
10 Sales Follow-Up Email Tips (+ 30 Templates)

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We’ve all been there: you have a great first conversation with your new prospect and feel positive about what comes next, only to be met with silence. Argh. 😐

So is now the time to cut your losses and move on? Of course not!

Rather, now’s the time to be tactical. Swoop in with a friendly sales follow-up email. Remind the person that you (and your company) are ready and waiting to help them achieve their business goals, and show them how.

But how do you write a follow-up sales email that hits the spot and leads your prospect further down the road to conversion? Keep reading for some top tips from sales experts—plus, we’ve included some handy follow-up email templates you can swipe as well.

How do you write a good follow-up email for sales?

A good sales follow-up email should be short, engaging, and encourage your prospect to respond. It’s also got to sound like a real person has written it—not a robot—and should remind them how you can make real, meaningful benefits to their business.

Simple, right? 😅Here are 10 tips to help you craft the perfect message.

10 sales follow-up email tips

1. Use an eye-catching subject line 👀

We all have inboxes that are overflowing with emails from people wanting to get our attention. Yours has to stand out from the rest. How? Start with a snappy subject line—one that piques your prospect’s curiosity and is appropriate to the stage of the sales journey you’ve reached with them. 

For example:

  • After a trigger event: What did you think of [title of blog post]?
  • When you’ve had no response: Still interested?
  • After leaving a voicemail: Sorry I missed you just now

2. Keep it brief

Your prospect is more likely to read your follow-up email if it’s short and to the point. A 2,000-word essay (no matter how well-written) will likely land in the bin.

Following up with info that your prospect has asked for, or something they might find interesting, is a great idea. Include it as an attachment if it’s quite long, as this will allow them to go back to read it in their own time.

3. Add personality

Let your personality shine through. Be warm and human. The more your prospect feels like you’re speaking to them and only them, the better. 

If you do use an email template—and we recommend you do, they save loads of time—make sure you tweak it to suit what you know about your prospect. You could mention something they said in a previous call, or something they shared on social media.

For example:

I remembered that you said you were interested in [topic], and I was reading the other day…

I spotted the blog post you shared about [topic] yesterday, and it got me thinking…

4. Share relevant content

Consider sending a sales follow-up email on something your prospect might be interested in. This could be a quick tip, some industry stats, or a link to a white paper.

An email like this has a couple of advantages:

  • It’s a good tactic to use with colder leads who aren’t responding to you—it comes across as less pushy.
  • It helps establish you as more of an advisor than a salesperson, someone who genuinely wants to help build your prospect’s business.

5. Get the timing right

For most prospects, the right time to send a follow-up email is about one or two days after the first time you’ve spoken. 

If you know that your prospect needs to discuss your offer with other decision makers at their company, it’s important to allow more time for those conversations to take place. In these instances, you might want to wait four to five days before emailing.

6. Be persistent (but know when to give up)

Don’t be disheartened if your first follow-up email doesn’t get a response. Plan to send at least two to three follow-ups in total. After that, conversion rates start to drop—so it becomes less worth your time and effort to keep emailing.

Better to move on and find new leads who will be interested in what you have to say.

7. Use the numbers technique

This is a popular approach to use with prospects who aren’t responding, as it provides them with a very quick and simple way to get in touch with you. It looks something like this:

As we said, this is a well-used technique, so you’ll want to make sure you adapt it to make it your own.

8. Pair a voicemail and an email 📞

Imagine you’ve called to follow up with a prospect, they haven’t picked up, and you’ve left a voicemail. Don’t leave it there—send an email as well. Something along the lines of: Sorry I missed you. Let me know when would be a better time to chat…

This two-pronged approach shows how committed you are to getting their attention. It could be the push they need to get in touch with you.

9. Check before you send

Make sure you give your email a quick spelling and grammar check before you send it on its way. We’re all busy and it’s natural for the odd typo to creep in, but for your email to look professional it’s important to weed out any errors.

10. Save time with a text expander tool

Try using a text expander tool like Magical to speed up writing your sales follow-up emails. 

It can save you from having to type the same thing over and over again. Instead, refine your best messages, add variables for personalization, and save your templates as easy-to-access shortcuts. Simply type // and choose the message you want to send: Great chatting with you the other day! Haven’t heard from you in a while

This handy tool can save you up to 7 hours a week—that’s almost a whole working day. Just think of what you could do with all that extra time. 

30 sales follow-up email templates

If you’re looking for more ideas of how to write a follow-up email for sales, check out the 30 templates below. 

Template 1: After the first conversation

You can use this email to check in with a prospect if you don’t hear from them after the first meeting.

Template 2: After a trade show or conference

Here’s a follow-up email template you can use to get in touch with any connections you’ve made at a business event:

Template 3: After a trigger event

If your sales analytics tell you that your prospect has, for example, reopened an email from you or visited your website, now is the ideal time to send a follow-up email.

Template 4: The “break-up” email

If a lead has gone cold and they’re not replying to any of your messages, you can try sending one last “break-up” email. This is where you tell the person (politely) that, as you haven’t heard from them, you won’t be contacting them again.

Either this will allow you to move on to new, more promising deals, or it will give the lead the spur they need to get back in touch.

A little bit of humor can work well:

Template 5: The enthusiastic follow-up

Use the Enthusiastic Follow-Up email when checking in with a prospect after an initial conversation. Express your excitement about the possibility of working together while inviting them to discuss the next steps. Be prepared to address any questions or provide additional information as required.

Ready for an Update?

Dear [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I’m reaching out to check in on the progress of our last conversation. I’m excited about the prospect of working together and would like to continue exploring potential next steps.

Could you please provide me with an update on your thoughts? I’d be happy to answer any additional questions or provide more information as needed.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,


Template 6: The gentle nudge

Sometimes you need a little push to get things moving. The Gentle Nudge email is great for following up when you haven't received a response after discussing their account. 

Next step?

Hi [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing to follow up on our last conversation regarding your account. My boss has asked me for an update, and unfortunately, I don’t have one yet.

I’m still interested in exploring how we can work together, and I’d love to know if it still makes sense to continue the conversation. If so, what would you suggest as the next step?

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Template 7: The timely reminder

Use the Timely Reminder when following up after a specific time frame your prospect suggested. Gently check in to see if they've reviewed your proposal and offer to discuss it over the phone, addressing their queries or concerns. Encourage them to share their availability for a call.

Reminder: (Proposal Name)


I hope this email finds you well. Last time we spoke, you requested that I follow up with you in October. While I might be a bit early, I thought I'd touch base and see how things are going.

Have you had the chance to consider my proposal further? If you have any questions or concerns, I would be more than happy to review it with you over the phone.

Please let me know your availability, and we can schedule a time that works best for you.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Template 8: The reflective interest

This is ideal when you've spotted prospects engaging with your content. Highlight what caught their attention and express your willingness to chat about their research on tools to help them achieve specific goals.

Your team has been checking us out 👀

Hi [Name],

I noticed that a few of your teammates were checking out our product page this week. It seems like they were interested in the page that focuses on [details].

I was wondering if you and/or your team have any questions or if you would be interested in discussing what tools your team has been researching. I would be more than happy to jump on a call with you and your teammates to discuss how our product could help your team [benefit].

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, do let me know if your teammates would like to join the call and what your calendar looks like in the coming days.

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Template 9: The responsive inquiry

When a prospect hasn't responded to your previous message, use the Responsive Inquiry to check if there’s still interest in moving things forward.

Still interested?

Hello [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to follow up on my previous email regarding [topic]. I haven't heard back from anyone on the team yet, and I was wondering if there was any interest in discussing this further.

If you are still interested in pursuing this, please let me know what your availability looks like in the next few days. I would be happy to schedule a call to discuss this further.

If this is no longer of interest to you or if I should be speaking with someone else on the team, please let me know.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

Template 10: The voicemail follow-up

The Voicemail Follow-Up is perfect for when you've left a voicemail message but haven't connected. Kindly remind your prospect of your missed call, reiterate your purpose, and give them a heads-up about when you'll call again.

(Name)! Must’ve just missed you

Hi [Name],

I noticed that a few of your teammates were checking out our product page this week. It seems like they were interested in the page that focuses on [details].

I was wondering if you and/or your team have any questions or if you would be interested in discussing what tools your team has been researching. I would be more than happy to jump on a call with you and your teammates to discuss how our product could help your team [benefit].

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, do let me know if your teammates would like to join the call and what your calendar looks like in the coming days.

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Template 11: The post-show connection

After a trade show or conference, use the Post-Show Connection to reach out to attendees. Acknowledge their interest and promptly share relevant content addressing their objectives or challenges.

Thought you might like this

Hi [Name],

I hope you had a great time at the show and gained insights about [tool] to improve your [problem-facing business].

As someone who values [objective], I thought you might be interested in our [piece of content]. It's attached here for you to review. If you’d like to learn more about how [details of content], I’d be happy to have a quick phone chat with you.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or if you’d like to have a more in-depth conversation. I'm always available to assist you.


Template 12: The insightful recap

When you've had a valuable conversation with a prospect, use the Insightful Recap. Reflect on their challenges and express gratitude for the information shared.

Thanks for the call! Something that can help

Hello [Name],

It was great speaking with you today and hearing about your role as [role] at [company]. I appreciate you sharing the challenges you're facing with [challenges discussed in conversation] and how they're impacting your team and company.

As promised, I've attached additional information about our resources that can help you boost [business objective] and address [business problem].

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you'd like to discuss further. I look forward to our next conversation on [date and time].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Template 13: The content check-in

Use the Content Check-In to follow up on content you shared earlier with your prospect. Inquire if they've implemented any techniques and offer assistance to help them get started.

[Content Piece] follow up

Hi [Name],

Hope you are doing well. I wanted to follow up on the [piece of content] that I shared with you earlier. I was wondering if you had the chance to go through it and try implementing any of the techniques. If not, I would be happy to assist you in getting started.

Let me know if you have some time for a 30-minute call on [date and time] to discuss how we can help your team become more productive. Alternatively, if there's another time that works best for you, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Template 14: The helpful resource reminder

For prospects managing demanding tasks, use the Helpful Resource Reminder to empathize with their challenges. Re-share useful content you sent earlier and encourage them to share it within their team.

I think you dropped something.

Hi [Name],

I understand that [job title] can be quite demanding [acknowledgment]. I hope the resource I sent you earlier regarding [details] was useful and that you can share it with your team. Here's the link again [insert hyperlink here], just in case it got lost.

If you have some time, I'd love to set up a call with you on either [date and time] or [date and time]. However, if those dates don't work, please let me know what times work for you, and I'd be happy to work around your schedule.

Let me know what suits you best.


Template 15: The weekend warrior

The Weekend Warrior is perfect when you've had trouble connecting with a busy prospect. Express understanding of their hectic schedule and offer to accommodate calls during weekends or outside typical work hours.

I know you’re busy…

Hi [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on our last conversation about boosting your [objective]. I understand how busy things can get between work and personal life, and I'm sorry we haven't been able to connect yet.

If it's easier for you, I'm available for a call during weekends or before/after work hours. I don't want to be a bother, but I do believe I can help you manage your team more effectively and exceed your goals [objective].

Please let me know if this is something that works for you, and we can schedule a call at your convenience.

Best regards,


Template 16: The courteous check-in

For diplomatically seeking a prospect's continued interest, utilize the Courteous Check. Gently follow up and emphasize that you don't want to be a bother.

Just checking to make sure

[First Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on my previous message regarding suggestions on how to improve your business's ability to generate new leads.

If you are still interested, I would be happy to chat further and share my ideas.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

Best regards,

[Your name]

Template 17: The initiative revisit

For instances when some time has passed, use the Initiative Revisit to check in on the prospect’s progress. Express your willingness to discuss how your solution can assist them in achieving their goals.

Still trying to solve [challenge]?

Hi [First Name],

I hope this message finds you well. It’s been a while since we last spoke about your initiatives, and I just wanted to check in and see how things are going. If you're still interested, I’d be happy to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals.

If timing is still an issue, I completely understand. Just let me know when would be a better time to reconnect.


[Your name]

Template 18: The gentle closure

In situations where prospects haven't responded in a while, use the Gentle Closure. Make it clear that you'll close their file if they don't reply soon, but show appreciation for their time and consideration.

Closing your file

Dear [First Name],

As we are wrapping up this month's files, I noticed that I haven't received a response from you yet. I understand that things can get busy, or you may no longer be interested in our offer.

If you're still interested, could you let me know what your thoughts are for the next step? I'm here to help and would be happy to answer any questions or provide more information.

If I don't hear back from you in the next few days, I'll assume that you're no longer interested, and we'll close your file.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[Your name]

Template 19: The friendly follow-through

The Friendly Follow-Through is perfect for reconnecting after a positive conversation. Remind your prospect of the topic you discussed and express eagerness to explore continued collaboration.

Next steps RE: [topic of conversation]

Hello [insert name],

I hope this email finds you well. It was great chatting with you recently and discussing [topic of conversation]. As we discussed, I’d love to follow up and explore how we can continue working together.

If you’re still interested, let me know what the best next step would be for you. I’m happy to schedule a call, meet in person, or discuss further over email.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Insert signature]

Template 20: The accommodating solution

For when you've had a conversation regarding a special request, use the Accommodating Solution. Address the actions you've taken with the relevant department or superior, and report your ability to arrange the requested service.

Good news on your request

Hi [insert name],

I hope you're doing well. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me on [day].

I’ve spoken with our [accounting department/my boss/warehouse], and they’re more than happy to arrange [insert special request].

Please let me know how you’d like to proceed, and I'll ensure everything is set up for you.

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.

[Insert signature]

Template 21: The pricing pointer

Use the Pricing Pointer after discussing your services with a prospect. Show gratitude for the opportunity to learn about their company, and attach the requested pricing details as promised.

Update on pricing for (product or service)

Hi [insert name],

It was great chatting with you today and learning more about you and [insert their company]. As promised, I have attached some additional information about our pricing.

Once you have had a chance to review it, please let me know if you have any questions. You can reach me by email or at [insert your phone number] if you prefer to discuss it over the phone.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Insert signature]

Template 22: The warm web welcome

When a prospect has visited your website, this is how you can follow up with them in a way that’s not too creepy.

Noticed you checking us out 😊

Hi [insert name],

Thank you for visiting our website! I hope you found what you were looking for. If you have any questions about our [insert product or service], please feel free to let me know.

If you're interested in learning more about how we could work together, I would be happy to schedule a call to discuss further. Let me know what your availability looks like in the next few days.

Looking forward to hearing back from you.

[Insert signature]

Template 23: The decision-making aid

After a conversation where the prospect needs to consult with someone, use the Decision-Making Aid template. Inquire if the person in question has any queries or concerns about the proposal.

Chatted with [person name]?

Hi [insert name],

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me on [insert date]. I’m thrilled about the prospect of working together.

As we discussed, you mentioned that you needed to consult with [insert person] before making a decision. Do they have any questions or concerns about the proposal?

Please let me know when you have a chance to speak with them or if there's anything I can do to help facilitate the decision-making process.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

[Insert Signature]

Template 24: The contact clarification

In case you might be reaching the wrong person, deploy the Contact Clarification template. Briefly describe your company's specialization and explain its relevance to the prospect's company.

Right or wrong person for [benefit] at [company name]?

Hello [insert name],

I hope this message finds you well. I recently sent an email regarding [company or product], and upon reflection, I wondered if I was perhaps approaching the wrong party.

My company specializes in [insert service or product], which I believe would be an excellent match for [insert company]. Can you confirm if you are the appropriate contact for this matter? If not, kindly redirect me to the correct person.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

[Insert signature]

Template 25: The results reminder

Useful when you want to give them a reminder of just how much of an impact your product or service can make.

Some big numbers you might like

Hello [insert name],

I hope this message finds you well. A while back, I reached out to you concerning [insert company name] and how I believed our businesses would mesh well together.

Were you aware that our clientele experiences [insert statistic] as a result of using our [insert product/service]? In addition, we also offer [insert feature] and [insert feature].

If you would like more information, I would be delighted to arrange a call to discuss and address any queries you may have.

Thank you for your consideration, and I eagerly await your response.

[Insert Signature]

Template 26: The competitor comparison

This is a risky play, but it may work if you’re following up with a lead that has gone cold. Highlight one of their competitors to dial up their FOMO.

Results from (competitor name) working with (your company)

Hi [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I reached out to you a while ago regarding [company name] and how we can help you achieve [results].

I understand that you may still be on the fence, so I wanted to share a success story of one of our clients, [competitor company]. They were able to achieve [results] with our assistance.

After looking into your current metrics for [company name], I truly believe we can achieve [similar results] within [time frame].

Would you like to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals? Please let me know, and we can schedule a call at your convenience.


[Insert Signature]

Template 27: The time-saving test drive

Want to help a busy prospect? Remind them about your product and its benefits, and provide vouchers for a trial period.

Free voucher for [company name]

Hi [Contact Name],

I hope this email finds you well. As someone who manages a team, I know how busy you must be with your job functions. I previously sent you information about our [product], and I noticed that you checked it out.

To make things easier for you, I've included a few vouchers that you can use to test drive [company name] for 2 weeks. Many of our customers, such as [example], have seen a [key result] after using [company name]. I believe your team could benefit as well.

If you're interested, I'd be happy to hop on a quick 5-minute call to show you how to get started with [name of solution]. Let me know if that works for you.

Best regards,

[Insert signature]

Template 28: The quick tip

Need to show your expertise? Offer a concise, actionable advice that has proven beneficial for your other clients.

Quick tip on [business pain]

Hi [name],

I understand that [business pain] can be a real challenge, so I wanted to share a quick tip with you that many of my clients have found helpful: [1-2 sentence actionable piece of advice].

If you're interested, I have a few more ideas on improving [X]. Let me know if you'd like to hear them.

Best regards,

[Your name]

Template 29: The social sympathy

If you’ve been following a lead on social and notice a post that relates to your business, use this template to help them connect the dots.

Saw your LinkedIn post on [topic]

Hi [Prospect Name],

I hope this email finds you well. Yesterday, I tried to reach out to discuss how we can help you address [pain point 1] after seeing your LinkedIn post regarding the same.

I know how frustrating it can be to deal with [pain point], especially when it's a crucial factor in achieving [result]. In fact, ignoring it for an extended period can result in [pain point 2] and [pain point 3], as highlighted by [relevant study].

Last year, we helped one of our clients, [Company name], overcome a similar challenge within [time frame]. If you're interested, I'd be happy to share the case study with you.

Let me know your thoughts on this.

Best regards,

[Your name]

Template 30: The game-changer reveal

Use the Game-Changer Reveal template to follow up with prospects and share news of a fresh feature. This one is all about the potential.

Exciting news for [company name]

Hello [Prospect Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on my previous email and share some exciting news with you.

We recently launched a new feature called [feature name], which has been a game-changer for many of our clients. Given your company's [pain point 1], [pain point 2], and [pain point 3], I believe this feature could be the missing piece to help solve most of your issues.

If you have a few minutes, I'd love to hop on a call and discuss how [feature name] can benefit your company specifically. Let me know if that works for you.

Best regards,

[Your name]

Still not finding the right words for what you want to say? Check out our other article on 9 of the Best Sales Email Templates for more inspiration.

Send follow-up emails with Magical

With Magical, your follow-up email process is simply and easy. The app saves your perfectly crafted messages as shortcuts. Just hit two keystrokes, and you can insert your message template and personalize it with each contact’s details in an instant. 

Add our free Chrome extension today

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