
9+ Notion Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts for Beginners

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Picture this: a tool that can replace a bunch of other apps you've been juggling. A tool that seamlessly merges your to-do lists, notes, wikis, and databases. A tool as flexible as a gymnast, ready to cater to your needs, whether you're a student drowning in assignments, a project manager trying to keep your head above water, or a writer trying to keep your ideas from evaporating. That's Notion in a nutshell.

But because Notion is so endlessly customizable, it can be hard for a new user to fully grasp the best way to use it. That's why we put together this guide—a crash course in the top tips, tricks, and shortcuts you can use to navigate your Notion like a pro. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned user, there's always a new trick to learn, a hidden feature to uncover, or a clever hack to make your Notion experience even sweeter.

Why We <3 Notion


In a world that's constantly changing, Notion's flexibility is like a breath of fresh air. It’s like a Swiss Army Knife, loaded with a plethora of tools that you can use to craft your workspace to your liking. From managing personal to-do lists to overseeing complex projects, the platform adapts effortlessly to meet your needs. Just like you've learned to juggle different tasks in your work life, Notion is designed to morph and adapt to your ever-changing needs.


Work isn't a one-man show anymore, and Notion gets that. Its collaboration features make it an ideal tool for team projects. Think of a slack tips tricks shortcuts experience but with the all-in-one convenience of Notion. You can share pages with your teammates, delegate tasks, and leave comments. The platform fosters real-time collaboration, making it easier for you and your team to work together and keep each other in the loop.


If you've ever felt like you're drowning in a sea of apps, emails, and documents, then Notion's organization features will be your life raft. Notion's intuitive interface allows you to create a centralized hub for all your work. It’s like having a personal assistant, like google calendar shortcuts tips tricks, to keep your life in order. With Notion, you can create databases, calendars, and kanban boards all in one place. It's your digital command center, designed to keep your thoughts and tasks organized and within reach.

In a nutshell, whether you're a lone wolf freelancer juggling multiple clients or part of a bustling team, Notion's flexibility, collaboration, and organization features make it a must-have addition to your productivity toolkit. Stick around as we delve deeper into Notion's tips, tricks, and shortcuts to help you squeeze every last drop of productivity out of this versatile platform.

Notion Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts

Welcome to the world of Notion, a versatile platform teeming with potential to revolutionize your productivity. Let's uncover some handy tips and tricks to help you navigate this digital workspace like a pro.

1. Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are like your secret superpower in the race against the clock. With a few simple keystrokes, you can perform tasks that would normally take several clicks. For example, hitting Ctrl + N will whip up a new page, while Ctrl + Shift + H will whisk you back to the home screen. By harnessing the power of these shortcuts, you can fast-track your workflow and become a Notion ninja in no time. Just as with mastering excel tips tricks shortcuts, the key here is practice.

What's great about Notion is that it also has "slash commands" which are much easier to learn. Simply type a "/" key on any Notion page, and you'll pull open a contextual menu with plenty of shortcut options:

2. Using Templates

Why reinvent the wheel when you can use templates? Notion's vast library of templates can jump-start your projects, whether you're plotting a marketing campaign or organizing a research project. Each template is fully customizable, letting you tweak the design and functionality to suit your unique needs.

3. Creating a Custom or Private Workspace

One of Notion's greatest strengths is its flexibility. You can create your own custom workspace from scratch, tailoring it to your specific needs. Whether you need a personal dashboard to keep tabs on your daily tasks, a project management tool for your team, or a comprehensive database for your research, Notion has got your back.

4. Utilizing Databases

Databases are the backbone of any structured data system, and Notion is no exception. From simple tables and Kanban boards to complex relational databases, Notion offers a wide array of options to help you manage your data effectively. Mastering databases in Notion is akin to becoming proficient in google sheets tips tricks shortcuts - it can significantly boost your productivity and efficiency.

5. Mastering the Toggle Feature

The toggle feature, also known as collapsible lists, is a game-changer when it comes to organizing and presenting information. With this feature, you can keep your pages clean and uncluttered, hiding details under relevant headings and revealing them only when necessary. This feature is especially useful for managing large amounts of data, making it easier to navigate and digest.

In conclusion, the journey to mastering Notion is paved with a myriad of tips, tricks, and shortcuts. By taking the time to familiarize yourself with these tools, you can unlock the full potential of this all-encompassing workspace. So, why wait? Start exploring Notion today, and watch as your productivity skyrockets.

Advanced Notion Hacks

As you get cozy with the basic features of Notion, it's time to venture into some advanced hacks that can make your Notion experience even more seamless and productive. Whether it's automating tasks, integrating with other apps, or customizing the workspace, there are countless ways to amp up your workflow.

6. Automating Tasks with Notion

Ever wished you could make Notion work for you while you catch some Z's? Well, you can! With Notion's powerful API, you can automate a slew of tasks. From simple functions like automatic page creation to complex processes like managing project workflows, automation can save you hours of manual effort.

If you're fluent in JavaScript, you could leverage Notion's API to create custom automations. However, for those less code-savvy, tools like Zapier and can integrate Notion with hundreds of other apps, allowing you to automate tasks without writing a single line of code.

For example, you could set up an automation to create a new task in Notion whenever you receive an important email in Gmail. In this way, Notion becomes your personal assistant, keeping track of responsibilities so you can focus on what's important.

7. Integrating Notion with Other Apps

One of the strengths of Notion is its ability to play nicely with your other favorite productivity tools. This interoperability can supercharge your productivity.

For instance, you can integrate Notion with Google Calendar, which can be a game-changer for managing your schedule. By linking the two, you can automatically update your Notion task list based on your calendar events. You can also integrate Notion with apps like Slack, Trello, or even Github, allowing you to pull in information, send updates, or create tasks directly from your other platforms.

For more on how to maximize productivity through integration, refer to these gmail tips tricks shortcuts and trello tips tricks shortcuts.

8. Using Notion Offline

Did you know that you can use Notion even when you're off the grid? Yes, indeed! The offline mode in Notion enables you to access and edit your notes, tasks, and documents without an internet connection.

When you reconnect to the internet, Notion will automatically sync your offline edits with the cloud. This feature is particularly handy when you're traveling or in areas with spotty internet connection.

9. Customizing Notion's Appearance

One of the most enjoyable aspects of Notion is the ability to make it truly your own. From changing the background color to adding personalized icons and covers, you can customize the appearance of your Notion workspace to match your style and mood.

For example, you can use the :emoji: command to add an emoji to your page title, or use the /cover command to add a stunning cover image to your page. You can also use the /columns command to create multiple columns on your page for better organization.

Remember, a personalized workspace isn't just about aesthetics - it can also enhance your productivity by creating a more enjoyable and tailored user experience.

So, there you have it! Try these advanced Notion hacks and elevate your productivity game to a whole new level. As always, keep exploring, keep learning, and keep making Notion work for you!

Common Notion Problems and Fixes

Despite its vast array of capabilities, Notion isn't without its share of quirks. Even the most seasoned of users can encounter obstacles that disrupt their workflow. However, don't let the occasional hiccup dissuade you from harnessing the full potential of this all-in-one workspace. Let's dive in and tackle some of the most common issues and how to address them.

Slow Loading Times

Have you ever found yourself drumming your fingers on the desk, waiting for Notion to load? Don't worry, you're not alone. This issue can occur due to a multitude of reasons, such as heavy pages with numerous blocks or even unstable internet connections. Here are a few solutions:

  • Trim Down Pages: Consider breaking your content into sub-pages to reduce the load on a single page.
  • Check Your Connection: Ensure you're connected to a stable internet source. If your Wi-Fi is spotty, consider switching to a wired connection.
  • Clear Cache: Sometimes, cached data can slow down loading times. Clear your cache regularly to keep things running smoothly.

Syncing Issues

There's nothing more frustrating than making a change on one device and then not seeing it reflected on another. Syncing issues can stem from a weak internet connection or simply a delay in Notion's servers. Here's what you can do:

  • Refresh Your Page: Sometimes, a simple refresh can solve the problem.
  • Check Your Internet Connectivity: Similar to slow loading times, make sure you have a stable internet connection.
  • Log Out and Back In: If refreshing doesn't work, try logging out and back into your account. This can force a sync between your devices.

Formatting Problems

Sometimes, your text just doesn't look right, or your blocks aren't behaving as they should. Formatting problems can be a nuisance, but they're easy to fix:

  • Use Markdown: Notion supports markdown, a handy tool that can help you format text quickly.
  • Check Your Blocks: Ensure that your blocks are set up correctly. Remember that blocks can be nested, and the parent block can affect the child blocks' behavior.
  • Clear Formatting: If all else fails, the clear formatting function can help reset any misbehaving text or blocks.

These are just a few of the many issues you may face while using Notion. Nonetheless, with a little patience and the right knowledge, you can overcome them with ease. Keep in mind that the Notion team is continuously working to improve the platform's functionality and user experience.

In the end, don't let these minor setbacks deter you from exploring and exploiting the vast capabilities of Notion. Remember, the more you use it, the more proficient you will become. Stay curious, keep exploring, and before you know it, you'll be a Notion pro, smoothly navigating around any hitches you encounter.

For more tips, tricks, and shortcuts, you might find our Trello tips tricks shortcuts and Evernote shortcuts tips tricks articles helpful in creating a more streamlined digital workspace. Happy Notion-ing!

Make Notion better with Magical

Like any tool, Notion becomes more useful the more you understand it. Don't let initial hurdles deter you from harnessing the full power of this versatile workspace. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day. Embrace the process, and soon enough, you'll be navigating Notion like a pro, achieving peak productivity with ease.

If you want to save even more time with Notion, make sure to download the free Magical Chrome extension. With Magical, you'll be able to automate repetitive tasks, save message templates you can call up anywhere (yep, even on Notion), and automatically fill out forms or spreadsheets by pulling information over from your open tabs. (No more copy and paste!) Give it a try today to discover how you can save an average of seven hours a week.

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9+ Notion Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts for Beginners

Picture this: a tool that can replace a bunch of other apps you've been juggling. A tool that seamlessly merges your to-do lists, notes, wikis, and databases. A tool as flexible as a gymnast, ready to cater to your needs, whether you're a student drowning in assignments, a project manager trying to keep your head above water, or a writer trying to keep your ideas from evaporating. That's Notion in a nutshell.

But because Notion is so endlessly customizable, it can be hard for a new user to fully grasp the best way to use it. That's why we put together this guide—a crash course in the top tips, tricks, and shortcuts you can use to navigate your Notion like a pro. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned user, there's always a new trick to learn, a hidden feature to uncover, or a clever hack to make your Notion experience even sweeter.

Why We <3 Notion


In a world that's constantly changing, Notion's flexibility is like a breath of fresh air. It’s like a Swiss Army Knife, loaded with a plethora of tools that you can use to craft your workspace to your liking. From managing personal to-do lists to overseeing complex projects, the platform adapts effortlessly to meet your needs. Just like you've learned to juggle different tasks in your work life, Notion is designed to morph and adapt to your ever-changing needs.


Work isn't a one-man show anymore, and Notion gets that. Its collaboration features make it an ideal tool for team projects. Think of a slack tips tricks shortcuts experience but with the all-in-one convenience of Notion. You can share pages with your teammates, delegate tasks, and leave comments. The platform fosters real-time collaboration, making it easier for you and your team to work together and keep each other in the loop.


If you've ever felt like you're drowning in a sea of apps, emails, and documents, then Notion's organization features will be your life raft. Notion's intuitive interface allows you to create a centralized hub for all your work. It’s like having a personal assistant, like google calendar shortcuts tips tricks, to keep your life in order. With Notion, you can create databases, calendars, and kanban boards all in one place. It's your digital command center, designed to keep your thoughts and tasks organized and within reach.

In a nutshell, whether you're a lone wolf freelancer juggling multiple clients or part of a bustling team, Notion's flexibility, collaboration, and organization features make it a must-have addition to your productivity toolkit. Stick around as we delve deeper into Notion's tips, tricks, and shortcuts to help you squeeze every last drop of productivity out of this versatile platform.

Notion Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts

Welcome to the world of Notion, a versatile platform teeming with potential to revolutionize your productivity. Let's uncover some handy tips and tricks to help you navigate this digital workspace like a pro.

1. Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are like your secret superpower in the race against the clock. With a few simple keystrokes, you can perform tasks that would normally take several clicks. For example, hitting Ctrl + N will whip up a new page, while Ctrl + Shift + H will whisk you back to the home screen. By harnessing the power of these shortcuts, you can fast-track your workflow and become a Notion ninja in no time. Just as with mastering excel tips tricks shortcuts, the key here is practice.

What's great about Notion is that it also has "slash commands" which are much easier to learn. Simply type a "/" key on any Notion page, and you'll pull open a contextual menu with plenty of shortcut options:

2. Using Templates

Why reinvent the wheel when you can use templates? Notion's vast library of templates can jump-start your projects, whether you're plotting a marketing campaign or organizing a research project. Each template is fully customizable, letting you tweak the design and functionality to suit your unique needs.

3. Creating a Custom or Private Workspace

One of Notion's greatest strengths is its flexibility. You can create your own custom workspace from scratch, tailoring it to your specific needs. Whether you need a personal dashboard to keep tabs on your daily tasks, a project management tool for your team, or a comprehensive database for your research, Notion has got your back.

4. Utilizing Databases

Databases are the backbone of any structured data system, and Notion is no exception. From simple tables and Kanban boards to complex relational databases, Notion offers a wide array of options to help you manage your data effectively. Mastering databases in Notion is akin to becoming proficient in google sheets tips tricks shortcuts - it can significantly boost your productivity and efficiency.

5. Mastering the Toggle Feature

The toggle feature, also known as collapsible lists, is a game-changer when it comes to organizing and presenting information. With this feature, you can keep your pages clean and uncluttered, hiding details under relevant headings and revealing them only when necessary. This feature is especially useful for managing large amounts of data, making it easier to navigate and digest.

In conclusion, the journey to mastering Notion is paved with a myriad of tips, tricks, and shortcuts. By taking the time to familiarize yourself with these tools, you can unlock the full potential of this all-encompassing workspace. So, why wait? Start exploring Notion today, and watch as your productivity skyrockets.

Advanced Notion Hacks

As you get cozy with the basic features of Notion, it's time to venture into some advanced hacks that can make your Notion experience even more seamless and productive. Whether it's automating tasks, integrating with other apps, or customizing the workspace, there are countless ways to amp up your workflow.

6. Automating Tasks with Notion

Ever wished you could make Notion work for you while you catch some Z's? Well, you can! With Notion's powerful API, you can automate a slew of tasks. From simple functions like automatic page creation to complex processes like managing project workflows, automation can save you hours of manual effort.

If you're fluent in JavaScript, you could leverage Notion's API to create custom automations. However, for those less code-savvy, tools like Zapier and can integrate Notion with hundreds of other apps, allowing you to automate tasks without writing a single line of code.

For example, you could set up an automation to create a new task in Notion whenever you receive an important email in Gmail. In this way, Notion becomes your personal assistant, keeping track of responsibilities so you can focus on what's important.

7. Integrating Notion with Other Apps

One of the strengths of Notion is its ability to play nicely with your other favorite productivity tools. This interoperability can supercharge your productivity.

For instance, you can integrate Notion with Google Calendar, which can be a game-changer for managing your schedule. By linking the two, you can automatically update your Notion task list based on your calendar events. You can also integrate Notion with apps like Slack, Trello, or even Github, allowing you to pull in information, send updates, or create tasks directly from your other platforms.

For more on how to maximize productivity through integration, refer to these gmail tips tricks shortcuts and trello tips tricks shortcuts.

8. Using Notion Offline

Did you know that you can use Notion even when you're off the grid? Yes, indeed! The offline mode in Notion enables you to access and edit your notes, tasks, and documents without an internet connection.

When you reconnect to the internet, Notion will automatically sync your offline edits with the cloud. This feature is particularly handy when you're traveling or in areas with spotty internet connection.

9. Customizing Notion's Appearance

One of the most enjoyable aspects of Notion is the ability to make it truly your own. From changing the background color to adding personalized icons and covers, you can customize the appearance of your Notion workspace to match your style and mood.

For example, you can use the :emoji: command to add an emoji to your page title, or use the /cover command to add a stunning cover image to your page. You can also use the /columns command to create multiple columns on your page for better organization.

Remember, a personalized workspace isn't just about aesthetics - it can also enhance your productivity by creating a more enjoyable and tailored user experience.

So, there you have it! Try these advanced Notion hacks and elevate your productivity game to a whole new level. As always, keep exploring, keep learning, and keep making Notion work for you!

Common Notion Problems and Fixes

Despite its vast array of capabilities, Notion isn't without its share of quirks. Even the most seasoned of users can encounter obstacles that disrupt their workflow. However, don't let the occasional hiccup dissuade you from harnessing the full potential of this all-in-one workspace. Let's dive in and tackle some of the most common issues and how to address them.

Slow Loading Times

Have you ever found yourself drumming your fingers on the desk, waiting for Notion to load? Don't worry, you're not alone. This issue can occur due to a multitude of reasons, such as heavy pages with numerous blocks or even unstable internet connections. Here are a few solutions:

  • Trim Down Pages: Consider breaking your content into sub-pages to reduce the load on a single page.
  • Check Your Connection: Ensure you're connected to a stable internet source. If your Wi-Fi is spotty, consider switching to a wired connection.
  • Clear Cache: Sometimes, cached data can slow down loading times. Clear your cache regularly to keep things running smoothly.

Syncing Issues

There's nothing more frustrating than making a change on one device and then not seeing it reflected on another. Syncing issues can stem from a weak internet connection or simply a delay in Notion's servers. Here's what you can do:

  • Refresh Your Page: Sometimes, a simple refresh can solve the problem.
  • Check Your Internet Connectivity: Similar to slow loading times, make sure you have a stable internet connection.
  • Log Out and Back In: If refreshing doesn't work, try logging out and back into your account. This can force a sync between your devices.

Formatting Problems

Sometimes, your text just doesn't look right, or your blocks aren't behaving as they should. Formatting problems can be a nuisance, but they're easy to fix:

  • Use Markdown: Notion supports markdown, a handy tool that can help you format text quickly.
  • Check Your Blocks: Ensure that your blocks are set up correctly. Remember that blocks can be nested, and the parent block can affect the child blocks' behavior.
  • Clear Formatting: If all else fails, the clear formatting function can help reset any misbehaving text or blocks.

These are just a few of the many issues you may face while using Notion. Nonetheless, with a little patience and the right knowledge, you can overcome them with ease. Keep in mind that the Notion team is continuously working to improve the platform's functionality and user experience.

In the end, don't let these minor setbacks deter you from exploring and exploiting the vast capabilities of Notion. Remember, the more you use it, the more proficient you will become. Stay curious, keep exploring, and before you know it, you'll be a Notion pro, smoothly navigating around any hitches you encounter.

For more tips, tricks, and shortcuts, you might find our Trello tips tricks shortcuts and Evernote shortcuts tips tricks articles helpful in creating a more streamlined digital workspace. Happy Notion-ing!

Make Notion better with Magical

Like any tool, Notion becomes more useful the more you understand it. Don't let initial hurdles deter you from harnessing the full power of this versatile workspace. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day. Embrace the process, and soon enough, you'll be navigating Notion like a pro, achieving peak productivity with ease.

If you want to save even more time with Notion, make sure to download the free Magical Chrome extension. With Magical, you'll be able to automate repetitive tasks, save message templates you can call up anywhere (yep, even on Notion), and automatically fill out forms or spreadsheets by pulling information over from your open tabs. (No more copy and paste!) Give it a try today to discover how you can save an average of seven hours a week.

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