our chat, I got excited and went to browse your website. And there it was, a glowing review from {MUTUAL CONTACT}. 


Call it fate; call it coincidence. Either way, another call is probably a good idea. 


Talk soon, 


Putting together a good sales email template: 5 final tips

  1. Write to your audience. There’s a person on the other side of that inbox. What would make them open the door?
  1. Have consistency across brand messaging.  This is the first step in cultivating a relationship with your potential customers.
    Consistency means showing them that you are a unified entity worth taking seriously; it means them understanding what you are really offering; and it means them feeling comfortable to return. 
  1. Use text expansion. Time is a limited resource. Make the most out of apps that offer shortcuts so that you don’t waste time on repetitive typing tasks.
    (Bonus points if your text expander app offers variables to let you easily personalize your sales messages—Psst, Magical can help with that!)
  1. Embrace marketing automation. The tools that increase productivity exist. And currently 56% of businesses are using them in their marketing efforts. And this is great news. In fact, it can increase productivity by ten percent.
    The other part of automation is that it allows you to easily track open rates. These metrics can become a vital part of your test strategy going forward. (That subject line wins every time, or Why does everyone seem to be allergic to that working?)
  1. Stick to clear, concise communication. The average person who has to interact with others as part of their job spends 28 percent of their workweek managing email. You don’t need to add to this. Get your message across, bow and leave the stage.

Feel ready? Awesome. We wish you an inbox filled with positive results.

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