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How to Automate Browser Actions Chrome (7 Easy Steps)

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How many tabs do you have open on your Chrome browser? That many, huh? Don't feel bad because most of us are the same - working with 80 tabs open trying to find information for our tasks. That sums up the reason why you need to automate your Google Chrome browser actions. 

Imagine clipping the strings of those time-sucking menial jobs and watching them float away. Sounds liberating, right? Around 60% of businesses use browser automation for repetitive tasks.

Not convinced yet? Browser automation can save up to 20 hours of manual work per month for businesses. We want you to join the club of time-saving ninjas!

We'll show you a few simple step to automating your Chrome browser tasks and once you're able to automate these tasks, you'll be a far more productive and less stressed person. It's all about working smarter, not harder. 

Why Automate Browser Actions in Google Chrome?

If you've ever found yourself buried under the weight of repetitive tasks, like data entry or pulling info from web pages, then automating your browser actions can be a lifesaver. Think about it: every minute you spend on these mundane tasks is time not spent on work that really moves the needle.

Google Chrome offers extensions that streamline these tedious activities and let you focus on more complex problems. With automated workflows, those saved searches or frequent website actions are handled with robotic precision—freeing up your brain for the big-picture thinking.

So, if you need to conduct UI tests, fill out forms, or extract data on the regular, you can thank Google Chrome automation for making this a breeze! 

Boost Your Productivity with Browser Automations

Tired of manually handling routine search code queries? A good automation tool does that for you. By setting up automated tasks within your browser, suddenly there's more room in your day to tackle projects that need a human touch.

This isn't just about getting through your to-do list faster—it's about making sure each task gets done right every single time. You know how one small slip-up can send ripples throughout an entire project? Automation cuts down those risks by ensuring consistency and accuracy across all repeated processes. 

When you're juggling a million tasks, from data entry to search code reviews and keeping tabs on website analytics tools, time is your most precious resource. Google Chrome offers an ocean of browser automation tools that can be lifesavers for productivity buffs. 

But choosing the right Chrome browser automation tool depends on different factors, including your specific needs, technical skills, and the complexity of the tasks you want to automate. Here's some factors to consider:

1. What is the Purpose and Scope of Automation?

Determine what you want to automate in the Chrome browser. Simple tasks like form submissions may require basic tools, while complex workflows might need more advanced solutions.

2. What's Your Technical Skill Level? 

Assess your own or your team's technical skills. Nearly 50% of developers use JavaScript, a key language for browser automation in Chrome. If you're not familiar, however, steer clear of advanced solutions. 

Some tools require programming knowledge (e.g., Selenium), while others are more user-friendly and offer a graphical interface (e.g., Magical). If you're more advanced, you probably have the time and interest to dedicate to figuring something out. But if you want easy and instant, pick a tool like Magical. 

3. Can The Tool Integrate with Tools You're Using?

Consider whether the automation tool needs to integrate with other software or systems you use. Make sure that the tool runs well on the browser of your choice. 

4. Is It Reliable and Simple to Maintain?

Look for tools with a good track record of reliability and regular updates. Browser automation tools need to keep up with browser updates. They also shouldn't add bulk to your computer speed or block optimal performance of page loads. 

5. Does it Offer Community and Support? 

Tools with a large community and strong support can be easier to learn and troubleshoot.

6. What will it Cost?

Evaluate your budget. Some tools are open-source and free, while others require a subscription.

7. Can you Scale? 

If you plan to scale your automation, choose a tool that can handle increased workload and complexity. 

8. Is It Secure?

Ensure the tool complies with your security requirements, especially if you're dealing with sensitive data. Read reviews from past users to see if you spot any security complaints. 

9. Is It Easy to Use?

Consider how easy it is to set up and use the tool. Some tools might have a steeper learning curve but offer more flexibility and power.

10. How Does it Perform?

Evaluate the performance and speed of the tool, especially if you need to run complex or multiple automation scripts simultaneously.

Top Chrome Browser Automation Tools

1. Magical

You can use Magical to automate simple browser actions like copying and pasting, as well as moving info between tabs.

In her G2 review, Meaghan T. says: 

"Magical is an amazing application for maximizing productivity. It has automated so much of my daily tasks, such as notating accounts, templates for form emails, and shortcuts for filling in forms."

2. Selenium

Widely used for web application testing, requires programming knowledge.

 In his G2 review, user Vibhash K. says

"First of all it is open-source project that provide single interface to write scripts in so many programming language like python, java, perl, ruby, C# etc.
Second thing, it is open-source so anyone can contribute in it from all over the world.
It is used for automation testing for high-end application." 

3. Puppeteer

A Node library which provides a high-level API over the Chrome DevTools Protocol. Good for automated testing and scraping.

In a G2 review, user Satish E. says,

"Puppeteer in Lambda helped us to integrate the API to control the devtools. We have used this library to control the chrome with devtools." 

4. Katalon Studio

Offers codeless test automation, suitable for non-technical users.

In his G2 review, user Monish P. says, 

"Katalon has very small learning curv which allows manual tester to do the automation testing. Being a manger it is always difficult to manage Automation and Manula tester separatly, Katalon allows tester to become crossfunctional and work as functional and automation tester simultaniously. Katalon supports UI, API, and Mobile testing under same roof which reducese the hassle of handling differnt tools for differnt testing time. CI/CD Is another fearute(paid version) which helps to integrate your test is various cloud hosting providers in the market." 

5. UIPath

Known for its user-friendly interface and is used in robotic process automation (RPA).

Note: Before finalizing your choice, it's a good idea to try out a few tools, if possible, to see which one best fits your specific requirements.

In a G2 review, user Dileep P. says,

"UiPath is a great tool which provides variety of opportunities and tools to perform several operations which helps organizations to fulfill their Automation demand.
I started my career with UiPath and from day one I never felt any difficulties with respect to software availability and compatibility." 

The Benefits of No-Code Automation Tools

Diving into coding might not be everyone's cup of tea—and guess what? It doesn't have to be. No-code automation tools are reshaping task automation by offering drag-and-drop solutions that require zero programming language knowledge.

You get all the perks—like automating social media posts or web scraping—with none of the headaches associated with learning curves typical for testing frameworks or scripting languages. Imagine streamlining every repeatable task—from managing test suites in development environments to handling routine unit tests—all while sipping coffee instead of poring over lines of code.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Browser Automation in Chrome

Imagine you could train your web browser to carry out tasks while you focus on more creative work. That's what automating your web tasks in Google Chrome can do for you. Here's step by step list of how to set up automation in Chrome:

Note: This Step-by-Step Setup is for Selenium IDE . There are plenty of awesome browser automation tools out there. If you're not sold on Selenium IDE, check out Clickup, Puppeteer, and Cyrpress

Step 1: Install Selenium IDE

  • Open Google Chrome: Make sure you have Chrome browser open.
  • Go to Chrome Web Store: Navigate to the [Chrome Web Store](
  • Search for Selenium IDE: Type "Selenium IDE" in the search bar.
  • Add to Chrome: Click on the Selenium IDE extension from the search results and then click “Add to Chrome” to install it.

Step 2: Launch Selenium IDE

  • Access Extensions: Click on the Extensions icon (a puzzle piece) in the upper right corner of Chrome.
  • Open Selenium IDE: Find Selenium IDE in your list of extensions and click on it to open.

Step 3: Record a Test

  • Start a New Project: When you first open Selenium IDE, you'll be prompted to create a new project. Give it a name.
  • Start Recording: Click on the “Record a new test in a new project” option.
  • Interact with Chrome: Perform the actions in the browser that you want to automate. Selenium IDE will record your clicks, typing, and other interactions.
  • Stop Recording: Once you're done, go back to the Selenium IDE window and click the “Stop” button (red square).

Step 4: Edit Your Test (Optional)

  • Review Actions: You can see a list of actions you recorded in the Selenium IDE window.
  • Edit Actions: If needed, you can edit or delete actions, or add new ones manually.

Step 5: Save Your Test

Save Your Test: Give your test a name and save it within your project.

Step 6: Play Back Your Test

  • Run the Test: To see if your test works as expected, click the “Run” button (play icon) in Selenium IDE.
  • Observe Execution: Watch as Chrome automatically performs all the actions you recorded.

Step 7: Export or Share Your Test (Optional)

  • Export Test: If you want to share your test or run it outside of Selenium IDE, you can export it in various formats.
  • Share: You can share the test with others who can import it into their Selenium IDE.

Bonus Tips:

  • Test Regularly: Browser updates might affect your automated tests, so it's good to run them regularly to ensure they still work as expected.
  • Explore Advanced Features: As you get more comfortable, explore Selenium IDE's more advanced features like loops, conditionals, and variable usage for dynamic testing scenarios.

No-code tools like Selenium IDE are excellent for users who want to automate browser tasks without diving into coding. They're particularly useful for testing web applications, automating repetitive tasks, and learning the basics of browser automation.

Automating Your Chrome Browser Tasks is Easier Than You Think

When you automate your Chrome browser tasks, you're setting yourself free to enjoy all the things automation brings you: higher productivity, streamlining repetitive tasks, and giving yourself the ability to navigate Chrome easier than ever. 

Getting our work done is all about working smarter, not harder. And automation is definitely the way to get there. For more on automating all your repetitive tasks, check out our other blogs here and check out Magical.

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