
Boost Your Workflow with Shorthand Typing Techniques

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Some of you may be old enough to remember when taking shorthand typing was required in school (not trying to give away anyone's age here 😬). But you would be surprised to know that shorthand typing is still as useful today as it ever was.

The average person types at a speed of 40 words per minute and professional typists can reach speeds of 75-80 words per minute.

But what if you want to get even faster? Using shorthand techniques can increase typing speed by up to 30%.

Already dreaming of how much time you'll save with shorthand? In this article, you'll learn about how shorthand typing fits into today's work tasks and the latest and best tools to use. We'll also take a look at the role AI is having in this task to make things even simpler.

What Is The Modern Method of Shorthand Typing?

The ability to communicate quickly and efficiently is more important than ever. Whether you're a customer support representative, a salesperson, or someone working remotely in tech or an office job, mastering modern methods of shorthand typing can significantly boost your productivity. Now you don't have to learn the old ways of doing shorthand.

Embracing AI for Faster Typing

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into text expansion tools and keyboard shortcuts has revolutionized how we approach shorthand typing. These technologies allow us to create custom abbreviations that automatically expand into full phrases or sentences—saving precious time during communication. 

For example, instead of typing "As per our conversation," one could simply type "apoc" and have it instantly expanded by their chosen software tool--like Magical. 

Using Text Expansion Tools

Text expansion tools are at the forefront of modern shorthand typing techniques. By setting up personalized shortcuts for commonly used phrases, email responses, code snippets, or even complex data entries, these tools drastically reduce repetitive typing efforts. They not only enhance speed but also ensure accuracy—a critical factor in maintaining professionalism in written communications.

  • Increased Efficiency: Automating routine phrases with text expansion tools minimizes keystrokes required per task.
  • Better Time Management: Saving seconds on each typed response adds up over time; freeing hours that can be better spent on other tasks.
  • Error Reduction: Predefined expansions lower the risk of typographical errors common in manual typings such as misspellings or incorrect information inputs.

How Can You Learn Shorthand Now?

Learning shorthand typing is a valuable skill for note-taking, transcription, and lots of professional tasks. When you sit back and think about all the things we type every day, you'll see the need to know shorthand typing techniques. Today, you have access to a range of resources and methods to learn shorthand typing, including:

1. Online Courses and Tutorials

Dedicated Platforms: Websites like Udemy, Coursera, and Skillshare offer courses in shorthand typing, including specific systems like Gregg or Teeline for those interested in traditional shorthand, and modern adaptations for faster keyboard typing.

YouTube: A wealth of free tutorials and step-by-step guides for learning shorthand typing can be found on YouTube.

2. Software and Apps

Typing Practice Software: Tools like Keybr, TypingClub, and 10FastFingers help improve your typing speed and accuracy, essential components of shorthand typing.

Shorthand Typing Software: Some software is designed specifically for shorthand typing on computers, such as shorthand typing programs that use abbreviations or shortcuts to speed up typing.

3. Books and Manuals

Traditional shorthand systems have comprehensive guides and textbooks that can be used for self-study. Books on Gregg Shorthand, Pitman Shorthand, or Teeline Shorthand offer in-depth instruction and practice exercises.

4. Practice Systems Like Stenography

Stenotype Machines: Learning to use a stenotype machine, a specialized chorded keyboard used by professional court reporters, is another form of shorthand typing. There are courses and vocational schools that offer training in stenography.

Plover: An open-source software that emulates a stenotype machine on your computer, allowing you to practice stenography with a regular keyboard or a compatible chorded keyboard.

5. Joining Community Groups and Forums

Online forums and community groups can provide support, tips, and resources for learning shorthand typing. Platforms like Reddit have communities dedicated to shorthand, typing, and stenography.

6. Practice with Real-World Applications

Regular practice by taking notes during lectures, transcribing audio recordings, or even during everyday computer use can improve shorthand typing skills. Try using shorthand systems for personal note-taking or in work settings where appropriate.

7. Personalized Shorthand Systems

Some find it effective to develop their own system of abbreviations and shortcuts for words and phrases commonly used in their field of work or study. This personalized approach can complement formal shorthand systems and improve typing efficiency.

When choosing a method or combination of methods to learn shorthand typing, consider your learning style, the specific applications you intend to use shorthand for, and the amount of time you can dedicate to practice. Regular practice and gradual progression are key to mastering shorthand typing.

The Importance of Regular Practice

To boost your productivity and get faster at shorthand typing, practice is non-negotiable. Think about it: average beginners hit speeds between 60-80 words per minute, but regular drills can significantly push this number up. 

Why? Because muscle memory plays a huge role in typing efficiency. Just like learning to ride a bike or play an instrument, the more you do it, the better you become without even thinking about it.

This is where online platforms come into play. Sites like offer free resources that let you hone your skills at your own pace. If you're keen on making your learning journey more engaging, Steno Arcade ups the ante by transforming mundane dictation drills into captivating gaming sessions.

Incorporating shorthand software into your everyday activities can gradually boost both your typing swiftness and precision. Tools such as Magical allow for quick insertion of long pieces of text using simple abbreviations – mimicking the essence of shorthand on digital devices.

Tapping Into Muscle Memory

Focusing on building muscle memory through repetition will not only help increase your typing speed but also improve accuracy - crucial for effective communication whether in personal or professional settings. By regularly engaging in practice that's both challenging and attuned to your growing skills, introducing harder tasks as you get better, the trick is to unlock gradual but significant enhancements in capability.

Transitioning from a basic to an advanced typing level might seem challenging. But with disciplined practice that builds muscle memory through repetition and the use of specialized technology aimed at improving typing speed, significant progress can be achieved in months instead of years.

When it comes to shorthand typing, finding the right tools can make all the difference. In this era of technology, shorthand has evolved beyond mere quickness to embrace efficiency and flexibility over diverse digital landscapes.

Transcription Software

Transcription software has become a cornerstone for those looking to boost their shorthand typing capabilities. For example, with Magical, you can whip up your own shortcuts for often-typed phrases, significantly slashing the number of keys you hit and shaving off valuable minutes.

In fields such as journalism or healthcare, where swift documentation is paramount, this software proves to be exceedingly beneficial. Transcription gadgets significantly ease the burden on our fingers and ensure uniformity in our messages, proving themselves to be indispensable.

Adapting with Text Expanders

Moving beyond basic transcription software, text expanders take efficiency up a notch. By utilizing these tools, you're able to effortlessly input extensive segments of text or programming code with just a few keystrokes or easy-to-remember trigger words. Imagine effortlessly communicating in code, bypassing the grind of mastering intricate guidelines or deciphering cryptic icons.

The beauty of these applications lies in their versatility; they can be used across email clients, word processors, coding environments—virtually anywhere you find yourself typing regularly.


If you're intrigued by stenography (the fastest form of handwriting) but think it's outdated, you'll want to explore Plover. Plover, an open-source initiative, seamlessly melds the old-world charm of court stenography with today's digital era's tech-savviness. 

Embracing this cutting-edge strategy, people can achieve typing speeds surpassing 200 words per minute, a feat unattainable with standard techniques. 

Using Magical as a Text Expander

Magical is a free Chrome extension that helps you store your most repetitive typing tasks and call them up with a click. You can store templates and call them up simply by typing "//" and voila. You're saving 7 hours a week. 

As Susan puts it in a G2 review: 

Awesome shortcuts for an automatic reply, a helpful tool to use during pressured times with huge workload. A valuable system to utilize most of the time. I might depend on my life to Magical.

What Are Some Benefits of Using Shorthand Typing in Your Workflow?

Imagine slashing the time you spend writing emails or drafting reports to a couple of minutes instead of hours? Yet, it's not solely the rapidity that matters; adopting this technique could markedly lessen the bodily discomfort associated with extended keyboard use. Here are four benefits to using shorthand typing:

Increased Typing Speed and Productivity

Shorthand typing enables you to type faster by reducing the number of keystrokes required for common words and phrases. This acceleration in typing speed means that you can produce documents, take notes, and communicate via email or chat more quickly. 

For professionals whose work involves a lot of typing, such as writers, journalists, and secretaries, this can lead to a substantial boost in productivity, allowing them to accomplish more in less time.

It’s convenient – think about how hard it would be to get an accurate recording of someone speaking at their natural pace using longhand. It’s virtually impossible. Plus, if you need to go back through your notes, you will find going through your shorthand notes a lot quicker than going through a digital recorder to what you need.
-Seb Anthony 

Improved Note-taking Efficiency

Shorthand typing is particularly beneficial for effective note-taking during meetings, lectures, or interviews. It allows you to capture information much more quickly and accurately than traditional typing or longhand writing. This ensures that important details are not missed and can be especially useful for students, researchers, and professionals who rely on detailed notes for their work.

Enhanced Multitasking Capabilities

With the ability to type faster and more efficiently, shorthand typing allows for better multitasking. You can take comprehensive notes or draft responses without losing focus on the ongoing conversation or presentation. This skill is invaluable in fast-paced environments where attention to detail and the ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously are crucial.

You become a better listener when you speed up and "translate" the words you're hearing into shorthand, too. 

Reduced Physical Strain

Shorthand typing can also contribute to reducing the physical strain associated with prolonged typing. By decreasing the number of keystrokes needed, there is less movement required from your fingers and hands, potentially lowering the risk of repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) such as carpal tunnel syndrome. 

This benefit is particularly important for individuals who spend a significant portion of their day typing and are looking for ways to maintain their health and well-being.

Overall, incorporating shorthand typing into your workflow not only boosts efficiency and productivity but also enhances your ability to capture information accurately and reduces the physical strain of typing. These advantages make it a valuable skill for a wide range of professions and contexts.

FAQ's About Shorthand Typing

Can shorthand typing be used on a standard keyboard?

Yes, shorthand typing can be adapted for use on a standard QWERTY keyboard. There are software programs and typing methods that allow users to create abbreviations or use existing ones to type faster.

Is shorthand typing still relevant in the digital age?

Absolutely. Despite advancements in voice recognition and other technologies, shorthand typing remains relevant for scenarios where typing speed and accuracy are crucial, such as live note-taking, transcription, and in professions like journalism and court reporting.

How long does it take to learn shorthand typing?

The time it takes to learn shorthand typing varies based on the system you choose, your current typing speed, and how much time you dedicate to practice. On average, basic proficiency can be achieved within a few weeks to months, but mastering the skill to reach very high typing speeds may take longer.

What are the most popular shorthand typing systems?

Popular shorthand typing systems include Gregg Shorthand, Pitman Shorthand, and Teeline Shorthand for traditional pen-and-paper shorthand. For keyboard-based shorthand, systems like Speedwriting and the Personal Shorthand System (PS) are common. Stenography, used with stenotype machines, is also a form of shorthand typing. You can also use the free Magical Chrome extension to save on repetitive typing.

Can shorthand typing help prevent repetitive strain injuries (RSIs)?

Shorthand typing can potentially reduce the risk of RSIs by minimizing the number of keystrokes required to type. However, ergonomic practices and regular breaks are also important in preventing RSIs.

Are there any free resources to learn shorthand typing?

Yes, there are free resources available online, including tutorials on YouTube, free courses on platforms like Coursera (which may offer free auditing options), and community forums where enthusiasts share tips and resources. Open-source software like Plover offers a way to practice stenography on a regular keyboard at no cost.

How can I practice and improve my shorthand typing skills?

Practice is key to improving shorthand typing skills. Regularly practicing with typing software, transcribing audio recordings, and using your shorthand typing skills in everyday tasks can help increase speed and accuracy. Joining online communities or forums can also provide support and additional resources for practice.

A Final Word

Learning how to do shorthand typing is more than about saving time. It's about saving our hands. For those of you (like me) who have suffered from typing-related injuries, anything you can do to save your hands makes all the difference. 

Magical is the best shorthand typing tool. It's simple to use, requires no set-up, and you can save 7 hours a week average with your typing tasks. Download it today and see for yourself.

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Boost Your Workflow with Shorthand Typing Techniques

Some of you may be old enough to remember when taking shorthand typing was required in school (not trying to give away anyone's age here 😬). But you would be surprised to know that shorthand typing is still as useful today as it ever was.

The average person types at a speed of 40 words per minute and professional typists can reach speeds of 75-80 words per minute.

But what if you want to get even faster? Using shorthand techniques can increase typing speed by up to 30%.

Already dreaming of how much time you'll save with shorthand? In this article, you'll learn about how shorthand typing fits into today's work tasks and the latest and best tools to use. We'll also take a look at the role AI is having in this task to make things even simpler.

What Is The Modern Method of Shorthand Typing?

The ability to communicate quickly and efficiently is more important than ever. Whether you're a customer support representative, a salesperson, or someone working remotely in tech or an office job, mastering modern methods of shorthand typing can significantly boost your productivity. Now you don't have to learn the old ways of doing shorthand.

Embracing AI for Faster Typing

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into text expansion tools and keyboard shortcuts has revolutionized how we approach shorthand typing. These technologies allow us to create custom abbreviations that automatically expand into full phrases or sentences—saving precious time during communication. 

For example, instead of typing "As per our conversation," one could simply type "apoc" and have it instantly expanded by their chosen software tool--like Magical. 

Using Text Expansion Tools

Text expansion tools are at the forefront of modern shorthand typing techniques. By setting up personalized shortcuts for commonly used phrases, email responses, code snippets, or even complex data entries, these tools drastically reduce repetitive typing efforts. They not only enhance speed but also ensure accuracy—a critical factor in maintaining professionalism in written communications.

  • Increased Efficiency: Automating routine phrases with text expansion tools minimizes keystrokes required per task.
  • Better Time Management: Saving seconds on each typed response adds up over time; freeing hours that can be better spent on other tasks.
  • Error Reduction: Predefined expansions lower the risk of typographical errors common in manual typings such as misspellings or incorrect information inputs.

How Can You Learn Shorthand Now?

Learning shorthand typing is a valuable skill for note-taking, transcription, and lots of professional tasks. When you sit back and think about all the things we type every day, you'll see the need to know shorthand typing techniques. Today, you have access to a range of resources and methods to learn shorthand typing, including:

1. Online Courses and Tutorials

Dedicated Platforms: Websites like Udemy, Coursera, and Skillshare offer courses in shorthand typing, including specific systems like Gregg or Teeline for those interested in traditional shorthand, and modern adaptations for faster keyboard typing.

YouTube: A wealth of free tutorials and step-by-step guides for learning shorthand typing can be found on YouTube.

2. Software and Apps

Typing Practice Software: Tools like Keybr, TypingClub, and 10FastFingers help improve your typing speed and accuracy, essential components of shorthand typing.

Shorthand Typing Software: Some software is designed specifically for shorthand typing on computers, such as shorthand typing programs that use abbreviations or shortcuts to speed up typing.

3. Books and Manuals

Traditional shorthand systems have comprehensive guides and textbooks that can be used for self-study. Books on Gregg Shorthand, Pitman Shorthand, or Teeline Shorthand offer in-depth instruction and practice exercises.

4. Practice Systems Like Stenography

Stenotype Machines: Learning to use a stenotype machine, a specialized chorded keyboard used by professional court reporters, is another form of shorthand typing. There are courses and vocational schools that offer training in stenography.

Plover: An open-source software that emulates a stenotype machine on your computer, allowing you to practice stenography with a regular keyboard or a compatible chorded keyboard.

5. Joining Community Groups and Forums

Online forums and community groups can provide support, tips, and resources for learning shorthand typing. Platforms like Reddit have communities dedicated to shorthand, typing, and stenography.

6. Practice with Real-World Applications

Regular practice by taking notes during lectures, transcribing audio recordings, or even during everyday computer use can improve shorthand typing skills. Try using shorthand systems for personal note-taking or in work settings where appropriate.

7. Personalized Shorthand Systems

Some find it effective to develop their own system of abbreviations and shortcuts for words and phrases commonly used in their field of work or study. This personalized approach can complement formal shorthand systems and improve typing efficiency.

When choosing a method or combination of methods to learn shorthand typing, consider your learning style, the specific applications you intend to use shorthand for, and the amount of time you can dedicate to practice. Regular practice and gradual progression are key to mastering shorthand typing.

The Importance of Regular Practice

To boost your productivity and get faster at shorthand typing, practice is non-negotiable. Think about it: average beginners hit speeds between 60-80 words per minute, but regular drills can significantly push this number up. 

Why? Because muscle memory plays a huge role in typing efficiency. Just like learning to ride a bike or play an instrument, the more you do it, the better you become without even thinking about it.

This is where online platforms come into play. Sites like offer free resources that let you hone your skills at your own pace. If you're keen on making your learning journey more engaging, Steno Arcade ups the ante by transforming mundane dictation drills into captivating gaming sessions.

Incorporating shorthand software into your everyday activities can gradually boost both your typing swiftness and precision. Tools such as Magical allow for quick insertion of long pieces of text using simple abbreviations – mimicking the essence of shorthand on digital devices.

Tapping Into Muscle Memory

Focusing on building muscle memory through repetition will not only help increase your typing speed but also improve accuracy - crucial for effective communication whether in personal or professional settings. By regularly engaging in practice that's both challenging and attuned to your growing skills, introducing harder tasks as you get better, the trick is to unlock gradual but significant enhancements in capability.

Transitioning from a basic to an advanced typing level might seem challenging. But with disciplined practice that builds muscle memory through repetition and the use of specialized technology aimed at improving typing speed, significant progress can be achieved in months instead of years.

When it comes to shorthand typing, finding the right tools can make all the difference. In this era of technology, shorthand has evolved beyond mere quickness to embrace efficiency and flexibility over diverse digital landscapes.

Transcription Software

Transcription software has become a cornerstone for those looking to boost their shorthand typing capabilities. For example, with Magical, you can whip up your own shortcuts for often-typed phrases, significantly slashing the number of keys you hit and shaving off valuable minutes.

In fields such as journalism or healthcare, where swift documentation is paramount, this software proves to be exceedingly beneficial. Transcription gadgets significantly ease the burden on our fingers and ensure uniformity in our messages, proving themselves to be indispensable.

Adapting with Text Expanders

Moving beyond basic transcription software, text expanders take efficiency up a notch. By utilizing these tools, you're able to effortlessly input extensive segments of text or programming code with just a few keystrokes or easy-to-remember trigger words. Imagine effortlessly communicating in code, bypassing the grind of mastering intricate guidelines or deciphering cryptic icons.

The beauty of these applications lies in their versatility; they can be used across email clients, word processors, coding environments—virtually anywhere you find yourself typing regularly.


If you're intrigued by stenography (the fastest form of handwriting) but think it's outdated, you'll want to explore Plover. Plover, an open-source initiative, seamlessly melds the old-world charm of court stenography with today's digital era's tech-savviness. 

Embracing this cutting-edge strategy, people can achieve typing speeds surpassing 200 words per minute, a feat unattainable with standard techniques. 

Using Magical as a Text Expander

Magical is a free Chrome extension that helps you store your most repetitive typing tasks and call them up with a click. You can store templates and call them up simply by typing "//" and voila. You're saving 7 hours a week. 

As Susan puts it in a G2 review: 

Awesome shortcuts for an automatic reply, a helpful tool to use during pressured times with huge workload. A valuable system to utilize most of the time. I might depend on my life to Magical.

What Are Some Benefits of Using Shorthand Typing in Your Workflow?

Imagine slashing the time you spend writing emails or drafting reports to a couple of minutes instead of hours? Yet, it's not solely the rapidity that matters; adopting this technique could markedly lessen the bodily discomfort associated with extended keyboard use. Here are four benefits to using shorthand typing:

Increased Typing Speed and Productivity

Shorthand typing enables you to type faster by reducing the number of keystrokes required for common words and phrases. This acceleration in typing speed means that you can produce documents, take notes, and communicate via email or chat more quickly. 

For professionals whose work involves a lot of typing, such as writers, journalists, and secretaries, this can lead to a substantial boost in productivity, allowing them to accomplish more in less time.

It’s convenient – think about how hard it would be to get an accurate recording of someone speaking at their natural pace using longhand. It’s virtually impossible. Plus, if you need to go back through your notes, you will find going through your shorthand notes a lot quicker than going through a digital recorder to what you need.
-Seb Anthony 

Improved Note-taking Efficiency

Shorthand typing is particularly beneficial for effective note-taking during meetings, lectures, or interviews. It allows you to capture information much more quickly and accurately than traditional typing or longhand writing. This ensures that important details are not missed and can be especially useful for students, researchers, and professionals who rely on detailed notes for their work.

Enhanced Multitasking Capabilities

With the ability to type faster and more efficiently, shorthand typing allows for better multitasking. You can take comprehensive notes or draft responses without losing focus on the ongoing conversation or presentation. This skill is invaluable in fast-paced environments where attention to detail and the ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously are crucial.

You become a better listener when you speed up and "translate" the words you're hearing into shorthand, too. 

Reduced Physical Strain

Shorthand typing can also contribute to reducing the physical strain associated with prolonged typing. By decreasing the number of keystrokes needed, there is less movement required from your fingers and hands, potentially lowering the risk of repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) such as carpal tunnel syndrome. 

This benefit is particularly important for individuals who spend a significant portion of their day typing and are looking for ways to maintain their health and well-being.

Overall, incorporating shorthand typing into your workflow not only boosts efficiency and productivity but also enhances your ability to capture information accurately and reduces the physical strain of typing. These advantages make it a valuable skill for a wide range of professions and contexts.

FAQ's About Shorthand Typing

Can shorthand typing be used on a standard keyboard?

Yes, shorthand typing can be adapted for use on a standard QWERTY keyboard. There are software programs and typing methods that allow users to create abbreviations or use existing ones to type faster.

Is shorthand typing still relevant in the digital age?

Absolutely. Despite advancements in voice recognition and other technologies, shorthand typing remains relevant for scenarios where typing speed and accuracy are crucial, such as live note-taking, transcription, and in professions like journalism and court reporting.

How long does it take to learn shorthand typing?

The time it takes to learn shorthand typing varies based on the system you choose, your current typing speed, and how much time you dedicate to practice. On average, basic proficiency can be achieved within a few weeks to months, but mastering the skill to reach very high typing speeds may take longer.

What are the most popular shorthand typing systems?

Popular shorthand typing systems include Gregg Shorthand, Pitman Shorthand, and Teeline Shorthand for traditional pen-and-paper shorthand. For keyboard-based shorthand, systems like Speedwriting and the Personal Shorthand System (PS) are common. Stenography, used with stenotype machines, is also a form of shorthand typing. You can also use the free Magical Chrome extension to save on repetitive typing.

Can shorthand typing help prevent repetitive strain injuries (RSIs)?

Shorthand typing can potentially reduce the risk of RSIs by minimizing the number of keystrokes required to type. However, ergonomic practices and regular breaks are also important in preventing RSIs.

Are there any free resources to learn shorthand typing?

Yes, there are free resources available online, including tutorials on YouTube, free courses on platforms like Coursera (which may offer free auditing options), and community forums where enthusiasts share tips and resources. Open-source software like Plover offers a way to practice stenography on a regular keyboard at no cost.

How can I practice and improve my shorthand typing skills?

Practice is key to improving shorthand typing skills. Regularly practicing with typing software, transcribing audio recordings, and using your shorthand typing skills in everyday tasks can help increase speed and accuracy. Joining online communities or forums can also provide support and additional resources for practice.

A Final Word

Learning how to do shorthand typing is more than about saving time. It's about saving our hands. For those of you (like me) who have suffered from typing-related injuries, anything you can do to save your hands makes all the difference. 

Magical is the best shorthand typing tool. It's simple to use, requires no set-up, and you can save 7 hours a week average with your typing tasks. Download it today and see for yourself.

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