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The #1 Most Used Out of Office Response (+Tips)

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If you know what it's like to be waist deep in vacation mode, only to have your phone buzz with a work email you know why you need to have the perfect out of office response. But let’s be real: most out-of-office messages are about as exciting as watching paint dry.

Sure, we've all seen those robotic auto-replies that scream "I'm not here and I couldn't care less." (even if that's how you really feel 😉) Yet, imagine an OOO message so crisp and effective it almost serves guests at your digital doorstep with virtual lemonade. 

Vacation guilt is a real thing: in fact, 35% of Gen Z vacationers feel guilty while they're out of the office. That's especially sad since less than half of Americans use all their vacation time anyways. You shouldn't feel guilty: you deserve this time off! 

In this quick read, you'll grab some insider tips on setting up an out-of-office reply that doesn’t just hold down the fort but makes sure everyone knows business is still booming—without giving away too much or leaving anyone hanging.

Why The Out of Office Response?

An out-of-office (OOO) response is an automated helper that notifies people you're away from your work, so they don't anticipate a prompt response. It's all about setting clear expectations—like letting folks know when you'll be back in action or who else can lend a hand while you're sipping margaritas on a beach or presenting at a big conference. Whenever you're leaving your job for a set period of time, and out of office reply is needed. 

This isn't just about courtesy; it's crucial for managing workflow too. With 62% of clients and 31% of colleagues using email as their primary communication channel, OOO messages keep the professional world spinning without any hiccups—or at least fewer. 65% of professionals use out-of-office responses when they are away for more than one day.

It's just a good practice to let people know you won't be available, and it gives people sending you messages alternative options to get help.

Benefits for Business Communication

A well-crafted OOO message does more than tell people you're out—it keeps things running smoothly like oil in an engine. By redirecting queries to other team members, these little notes prevent your inbox from turning into Everest after skiing in the Alps or attending back-to-back meetings during that industry expo. Setting an out of office for all major emails tells people when you'll be back, but it also stops the endless replies that say something like "Hello? Did you get my last e-mail?!" 

If there’s something urgent brewing, good OOO messages guide senders to alternative contact routes faster than GPS reroutes traffic. This way, urgent matters get handled pronto—even if "pronto" means by someone else until you return.

The key is to keep those automatic replies informative but friendly—because nobody likes getting cold-shouldered by robots. Use tools like ProWritingAid, which are great allies to ensure your grammar doesn’t take its own leave when crafting these emails. (Pro tip: you can use Magical to write your out of office message! You can also create canned replies for common questions and issues using Magical.) 

What Should Be Included In An OOO Message?

An effective out-of-office (OOO) message typically includes several key elements to ensure clarity and maintain professionalism. Here's a list of what should be included:

1. A Clear Subject Line: If your email system allows for an automatic subject line in your OOO message, something like "Out of Office: [Your Name]" is clear and informative.

2. Dates of Absence: Clearly state the dates you will be out of the office, including the date you plan to return. This helps manage the expectations of the sender regarding your availability.

3. Reason for Absence (Optional): A brief mention of why you're out (e.g., vacation, business trip, conference) can be helpful, but it's not strictly necessary and depends on your preference for sharing personal information.

4. Alternate Contact Information: Provide the name and contact information of a colleague who can be contacted in your absence, if applicable. Ensure that this person is aware and agreed to this arrangement.

5. Assurance of Response Upon Return: Indicate that you will respond to emails after your return. This gives the sender assurance that their email will not be lost or ignored.

6. Tone Appropriate to Your Workplace: The tone of your message should reflect the general communication style of your workplace. Some workplaces may allow for a more casual or humorous tone, while others require strict professionalism.

7. Additional Contact Information (Optional): If there's an urgent matter that can't wait for your return, you might want to include instructions on how to get immediate assistance, such as contacting a specific department or using an alternative communication method.

The Most Popular OOO Message (Template)

Subject: Out of Office: [Your Name]


Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office from [start date] to [end date] and will not be checking emails during this time. 

For urgent matters, please contact [Colleague's Name] at [Colleague's Email] or [Colleague's Phone Number]. Otherwise, I will respond to your email as soon as possible upon my return on [return date].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

When to Use Out of Office Messages

Vacations are a time for relaxation, but the dread of returning to an overflowing inbox can be real. This is where setting up vacation and travel out-of-office messages comes into play, letting others know you won't be tethered to your email during this period.

Vacation Time

Say you're off on a two-week adventure abroad. A simple OOO message could read something like "I'm currently out exploring new horizons and will have limited email access until [return date]. For urgent matters, please contact [colleague's name] at [phone number]." Not only does this give clear directions, it also maintains connections by providing alternative communication channels.

Going on vacation from work can be extremely stressful, especially when you have a lot to tackle before you can close that laptop lid until you return. By thinking about your upcoming vacation like a strategic plan, you can feel less stressed in the days leading up to your departure. 

Use the strategies below to ensure a relaxing and stress-free vacation and a smooth, stress-free post-vacation re-entry.
  • Review all projects and tasks that need to be complete before departure. Instead of writing down all the “want-to-do” tasks, focus on the things that absolutely must get done.
  • Communicate with your colleagues. Let them know the status of any projects that impact them, and make sure they know what to do while you’re gone. Set the expectation that people won’t be able to get ahold of you.
  • Determine contingency plans. Determine who is responsible for your daily work, active projects, and your clients. Discuss how the team will handle emergencies while you are away.
-Carson Tate, Executive Coach 

Attending Conferences or Events

During professional development events such as conferences or company retreats, crafting an OOO message that states your unavailability due to attendance helps set expectations about response times. 

An example might be: "I'm currently expanding my skillset at [event name] and will return on [date]. If there's something pressing that just can't wait, feel free to reach me via phone at [number], or for general inquiries direct emails to my awesome colleague at [email address]." 

By doing so, you let people know why there’s radio silence from your end while promoting ongoing productivity within your team.

Best Practices for Managing Workload with Out Of Office Replies

When away from the office, an out-of-office message is essential for efficiently managing workload and communication. A well-crafted OOO reply not only informs others of your absence but also directs them on how to proceed in urgent matters. Let's explore some best practices.

Checking and Updating Your Message Regularly

An outdated OOO message can cause confusion, so make sure yours reflects current information. Before stepping out, confirm that dates and contact details are accurate. This simple step helps avoid inbox chaos upon return—a scenario most workers dread as it often leads to extra work catching up on missed emails.

To further streamline email management during absences like vacations or business trips, consider using filters or delegating tasks. This strategy allows specific emails to be forwarded directly to colleagues who can assist while you're unavailable—think of it as setting up a virtual baton pass.

Avoiding Sensitive Information in Messages

Your automatic reply should give just enough info without oversharing personal details that could compromise security or privacy; always keep it professional and concise.

Informing colleagues about your leave is equally crucial—they should know when they can expect you back at full capacity handling work communications again after parental leave or short-term medical leaves.

How To Set Up Your Automated Reply

Setting up OOO messages, can be done in most email clients quite easily. Below are general steps for setting up automated email replies. The exact process can varies, depending on your email service provider (like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.). Here's a general guide:

For Microsoft Outlook

1. Open Outlook: Start by opening your Outlook application.

2. Go to File: In the top left corner, click on the 'File' tab.

3. Automatic Replies: Click on 'Automatic Replies (Out of Office)'.

4. Set the Time Range: In the Automatic Replies box, select 'Send automatic replies'. You can set a time range for when the replies are active, or leave it open-ended.

5. Compose Your Message: Write your Out of Office message in the text box. You can set different messages for people inside and outside your organization.

6. Rules (Optional): If you want to set specific rules (like forwarding emails), click on 'Rules...' and set them up.

7. Turn Off Reminders: Outlook will remind you that your Out of Office replies are turned on when you open the application.

8. Save: Click 'OK' to save your settings.

For Gmail

1. Open Gmail: Log into your Gmail account.

2. Settings: Click on the gear icon in the top right corner and select 'See all settings'.

3. Scroll to 'Vacation Responder': In the 'General' tab, scroll down to the 'Vacation responder'.

4. Turn On Vacation Responder: Select 'Vacation responder on' and fill in the date range, subject, and message.

5. Send Responses: You can choose to send responses to everyone or only to people in your contacts.

6. Save Changes: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Save Changes'.

For Other Email Clients

1. Access Settings: Generally, you'll start by finding your settings or options menu.

2. Look for 'Out of Office' or 'Vacation Responder': Different clients might use different terms, but these are the most common.

3. Set Date Range and Message: Similar to the above, set your date range if available, and compose your auto-reply message.

4. Save and Activate: Make sure to save your settings to activate the automatic replies.


Test Your Auto-Reply: After setting it up, send yourself an email from another account to make sure it's working.

Keep It Professional: Remember, automatic replies can be received by anyone, including potential or current employers or clients.

Update Your Calendar: If your email client is integrated with a calendar (like Outlook), it's a good idea to block off your time as 'Out of Office' there as well.

Remember, the specific steps can vary depending on your email client and its version, so it's a good idea to check the help resources or support documentation for your specific email service if you encounter difficulties.

Examples Of Out-Of-Office Messages

Formal Template Example


You've reached [Your Name]. I'm currently out of the office on a business trip with limited email access and will return on [Date]. For urgent matters, please reach out to [Colleague's Name] at the provided phone number or via email address. I'll do my best to respond promptly upon returning. Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Funny Creative Twist


I'm off navigating the wild terrains of parental leave until [Return Date], learning how babies are indeed tougher bosses than any CEO. If you need immediate help, dial in our trusty sidekick –[Colleague's Name]– who is holding down the fort (and can be reached at [Contact Information]). For those just missing my sparkling wit, rest assured that I shall return. In the meantime: keep calm and carry on.

Alternatives to Traditional Out-of-Office Responses

Stepping away from the inbox doesn't mean communication grinds to a halt. There are savvy ways to manage incoming mails during your absence without relying solely on standard out-of-office (OOO) replies. Let's investigate other options.

Using a Virtual Assistant or Colleague

A virtual assistant can be an ace up your sleeve, especially when you're off the grid. By delegating email management tasks, they can keep things running smoothly while you focus on that beachside cocktail—or whatever else is calling your name. The same goes for forwarding emails to a designated person in the office; it’s about ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

When using filters and folders, you can organize incoming messages efficiently—urgent matters get flagged for immediate attention while less critical items wait patiently in their assigned spots. This setup allows whoever is overseeing your emails—a trusted colleague or virtual assistant—to prioritize effectively.

Leveraging Technology for Urgent Matters

An auto-reply message isn’t just about telling people you’re out—it can also direct them towards other communication channels if something truly urgent comes up. For example, providing a phone number for emergencies ensures that important issues receive prompt attention even when you're not checking email regularly.

You might also consider setting filters that only send certain types of automatic replies—like those pertaining to urgent matters—to minimize unnecessary back-and-forth and keep everyone focused on what really needs attention now versus later.

Making Availability Transparent with Shared Calendars

Statistics show how vital clear communication is within teams—and shared calendars play into this by indicating availability at a glance. With most professionals juggling multiple projects simultaneously, having visibility into colleagues' schedules helps ensure smooth handovers and continuous workflow no matter who's OOO at any given time.

Leave The Office With No Stress

Set your out of office response and step away with confidence. Remember, a well-crafted message is clear, concise, and professional. It keeps connections warm even when you're not there. To actually enjoy your trip, you really have to fully unplug! 

A vacation won’t be restorative if you don’t actually unplug. 

The biggest vacation distractor is a notification with an engaging-enough subject line that pulls you down the email rabbit hole. While Moss says she physically puts her phone in a safe on vacation, you don’t need to go to the extreme to enjoy the benefits of disconnecting. 
-Alexa Mikhail, Fortune Reporter 

When you have time away for vacation or for some kind of unexpected issue, it's super important to not leave your clients or colleagues hanging. Your team's workflow shouldn't be impacted. And when you need to create and store your OOO messages, look to Magical.

Magical is a free Chrome extension that can help you craft an OOO messages using AI and automate your repetitive tasks like email responses and filling out forms. Download it here and get started saving 7 hours a week on average.

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