
How To Write A Job Application Follow Up Email (W/Examples)

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Sending a job application follow up email is the thing that seals the deal with your job application. Showing recruiters your enthusiasm, it shines a light on your readiness to jump waist-deep into action and make a meaningful impact. 

Diving into this article, you'll uncover the secret that follow-up emails aren't merely polite gestures—they're your golden ticket to making a memorable impression. You'll learn the art of crafting the perfect follow-up without coming off as pushy, including when it's the best time to hit send and what to say that keeps you on their radar. 22% of employers are less likely to hire a candidate who does not send a follow-up e-mail and yet 57% of job seekers do not send follow-up emails after applying. It's an easy way to make an impact and stand out from the rest of the hiring pool. 

We also give away sample emails that have caught hiring managers' attention in the past because we know concrete examples light up paths better than general advice ever could. 

The Importance of Job Application Follow-Up Emails

Many job seekers overlook the power of a follow-up email after submitting their application. But, doing so can set you apart in the hiring process. A well-timed and crafted follow-up shows your genuine interest in the position and ensures that your application doesn't get lost among others.

Demonstrating Interest and Effort Through Follow-Up

Sending a job application follow-up email is more than just checking in; it's about showing your hope-to-be employers enthusiasm for the role. Just by following up, you subtly engrave your identity into the hiring manager's memory, nudging them towards a more meticulous examination of your submission. It's surprising how many applicants fail to take this step, yet those who do often find themselves receiving more attention from potential employers.

A timely follow-up not only showcases persistence but also respect for the hiring process itself. Demonstrating initiative and genuine interest in joining their team is a quality that many employers regard with great esteem.

You’ll also want to be positive, expressing your continued interest in the position. And you should be appropriately deferential—respecting that you are one of many responsibilities the hiring leader owns and you’re part of a broader process.

You want to communicate confidence, but also gratitude for their time and their support. If your message has a tone that the hiring leader owes you something or hasn’t followed up adequately, it will be a turn off. Be firm and assertive, without being pushy or presumptuous.
-Tracey Brower, Ph.D 

Preventing Your Application from Getting Lost

The typical corporate job opening receives no less than 250 applications for every job opening. This astounding fact alone should light a fire under your creative tactics for staying top-of-mind of hiring managers. Remembering to follow these guidelines when crafting an effective email template will ensure clarity and professionalism while expressing continued interest without coming across as intrusive.

An appropriate interval before sending such emails is generally one week post-application—although waiting two weeks may be better suited depending on industry standards—thereby balancing eagerness with patience effectively.

The Impact of Follow Up Emails on Job Application Success

As stated in the previous section, recruiters receive hundreds of applications for every job opening. That fact, combined with the fact that over half of applicants fail to send a follow up email, should inspire (hint,hint light a fire under you) to do whatever you can to make your application stand out. Hiring managers are far more inclined to hire applicants who take the time to send a follow up e-mail. 

Power Up with a LinkedIn Message, Too 

A follow up e-mail is great, but try to step outside the box and connect with the CEO and hiring manager on LinkedIn as well. 

Everyone fails on this step. Follow up on the application with a message on LinkedIn and a personalized e-mail to the company hiring manager and even its CEO. While I was at DoorDash, our CEO Tony Xu would get those emails and forward them to me every time. And probably 90% of the time, we took calls with those people.
-Nolan Church, Former Google and DoorDash Recruiter 

How To Write the Perfect Job Application Follow-Up Email

When writing your job application follow up email, the first thing you want to do is refer to the job listing. You want to show your possible employers that you can take direction so do whatever the job listing tells you to do. Here's some other tips for striking the right chord with hiring managers:

1. Start with a Professional Subject Line

Your subject line should be clear and professional. Include your name and the position you applied for, e.g., "Follow-Up on Application: [Your Name] for [Position]."

2. Address the Hiring Manager Personally

If you know the name of the hiring manager, address them directly. Using their name can grab their attention more effectively than a generic greeting.

3. Show Your Enthusiasm

Reiterate your enthusiasm for the role and the company. Briefly mention why you’re excited about the opportunity and how you believe you can contribute.

4. Highlight Your Fit and Add Value

Briefly recap your qualifications and highlight any critical skills or experiences that make you an excellent fit for the position. If you’ve recently accomplished something relevant to the job or gained a new certification, mention it here as additional value.

Also, keep your email brief and to the point. Respect the hiring manager's time by making your message easy to read and straight to the point.

5. Include a CTA and Close

Politely ask for an update on your application status and express your willingness to provide further information or to discuss how you can contribute to the team. End your email with a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name.

6. Proofread

Before sending, carefully proofread your email for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. A well-written, error-free email reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.

Bonus Tips:

  • The structure and tone of your email count as much as the words you use. So make sure you choose the right words. Friendly, professional, and direct words are best. 
  •  Customize each follow-up email for the specific job and company. A personalized message shows that you are genuinely interested and have taken the time to tailor your communication.
  • If you had an interview, mention something specific discussed to remind them of your conversation and reinforce your interest.

Btw, if you're looking for a new job and find yourself sending tons of these types of emails, you might want to try the free Magical Chrome extension. With Magical, you can write and respond to your emails with AI and even personalize them with details like your recipient's name-all with one click. Check it out:

The Best Subject Lines for Job Application Follow Up Emails

Crafting an effective subject line is crucial for ensuring your follow-up email gets noticed. Here are seven compelling subject lines that can make your follow-up emails stand out:

1. "Eager for an Update: [Your Name]'s Application for [Position Name]"

This subject line clearly communicates your enthusiasm and specifies the position you applied for, making it easy for the hiring manager to identify your application.

2. "Following Up: [Your Name] - [Position Name] Application"

A straightforward and professional approach that includes your name and the job title, facilitating quick recognition.

3. "Continued Interest: [Your Name] for [Position Name]"

This subject line expresses your ongoing interest in the role and positions you as a persistent and dedicated candidate.

4. "Touching Base on My [Position Name] Application - [Your Name]"

A friendly and casual approach that still maintains professionalism, indicating that you’re just checking in on the status of your application.

5. "Enthusiastic Candidate: [Your Name] – Update on [Position Name]?"

By labeling yourself as an "enthusiastic candidate," you’re subtly reminding the employer of your eagerness and passion for the position.

6. "[Your Name]'s Application for [Position Name]: Hoping for an Update"

This subject line is both personal and direct, indicating your hope for a response without appearing pushy.

7. "Re: [Position Name] Application Submitted on [Date] – [Your Name]"

Including the submission date can jog the recipient's memory, especially if the application period has been lengthy. This format also mimics a reply, which might pique the hiring manager's curiosity.

8 Job Application Follow Up Email Samples

These samples aim to provide a range of tones and approaches, from formal to slightly more casual, depending on the company's culture and the position applied for. You can use Magical to store these templates and call them up with one click for all your job application follow up emails.

Sample 1: 

Subject: Eager for an Update: [Your Name]'s Application for [Position Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I'm reaching out to express my continued enthusiasm for the [Position Name] role and to inquire if there have been any updates regarding my application submitted on [Date]. My interest in contributing to [Company Name]'s [specific project or goal related to the position] has only grown, and I am keen to bring my [specific skill or experience] to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I'm reaching out to express my continued enthusiasm for the [Position Name] role and to inquire if there have been any updates regarding my application submitted on [Date]. My interest in contributing to [Company Name]'s [specific project or goal related to the position] has only grown, and I am keen to bring my [specific skill or experience] to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 2: 

Subject: Following Up: [Your Name] - [Position Name] Application

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Following my application for the [Position Name] submitted on [Date], I am writing to follow up and reiterate my strong interest in joining [Company Name]. I believe my background in [relevant skill or field] aligns well with the duties of the role, and I am eager to bring my expertise to your esteemed team.

I appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to any updates you may have regarding the position.


[Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Following my application for the [Position Name] submitted on [Date], I am writing to follow up and reiterate my strong interest in joining [Company Name]. I believe my background in [relevant skill or field] aligns well with the duties of the role, and I am eager to bring my expertise to your esteemed team.

I appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to any updates you may have regarding the position.


[Your Name]

Sample 3: 

Subject: Continued Interest: [Your Name] for [Position Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I am following up on my application for the [Position Name] role to express my continued interest and enthusiasm for the opportunity to be part of [Company Name]. Since my application, I have further honed my skills in [a new skill or project relevant to the job], which I am eager to discuss how it can benefit your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to your feedback.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I am following up on my application for the [Position Name] role to express my continued interest and enthusiasm for the opportunity to be part of [Company Name]. Since my application, I have further honed my skills in [a new skill or project relevant to the job], which I am eager to discuss how it can benefit your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to your feedback.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 4:

Subject: Touching Base on My [Position Name] Application - [Your Name]

Hello [Hiring Manager's Name],

I'm touching base on the [Position Name] position I applied for on [Date]. I'm very excited about the possibility of working with [Company Name] and contributing to [something specific about the company or role].

Please let me know if there's any more information I can provide. I appreciate your time and am looking forward to any update you can share.


[Your Name]

Hello [Hiring Manager's Name],

I'm touching base on the [Position Name] position I applied for on [Date]. I'm very excited about the possibility of working with [Company Name] and contributing to [something specific about the company or role].

Please let me know if there's any more information I can provide. I appreciate your time and am looking forward to any update you can share.


[Your Name]

Sample 5:

Subject: Enthusiastic Candidate: [Your Name] – Update on [Position Name]?

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Greetings! I am writing to follow up on my application for the [Position Name]. My enthusiasm for joining [Company Name] and contributing to [specific project or goal] has only increased since our last communication. I am particularly keen to apply my skills in [relevant skill or area] to advance your team's objectives.

I would appreciate any update on my application status or the next steps in the selection process. Thank you for your consideration.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Greetings! I am writing to follow up on my application for the [Position Name]. My enthusiasm for joining [Company Name] and contributing to [specific project or goal] has only increased since our last communication. I am particularly keen to apply my skills in [relevant skill or area] to advance your team's objectives.

I would appreciate any update on my application status or the next steps in the selection process. Thank you for your consideration.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 6:

Subject: [Your Name]'s Application for [Position Name]: Hoping for an Update

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I hope you're having a good day. I wanted to reach out regarding my application for the [Position Name] role, submitted on [Date]. I am very interested in the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name], especially in areas related to [a specific part of the job or project].

Could you please provide any updates on the application process? I'm eager to hear back and would be happy to provide any additional information needed. Thank you for your time.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I hope you're having a good day. I wanted to reach out regarding my application for the [Position Name] role, submitted on [Date]. I am very interested in the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name], especially in areas related to [a specific part of the job or project].

Could you please provide any updates on the application process? I'm eager to hear back and would be happy to provide any additional information needed. Thank you for your time.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

Sample 7:

Subject: Re: [Position Name] Application Submitted on [Date] – [Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Following up on my application for the [Position Name] position from [Date], I am eager to learn about any progress and how I might further demonstrate my fit for this role. My passion for [industry or field] and dedication to [specific skill or project] align closely with the mission of [Company Name].

Thank you for updating me on the status of my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to your team.

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Following up on my application for the [Position Name] position from [Date], I am eager to learn about any progress and how I might further demonstrate my fit for this role. My passion for [industry or field] and dedication to [specific skill or project] align closely with the mission of [Company Name].

Thank you for updating me on the status of my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to your team.


[Your Name]

[Your Name]

Sample 8:

Subject: Quick Inquiry: [Your Name]'s [Position Name] Application Status

Hi [Hiring Manager's Name],

A few weeks ago, I applied for the [Position Name] and am writing to inquire about the status of my application. I am very excited about the opportunity to bring my [specific skill] and [specific experience] to [Company Name], contributing to your success.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Hi [Hiring Manager's Name],

A few weeks ago, I applied for the [Position Name] and am writing to inquire about the status of my application. I am very excited about the opportunity to bring my [specific skill] and [specific experience] to [Company Name], contributing to your success.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Best Practices for Following Up Without Being Pushy or Annoying

Following up on a job application is a crucial step in the job search process, but doing so without coming across as pushy or annoying is equally important. Here are some tips to ensure your follow-up is effective, respectful, and professional:

Timing is Key: Wait at least one to two weeks after submitting your application before sending a follow-up. This shows you respect the hiring process and understand that reviewing applications takes time. And don't send the same message every time you follow up, either. 

Be Polite and Professional: Use a courteous and professional tone throughout your email. Express gratitude for the hiring manager’s time and consideration. This demonstrates your respect for their workload and schedule.

Keep It Brief: Your follow-up email should be concise. Clearly state your purpose for writing without going into unnecessary detail. Hiring managers are busy, so a succinct message is more likely to be appreciated.

Reiterate Your Interest: Briefly remind the hiring manager of your enthusiasm for the role and the company. This reinforces your genuine interest in the opportunity.

Offer Additional Information: Mention that you’re available to provide any further information or documentation if needed. This shows your eagerness and readiness to move forward in the process.

Avoid Multiple Follow-ups: If you’ve already sent a follow-up email and haven’t heard back, resist the urge to send multiple additional messages. Constant follow-ups can come across as pushy. Instead, consider moving on and continuing your job search elsewhere.

Check the Application Instructions: Some companies specify not to follow up. If this is mentioned in the job posting or application instructions, respect their request. Ignoring such instructions can reflect poorly on your ability to follow directions.

Use LinkedIn Wisely: If appropriate, consider following the company on LinkedIn to stay updated on their announcements and to express your interest in a more subtle way. 

Prepare for Any Outcome: While following up can sometimes lead to positive news, it’s also possible to receive a rejection or no response at all. Prepare yourself for any outcome and continue to apply for other opportunities. Persistence is key in the job search process.

Reflect on Each Experience: Use each application and follow-up as a learning opportunity. Reflect on what works and what doesn’t, and adjust your approach as necessary. This continuous improvement can increase your chances of success in future applications.

Following these tips can help you follow up on job applications effectively, demonstrating your interest and professionalism without overstepping boundaries.

Let Magical Help You Nail That Job Application Follow Up

By now, sending a job application follow up email should feel less like a task and more like an opportunity. It's an opportunity to set yourself apart from literally hundreds of other candidates. And Magical can help you with standing out.

With Magical AI you can craft and store your email templates and call them up with one click. Try it for yourself and find out how over 650,000+ people across over 20,000+ teams are saving 7 hours a week on average.

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How To Write A Job Application Follow Up Email (W/Examples)

Sending a job application follow up email is the thing that seals the deal with your job application. Showing recruiters your enthusiasm, it shines a light on your readiness to jump waist-deep into action and make a meaningful impact. 

Diving into this article, you'll uncover the secret that follow-up emails aren't merely polite gestures—they're your golden ticket to making a memorable impression. You'll learn the art of crafting the perfect follow-up without coming off as pushy, including when it's the best time to hit send and what to say that keeps you on their radar. 22% of employers are less likely to hire a candidate who does not send a follow-up e-mail and yet 57% of job seekers do not send follow-up emails after applying. It's an easy way to make an impact and stand out from the rest of the hiring pool. 

We also give away sample emails that have caught hiring managers' attention in the past because we know concrete examples light up paths better than general advice ever could. 

The Importance of Job Application Follow-Up Emails

Many job seekers overlook the power of a follow-up email after submitting their application. But, doing so can set you apart in the hiring process. A well-timed and crafted follow-up shows your genuine interest in the position and ensures that your application doesn't get lost among others.

Demonstrating Interest and Effort Through Follow-Up

Sending a job application follow-up email is more than just checking in; it's about showing your hope-to-be employers enthusiasm for the role. Just by following up, you subtly engrave your identity into the hiring manager's memory, nudging them towards a more meticulous examination of your submission. It's surprising how many applicants fail to take this step, yet those who do often find themselves receiving more attention from potential employers.

A timely follow-up not only showcases persistence but also respect for the hiring process itself. Demonstrating initiative and genuine interest in joining their team is a quality that many employers regard with great esteem.

You’ll also want to be positive, expressing your continued interest in the position. And you should be appropriately deferential—respecting that you are one of many responsibilities the hiring leader owns and you’re part of a broader process.

You want to communicate confidence, but also gratitude for their time and their support. If your message has a tone that the hiring leader owes you something or hasn’t followed up adequately, it will be a turn off. Be firm and assertive, without being pushy or presumptuous.
-Tracey Brower, Ph.D 

Preventing Your Application from Getting Lost

The typical corporate job opening receives no less than 250 applications for every job opening. This astounding fact alone should light a fire under your creative tactics for staying top-of-mind of hiring managers. Remembering to follow these guidelines when crafting an effective email template will ensure clarity and professionalism while expressing continued interest without coming across as intrusive.

An appropriate interval before sending such emails is generally one week post-application—although waiting two weeks may be better suited depending on industry standards—thereby balancing eagerness with patience effectively.

The Impact of Follow Up Emails on Job Application Success

As stated in the previous section, recruiters receive hundreds of applications for every job opening. That fact, combined with the fact that over half of applicants fail to send a follow up email, should inspire (hint,hint light a fire under you) to do whatever you can to make your application stand out. Hiring managers are far more inclined to hire applicants who take the time to send a follow up e-mail. 

Power Up with a LinkedIn Message, Too 

A follow up e-mail is great, but try to step outside the box and connect with the CEO and hiring manager on LinkedIn as well. 

Everyone fails on this step. Follow up on the application with a message on LinkedIn and a personalized e-mail to the company hiring manager and even its CEO. While I was at DoorDash, our CEO Tony Xu would get those emails and forward them to me every time. And probably 90% of the time, we took calls with those people.
-Nolan Church, Former Google and DoorDash Recruiter 

How To Write the Perfect Job Application Follow-Up Email

When writing your job application follow up email, the first thing you want to do is refer to the job listing. You want to show your possible employers that you can take direction so do whatever the job listing tells you to do. Here's some other tips for striking the right chord with hiring managers:

1. Start with a Professional Subject Line

Your subject line should be clear and professional. Include your name and the position you applied for, e.g., "Follow-Up on Application: [Your Name] for [Position]."

2. Address the Hiring Manager Personally

If you know the name of the hiring manager, address them directly. Using their name can grab their attention more effectively than a generic greeting.

3. Show Your Enthusiasm

Reiterate your enthusiasm for the role and the company. Briefly mention why you’re excited about the opportunity and how you believe you can contribute.

4. Highlight Your Fit and Add Value

Briefly recap your qualifications and highlight any critical skills or experiences that make you an excellent fit for the position. If you’ve recently accomplished something relevant to the job or gained a new certification, mention it here as additional value.

Also, keep your email brief and to the point. Respect the hiring manager's time by making your message easy to read and straight to the point.

5. Include a CTA and Close

Politely ask for an update on your application status and express your willingness to provide further information or to discuss how you can contribute to the team. End your email with a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name.

6. Proofread

Before sending, carefully proofread your email for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. A well-written, error-free email reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.

Bonus Tips:

  • The structure and tone of your email count as much as the words you use. So make sure you choose the right words. Friendly, professional, and direct words are best. 
  •  Customize each follow-up email for the specific job and company. A personalized message shows that you are genuinely interested and have taken the time to tailor your communication.
  • If you had an interview, mention something specific discussed to remind them of your conversation and reinforce your interest.

Btw, if you're looking for a new job and find yourself sending tons of these types of emails, you might want to try the free Magical Chrome extension. With Magical, you can write and respond to your emails with AI and even personalize them with details like your recipient's name-all with one click. Check it out:

The Best Subject Lines for Job Application Follow Up Emails

Crafting an effective subject line is crucial for ensuring your follow-up email gets noticed. Here are seven compelling subject lines that can make your follow-up emails stand out:

1. "Eager for an Update: [Your Name]'s Application for [Position Name]"

This subject line clearly communicates your enthusiasm and specifies the position you applied for, making it easy for the hiring manager to identify your application.

2. "Following Up: [Your Name] - [Position Name] Application"

A straightforward and professional approach that includes your name and the job title, facilitating quick recognition.

3. "Continued Interest: [Your Name] for [Position Name]"

This subject line expresses your ongoing interest in the role and positions you as a persistent and dedicated candidate.

4. "Touching Base on My [Position Name] Application - [Your Name]"

A friendly and casual approach that still maintains professionalism, indicating that you’re just checking in on the status of your application.

5. "Enthusiastic Candidate: [Your Name] – Update on [Position Name]?"

By labeling yourself as an "enthusiastic candidate," you’re subtly reminding the employer of your eagerness and passion for the position.

6. "[Your Name]'s Application for [Position Name]: Hoping for an Update"

This subject line is both personal and direct, indicating your hope for a response without appearing pushy.

7. "Re: [Position Name] Application Submitted on [Date] – [Your Name]"

Including the submission date can jog the recipient's memory, especially if the application period has been lengthy. This format also mimics a reply, which might pique the hiring manager's curiosity.

8 Job Application Follow Up Email Samples

These samples aim to provide a range of tones and approaches, from formal to slightly more casual, depending on the company's culture and the position applied for. You can use Magical to store these templates and call them up with one click for all your job application follow up emails.

Sample 1: 

Subject: Eager for an Update: [Your Name]'s Application for [Position Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I'm reaching out to express my continued enthusiasm for the [Position Name] role and to inquire if there have been any updates regarding my application submitted on [Date]. My interest in contributing to [Company Name]'s [specific project or goal related to the position] has only grown, and I am keen to bring my [specific skill or experience] to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I'm reaching out to express my continued enthusiasm for the [Position Name] role and to inquire if there have been any updates regarding my application submitted on [Date]. My interest in contributing to [Company Name]'s [specific project or goal related to the position] has only grown, and I am keen to bring my [specific skill or experience] to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 2: 

Subject: Following Up: [Your Name] - [Position Name] Application

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Following my application for the [Position Name] submitted on [Date], I am writing to follow up and reiterate my strong interest in joining [Company Name]. I believe my background in [relevant skill or field] aligns well with the duties of the role, and I am eager to bring my expertise to your esteemed team.

I appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to any updates you may have regarding the position.


[Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Following my application for the [Position Name] submitted on [Date], I am writing to follow up and reiterate my strong interest in joining [Company Name]. I believe my background in [relevant skill or field] aligns well with the duties of the role, and I am eager to bring my expertise to your esteemed team.

I appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to any updates you may have regarding the position.


[Your Name]

Sample 3: 

Subject: Continued Interest: [Your Name] for [Position Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I am following up on my application for the [Position Name] role to express my continued interest and enthusiasm for the opportunity to be part of [Company Name]. Since my application, I have further honed my skills in [a new skill or project relevant to the job], which I am eager to discuss how it can benefit your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to your feedback.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I am following up on my application for the [Position Name] role to express my continued interest and enthusiasm for the opportunity to be part of [Company Name]. Since my application, I have further honed my skills in [a new skill or project relevant to the job], which I am eager to discuss how it can benefit your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to your feedback.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 4:

Subject: Touching Base on My [Position Name] Application - [Your Name]

Hello [Hiring Manager's Name],

I'm touching base on the [Position Name] position I applied for on [Date]. I'm very excited about the possibility of working with [Company Name] and contributing to [something specific about the company or role].

Please let me know if there's any more information I can provide. I appreciate your time and am looking forward to any update you can share.


[Your Name]

Hello [Hiring Manager's Name],

I'm touching base on the [Position Name] position I applied for on [Date]. I'm very excited about the possibility of working with [Company Name] and contributing to [something specific about the company or role].

Please let me know if there's any more information I can provide. I appreciate your time and am looking forward to any update you can share.


[Your Name]

Sample 5:

Subject: Enthusiastic Candidate: [Your Name] – Update on [Position Name]?

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Greetings! I am writing to follow up on my application for the [Position Name]. My enthusiasm for joining [Company Name] and contributing to [specific project or goal] has only increased since our last communication. I am particularly keen to apply my skills in [relevant skill or area] to advance your team's objectives.

I would appreciate any update on my application status or the next steps in the selection process. Thank you for your consideration.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Greetings! I am writing to follow up on my application for the [Position Name]. My enthusiasm for joining [Company Name] and contributing to [specific project or goal] has only increased since our last communication. I am particularly keen to apply my skills in [relevant skill or area] to advance your team's objectives.

I would appreciate any update on my application status or the next steps in the selection process. Thank you for your consideration.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Sample 6:

Subject: [Your Name]'s Application for [Position Name]: Hoping for an Update

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I hope you're having a good day. I wanted to reach out regarding my application for the [Position Name] role, submitted on [Date]. I am very interested in the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name], especially in areas related to [a specific part of the job or project].

Could you please provide any updates on the application process? I'm eager to hear back and would be happy to provide any additional information needed. Thank you for your time.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I hope you're having a good day. I wanted to reach out regarding my application for the [Position Name] role, submitted on [Date]. I am very interested in the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name], especially in areas related to [a specific part of the job or project].

Could you please provide any updates on the application process? I'm eager to hear back and would be happy to provide any additional information needed. Thank you for your time.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

Sample 7:

Subject: Re: [Position Name] Application Submitted on [Date] – [Your Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Following up on my application for the [Position Name] position from [Date], I am eager to learn about any progress and how I might further demonstrate my fit for this role. My passion for [industry or field] and dedication to [specific skill or project] align closely with the mission of [Company Name].

Thank you for updating me on the status of my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to your team.

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

Following up on my application for the [Position Name] position from [Date], I am eager to learn about any progress and how I might further demonstrate my fit for this role. My passion for [industry or field] and dedication to [specific skill or project] align closely with the mission of [Company Name].

Thank you for updating me on the status of my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to your team.


[Your Name]

[Your Name]

Sample 8:

Subject: Quick Inquiry: [Your Name]'s [Position Name] Application Status

Hi [Hiring Manager's Name],

A few weeks ago, I applied for the [Position Name] and am writing to inquire about the status of my application. I am very excited about the opportunity to bring my [specific skill] and [specific experience] to [Company Name], contributing to your success.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Hi [Hiring Manager's Name],

A few weeks ago, I applied for the [Position Name] and am writing to inquire about the status of my application. I am very excited about the opportunity to bring my [specific skill] and [specific experience] to [Company Name], contributing to your success.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Best Practices for Following Up Without Being Pushy or Annoying

Following up on a job application is a crucial step in the job search process, but doing so without coming across as pushy or annoying is equally important. Here are some tips to ensure your follow-up is effective, respectful, and professional:

Timing is Key: Wait at least one to two weeks after submitting your application before sending a follow-up. This shows you respect the hiring process and understand that reviewing applications takes time. And don't send the same message every time you follow up, either. 

Be Polite and Professional: Use a courteous and professional tone throughout your email. Express gratitude for the hiring manager’s time and consideration. This demonstrates your respect for their workload and schedule.

Keep It Brief: Your follow-up email should be concise. Clearly state your purpose for writing without going into unnecessary detail. Hiring managers are busy, so a succinct message is more likely to be appreciated.

Reiterate Your Interest: Briefly remind the hiring manager of your enthusiasm for the role and the company. This reinforces your genuine interest in the opportunity.

Offer Additional Information: Mention that you’re available to provide any further information or documentation if needed. This shows your eagerness and readiness to move forward in the process.

Avoid Multiple Follow-ups: If you’ve already sent a follow-up email and haven’t heard back, resist the urge to send multiple additional messages. Constant follow-ups can come across as pushy. Instead, consider moving on and continuing your job search elsewhere.

Check the Application Instructions: Some companies specify not to follow up. If this is mentioned in the job posting or application instructions, respect their request. Ignoring such instructions can reflect poorly on your ability to follow directions.

Use LinkedIn Wisely: If appropriate, consider following the company on LinkedIn to stay updated on their announcements and to express your interest in a more subtle way. 

Prepare for Any Outcome: While following up can sometimes lead to positive news, it’s also possible to receive a rejection or no response at all. Prepare yourself for any outcome and continue to apply for other opportunities. Persistence is key in the job search process.

Reflect on Each Experience: Use each application and follow-up as a learning opportunity. Reflect on what works and what doesn’t, and adjust your approach as necessary. This continuous improvement can increase your chances of success in future applications.

Following these tips can help you follow up on job applications effectively, demonstrating your interest and professionalism without overstepping boundaries.

Let Magical Help You Nail That Job Application Follow Up

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