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Harpaul Sambhi

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Tagging, Sharing, Rich Text Editor...and more 💥

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We've rolled out our latest release to enable you to better organize your Shortcuts, share your Shortcuts with your colleagues, apply rich text editing directly into Shortcuts and so much more! Read on below👇🏼

Tag your Shortcuts

Tags allow you to categorize your shortcuts into custom groupings, similar to folders. You can have more than 1 Tag per shortcut - for example, you could tag a shortcut by use case ("billing responses") as well as for a function ("support"). You can filter your shortcuts by Tag to quickly find them. You can also send shortcuts to colleagues by Tag making it easy for you and them to get productive on the shortcuts that matter most. Learn about Tags here.

Rich Text Editor

It's a bold, but welcome move. You can now apply rich text formatting to your shortcuts within the Magical app. Just create or edit your shortcut and click on the formatting button to get started or simply copy your text from the apps you already use like Gmail, Zendesk, Salesforce.

Share Shortcuts

Want to share your shortcuts with your colleagues in just a few clicks? Now you can! Select exactly which shortcuts you want to share, or better yet, share your shortcuts by Tag ☝🏼 to make it even easier to send exactly what you want. No more managing shortcuts in a document or wiki. Learn about  Sharing shortcuts here.

Log Out

For users who share computers, we've added a log out option to ensure your shortcuts are intact, while allowing you to share devices.

Time Saved

We've introduced a fun way to understand exactly how much time you've saved using Magical. Check out the side panel in the Magical app for some ideas on what to do with all the extra time you've saved.

Clip and Date macros

You can now add the Clip and/or Date macro directly into your shortcut from the shortcut text editor. No more fumbling around to remember exactly how to add it in.

Onboarding Tutorial

Magical has introduced a 1 minute hands-on tutorial that will quickly get you or your colleagues/friends up-to-speed on the app so you can save hours. If you're an existing user and want to try it out, click here.

Help Center

A new modern help center with articles that will be added daily. Use the help center to troubleshoot any potential problems. Check it out here.

Table of contents

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