
The 10 Best Slack Alternatives for 2024

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Slack's the talk of the town, but sometimes you just need a different flavor. That's where best slack alternatives step in to spice things up. If your team is itching for something new or Slack isn't cutting it, this blog will help you find the perfect match.

We'll learn why some businesses are waving goodbye to Slack and hello to fresh options that might better suit their vibe. You'll also learn how to choose the best option for you and your team. 

Why People Are Searching For a Slack Alternative

Despite all the benefits it offers, many teams are on the lookout for alternatives to Slack. Despite its popularity and robust features, certain limitations and challenges have led users to explore other options that might better suit their unique needs. Here's a few reasons why people are looking for Slack alternatives:

1. Diverse Communication Needs

One significant reason people search for an alternative is due to diverse communication needs. Different teams have varying requirements based on their size, structure, and workflow. While Slack offers general collaboration tools suitable for a wide range of purposes, some organizations require more specialized functionalities or prefer interfaces that cater specifically to their industry or team dynamics.

2. Cost Considerations

The cost factor also plays a crucial role in driving users towards alternatives. As businesses scale up, so do their expenses with services like Slack which charges per user. This can become prohibitively expensive for large teams or small businesses operating under tight budgets. Consequently, they look towards more cost-effective solutions that offer similar benefits without breaking the bank.

3. Need Enhanced Features

An appetite for enhanced features beyond what Slack provides is another compelling reason why individuals and companies seek out alternatives. This includes advanced project management capabilities, superior integration options with external applications, improved security measures or even simpler things like customizable UIs that can make a big difference in daily operations.

4. Need for a Better User Experience 

Last but not least is the matter of personal preference regarding user experience (UX). Some users find Slack’s interface overwhelming or non-intuitive especially when managing multiple channels across various projects simultaneously. Alternatives offering streamlined experiences tailored to reduce clutter while enhancing focus could be more appealing to this demographic.

Finding the right tool involves weighing these factors against your specific requirements. Remember though, you can always use an automation tool like Magical to cut costs while boosting your team's productivity. You can use Magical to automate repetitive tasks like messages you send in Slack--and you can even use Magical AI to write updates for you:

Slack does have a lot of major benefits. You can send messages and get quick updates, support your team, or even scrape data directly from Slack

‍Remember that Slack is just one tool in your arsenal for a remote team, but it doesn't replace live or even video-based communication entirely. You should still do everything you can to foster a positive work environment. 

Hold regular check-ins, virtual team meetings and open discussions to facilitate the exchange of ideas and updates. In the age of remote work and video calls, seeing colleagues in person might be limited, but personally connecting with others even virtually aids in building stronger bonds and amplifying the impact of internal messages.
-Abbi Whitaker

What Are Some Features to Look for In A Slack Alternative?

When searching for an alternative to Slack, several key features and aspects are important to consider to ensure that the new platform meets your team's communication and collaboration needs. Here's a few features to look for:

1. Project Management and Task Tracking

The best collaboration tools today do more than just let you chat; they're where your projects live. Imagine being able to assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress without ever leaving your chat tool—that's what platforms offering integrated project management can do for you. These capabilities are vital as they help ensure nothing falls through the cracks while keeping everyone on the same page.

In practice, this means when someone mentions a task in group chats or direct messages, it can instantly become an item on your to-do list with all necessary details attached. This seamless integration helps streamline workflows and keep team members aligned with current priorities.

2. Communication and Messaging Capabilities

Messaging is at the heart of any team collaboration app. But we’re talking about much more than sending emojis—though those are important too. We need robust features such as private messages for sensitive discussions, public channels for broader conversations, real-time chat for instant problem-solving, video meetings when face-to-face interaction makes sense, audio calls because sometimes typing won’t cut it—and guest access so clients or freelancers can jump into conversations as needed.

A messaging platform must serve various communication styles while ensuring data security remains tight—a key feature especially if confidential information gets shared frequently within these digital walls.

You can even set reminders or mark off when you're in meetings by connecting Google Calendar: a great way to stay on top of your weekly schedule and limit interruptions from coworkers. 

3. File Sharing and Storage Options

Gone are days of emailing back-and-forth attachments that get lost in cluttered inboxes. Modern collaboration tools allow teams to share files directly within their workspace—with options ranging from drag-and-drop simplicity to organized file storage systems boasting GBs of space on free plans or even more under paid plans starting reasonably low per month when billed annually.

4. Video Conferencing and Screen Sharing Utilities

Last but certainly not least: Video conferencing breathes life into remote work by creating virtual meeting rooms where ideas flow freely—as if everyone were gathered around one big table (but maybe still wearing pajama bottoms). When screen sharing jumps into play during these sessions? It’s golden because showing beats telling almost every time whether troubleshooting issues together or presenting quarterly results—all smoothly interwoven within your main communication app.

The Best Slack Alternatives for 2024

1. Microsoft Teams 

When team collaboration is the game, Microsoft Teams emerges as a strong player. This platform has grown into a robust hub for teamwork, seamlessly integrating with Office 365. It's where chat meets serious work, transforming conversations into action. Microsoft Teams has seen a 50% increase in daily active users in 2024, reaching 145 million.

The heart of any collaborative tool is its ability to bring people together quickly and efficiently. With Microsoft Teams, instant messaging takes center stage—allowing direct messages to flow freely between colleagues. But it doesn't stop there; group chats are equally streamlined, fostering an environment where ideas can be shared openly among team members.

Having your office tools in one place isn’t just convenient—it’s essential. That's why Microsoft made sure their answer to Slack comes with deep integration across all Office 365 applications within the same window you’re using for your video calls or planning sessions.

Ina G2 review, user Bhartii S. says: 

The upsides of miscrosoft teams i.e. it has everything you to offer with lot of features that it contains in it. It is so easy to use that user can create thing such as meeitngs, groups and send messages etc. Users can implement easily with the help of mobile application and dekhtop application.

2. Chanty 

Chanty has a unique blend of messaging with task management capabilities. This platform goes beyond basic group conversations by integrating a to-do list directly into the chat tool. Here, team members can convert messages into tasks, ensuring nothing gets lost in translation. 

Chanty's key features include creating a manageable workflow within direct messages or public channels, making it easier than ever for teams to stay on top of their game without leaving the communication app.

Real-time chat is crucial, so Chanty provides not just instant messaging but also options for audio calls and video calling. It helps bridge the gap between quick chats and substantial project planning.

In a G2 review, user Martin U. says: 

Chanty is really a productive chat tool that facilitates easy communication between team members, this great tool allows team members to chat with each other, enhancing work flow, chanty is easy to use,it's fast, its signing up process doesn't take long, it supports unlimited messages Compared to similar apps, its user interface is easy and its newer version supports audio messaging, that's totally great.

3. Bitrix24

If your business seeks an all-in-one solution encompassing not only communication but also CRM and marketing automation tools, Bitrix24 might be what you're after. With its wide array of capabilities from message history tracking to live video meetings with screen sharing utilities, this unified workspace allows private team collaborations alongside client interactions through guest access—ensuring data security at every step.

The beauty lies in how seamlessly these functions integrate; whether you want a space where social media engagement meets customer relationship management or need end-to-end encryption on file sharing – Bitrix24 delivers without needing multiple mobile apps cluttering your device’s storage.

In a G2 review, user Shailesh J says: 

Bitrix24 is a complete business automation tool. We are using it in all of our daily activities. It includes lead management, deal management, task management, project, scrum, sprint, automation and many more things. It is easy to implement it for all the departments like sales, marketing, software development, front office, back office, account, and management. It also comes with various external tools which helps to manage our routine task and automation easily. It is easy to use even for a people with basic knowledge. We have integrated it for managing our sales funnel and after-sales support.

4. Wire 

With the rise of remote workforces, security across multiple devices has never been more important. Wire, which champions end-to-end encryption, provides peace of mind by ensuring that every message sent is only readable by the intended recipient—no matter what device you're using. 

From CEOs discussing strategic moves to developers sharing code snippets, Wire's commitment to privacy shields conversations from prying eyes.

This isn't your average chat app—it's a fortress in the form of communication software. With features like video calling and file sharing wrapped in layers of encryption protocols, team members can collaborate with confidence knowing their intellectual property stays within the virtual walls of their organization.

In a G2 review, user J.W. says: 

Great for business or personal since you can message a variety of different contacts easily. I can just copy and paste from one person to another or add a group so I can send reminders to everyone at once.

5. Element 

Element takes a different approach but with no less emphasis on security. Leveraging Matrix open standard protocol—an innovative technology designed for real-time communication—it enables users to own their data while participating in group conversations or direct messages securely.

The platform doesn’t skimp on functionality either: along with robust data security measures including end-to-end encryption, Element allows teams to share files seamlessly and engage in audio calls without sacrificing user privacy. 

This means discussions around proprietary designs or financial forecasts remain confidential yet accessible anywhere you have internet access—a win-win scenario for modern-day companies concerned about cyber threats but eager not to hinder productivity.

In a G2 review, user Steven C. says: 

Configuration was easy due to it's self hosting capabilities. Training on the product was even easier since it functioned like easy to use chat application. We also appreciated the fact that there is a browser and app version of the application which allows for flexibility of access.


JANDI steps up as an ally for businesses by offering both free trials and robust paid plans that are billed annually. The question isn't just about cost—it's value. With JANDI, teams kickstart collaboration with group chats and file sharing without immediate investment.

But when business scales up, so do needs. JANDI’s paid plans start opening doors to more advanced features like unlimited message history and guest access—essential tools for growing teams needing deeper communication layers.

In a G2 review, user Caroline B. says: 

Productivity by having closer communication between our entire work team has improved because we can do everything on the platform as if we were all in the same office. I like it because its use is easy to learn to use. From the beginning I had no training. long to know how it works.

7. Google Chat

If you're already nestled in the Google ecosystem, then Google Chat might be right up your alley; it comes bundled within Google Workspace. Its free version gets basics done but jump on their trial or dive straight into their full suite, and watch how real-time chat amplifies productivity across Sheets and Docs too.

Paid subscriptions often unlock prime capabilities such as increased GB storage for hefty projects or finer data security measures—a critical consideration if safeguarding sensitive information is top priority for your organization.

In essence, weighing these options means looking beyond today’s penny-pinching towards tomorrow’s potential gains. Consider what seamless integration could mean for daily operations before choosing which route to take because sometimes splurging now could save heaps later down the line.Your call should balance current functionality with future growth opportunities.

In a GetApp review, user Micah M. notes: 

I like how it integrates seamlessly with other google products like google drive and google documents. I also feel like it’s a very stable product.

8. Zulip

Consider Zulip, which takes email-style threading to new heights within its interface. Users can enjoy threaded conversations that allow them to jump in and out of different topics without losing context—a game-changer for those who've experienced the chaos of unthreaded chats. This approach ensures no message gets lost in the shuffle and each conversation remains focused and searchable.

In a G2 review, one user says: 

It is a great tool for having communication within the team. It works on cloud platform and a seperate space can be created for each new discussion. It is absolutely free to use and and enterprise support at a low cost.

9. Twist

Moving away from constant notifications associated with many messaging apps is Twist—offering asynchronous communication aimed at reducing interruptions throughout your workday. With Twist’s unique model emphasizing thoughtful responses over immediate reactions, it becomes easier for teams spread across time zones or preferring flexible working hours to collaborate effectively without feeling pressured by live chat demands.

Their emphasis on deep work rather than instant availability encourages productivity through focus—something you'll understand better once you delve into their world here. By allowing users control over when they engage with messages means less stress about missing something important just because they weren't online at the right moment.

In a G2 review, user Corey D. shares: 

I like how minimalist this app is, and how clean the UI appears. It is much easier to use than Stride. I also enjoy the fact that there is no light or indicator for when I'm online.

10. Rocket.Chat

When your business needs a communication tool that bends to your will, not the other way around, open source platforms like Rocket.Chat. are top notch. This tool gives you full control over the stack with customizability in its DNA. Open source means tweaking every aspect of your chat tool is fair game—from data security protocols to integrating unique management tools.

Rocket.Chat boasts robust features include instant messaging, group conversations, and video calling—all customizable. Teams collaborate more effectively when they can tailor their tools to fit specific workflows or integrate with existing systems such as social media channels or project management software. It's why many seek out Rocket.Chat; it's an alternative built on flexibility.

In a G2 review, user Jastin E. says: 

Rocket.Chat's standout feature lies in its adaptability and customization capabilities, enabling users to tailor their communication and collaboration environment to precise specifications. The open-source nature of the platform fosters a vibrant community of developers, allowing for continuous improvement and a wide array of plugins and integrations. Additionally, the emphasis on real-time messaging, robust security measures, and the option for self-hosting contribute to Rocket.Chat's appeal, making it a versatile solution for diverse communication needs.


Teamwork makes the dream work, and choosing the right tools can turn that dream into reality. The best Slack alternatives pave new paths for collaboration, communication, and productivity.

Finding the right Slack alternative requires a careful balance of features, usability, and cost that aligns with your team's unique needs and workflow. Whether you prioritize advanced collaboration tools, stringent security measures, or seamless integrations with other applications, there's a plethora of options available in the market to suit various organizational sizes and sectors.

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The 10 Best Slack Alternatives for 2024

Slack's the talk of the town, but sometimes you just need a different flavor. That's where best slack alternatives step in to spice things up. If your team is itching for something new or Slack isn't cutting it, this blog will help you find the perfect match.

We'll learn why some businesses are waving goodbye to Slack and hello to fresh options that might better suit their vibe. You'll also learn how to choose the best option for you and your team. 

Why People Are Searching For a Slack Alternative

Despite all the benefits it offers, many teams are on the lookout for alternatives to Slack. Despite its popularity and robust features, certain limitations and challenges have led users to explore other options that might better suit their unique needs. Here's a few reasons why people are looking for Slack alternatives:

1. Diverse Communication Needs

One significant reason people search for an alternative is due to diverse communication needs. Different teams have varying requirements based on their size, structure, and workflow. While Slack offers general collaboration tools suitable for a wide range of purposes, some organizations require more specialized functionalities or prefer interfaces that cater specifically to their industry or team dynamics.

2. Cost Considerations

The cost factor also plays a crucial role in driving users towards alternatives. As businesses scale up, so do their expenses with services like Slack which charges per user. This can become prohibitively expensive for large teams or small businesses operating under tight budgets. Consequently, they look towards more cost-effective solutions that offer similar benefits without breaking the bank.

3. Need Enhanced Features

An appetite for enhanced features beyond what Slack provides is another compelling reason why individuals and companies seek out alternatives. This includes advanced project management capabilities, superior integration options with external applications, improved security measures or even simpler things like customizable UIs that can make a big difference in daily operations.

4. Need for a Better User Experience 

Last but not least is the matter of personal preference regarding user experience (UX). Some users find Slack’s interface overwhelming or non-intuitive especially when managing multiple channels across various projects simultaneously. Alternatives offering streamlined experiences tailored to reduce clutter while enhancing focus could be more appealing to this demographic.

Finding the right tool involves weighing these factors against your specific requirements. Remember though, you can always use an automation tool like Magical to cut costs while boosting your team's productivity. You can use Magical to automate repetitive tasks like messages you send in Slack--and you can even use Magical AI to write updates for you:

Slack does have a lot of major benefits. You can send messages and get quick updates, support your team, or even scrape data directly from Slack

‍Remember that Slack is just one tool in your arsenal for a remote team, but it doesn't replace live or even video-based communication entirely. You should still do everything you can to foster a positive work environment. 

Hold regular check-ins, virtual team meetings and open discussions to facilitate the exchange of ideas and updates. In the age of remote work and video calls, seeing colleagues in person might be limited, but personally connecting with others even virtually aids in building stronger bonds and amplifying the impact of internal messages.
-Abbi Whitaker

What Are Some Features to Look for In A Slack Alternative?

When searching for an alternative to Slack, several key features and aspects are important to consider to ensure that the new platform meets your team's communication and collaboration needs. Here's a few features to look for:

1. Project Management and Task Tracking

The best collaboration tools today do more than just let you chat; they're where your projects live. Imagine being able to assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress without ever leaving your chat tool—that's what platforms offering integrated project management can do for you. These capabilities are vital as they help ensure nothing falls through the cracks while keeping everyone on the same page.

In practice, this means when someone mentions a task in group chats or direct messages, it can instantly become an item on your to-do list with all necessary details attached. This seamless integration helps streamline workflows and keep team members aligned with current priorities.

2. Communication and Messaging Capabilities

Messaging is at the heart of any team collaboration app. But we’re talking about much more than sending emojis—though those are important too. We need robust features such as private messages for sensitive discussions, public channels for broader conversations, real-time chat for instant problem-solving, video meetings when face-to-face interaction makes sense, audio calls because sometimes typing won’t cut it—and guest access so clients or freelancers can jump into conversations as needed.

A messaging platform must serve various communication styles while ensuring data security remains tight—a key feature especially if confidential information gets shared frequently within these digital walls.

You can even set reminders or mark off when you're in meetings by connecting Google Calendar: a great way to stay on top of your weekly schedule and limit interruptions from coworkers. 

3. File Sharing and Storage Options

Gone are days of emailing back-and-forth attachments that get lost in cluttered inboxes. Modern collaboration tools allow teams to share files directly within their workspace—with options ranging from drag-and-drop simplicity to organized file storage systems boasting GBs of space on free plans or even more under paid plans starting reasonably low per month when billed annually.

4. Video Conferencing and Screen Sharing Utilities

Last but certainly not least: Video conferencing breathes life into remote work by creating virtual meeting rooms where ideas flow freely—as if everyone were gathered around one big table (but maybe still wearing pajama bottoms). When screen sharing jumps into play during these sessions? It’s golden because showing beats telling almost every time whether troubleshooting issues together or presenting quarterly results—all smoothly interwoven within your main communication app.

The Best Slack Alternatives for 2024

1. Microsoft Teams 

When team collaboration is the game, Microsoft Teams emerges as a strong player. This platform has grown into a robust hub for teamwork, seamlessly integrating with Office 365. It's where chat meets serious work, transforming conversations into action. Microsoft Teams has seen a 50% increase in daily active users in 2024, reaching 145 million.

The heart of any collaborative tool is its ability to bring people together quickly and efficiently. With Microsoft Teams, instant messaging takes center stage—allowing direct messages to flow freely between colleagues. But it doesn't stop there; group chats are equally streamlined, fostering an environment where ideas can be shared openly among team members.

Having your office tools in one place isn’t just convenient—it’s essential. That's why Microsoft made sure their answer to Slack comes with deep integration across all Office 365 applications within the same window you’re using for your video calls or planning sessions.

Ina G2 review, user Bhartii S. says: 

The upsides of miscrosoft teams i.e. it has everything you to offer with lot of features that it contains in it. It is so easy to use that user can create thing such as meeitngs, groups and send messages etc. Users can implement easily with the help of mobile application and dekhtop application.

2. Chanty 

Chanty has a unique blend of messaging with task management capabilities. This platform goes beyond basic group conversations by integrating a to-do list directly into the chat tool. Here, team members can convert messages into tasks, ensuring nothing gets lost in translation. 

Chanty's key features include creating a manageable workflow within direct messages or public channels, making it easier than ever for teams to stay on top of their game without leaving the communication app.

Real-time chat is crucial, so Chanty provides not just instant messaging but also options for audio calls and video calling. It helps bridge the gap between quick chats and substantial project planning.

In a G2 review, user Martin U. says: 

Chanty is really a productive chat tool that facilitates easy communication between team members, this great tool allows team members to chat with each other, enhancing work flow, chanty is easy to use,it's fast, its signing up process doesn't take long, it supports unlimited messages Compared to similar apps, its user interface is easy and its newer version supports audio messaging, that's totally great.

3. Bitrix24

If your business seeks an all-in-one solution encompassing not only communication but also CRM and marketing automation tools, Bitrix24 might be what you're after. With its wide array of capabilities from message history tracking to live video meetings with screen sharing utilities, this unified workspace allows private team collaborations alongside client interactions through guest access—ensuring data security at every step.

The beauty lies in how seamlessly these functions integrate; whether you want a space where social media engagement meets customer relationship management or need end-to-end encryption on file sharing – Bitrix24 delivers without needing multiple mobile apps cluttering your device’s storage.

In a G2 review, user Shailesh J says: 

Bitrix24 is a complete business automation tool. We are using it in all of our daily activities. It includes lead management, deal management, task management, project, scrum, sprint, automation and many more things. It is easy to implement it for all the departments like sales, marketing, software development, front office, back office, account, and management. It also comes with various external tools which helps to manage our routine task and automation easily. It is easy to use even for a people with basic knowledge. We have integrated it for managing our sales funnel and after-sales support.

4. Wire 

With the rise of remote workforces, security across multiple devices has never been more important. Wire, which champions end-to-end encryption, provides peace of mind by ensuring that every message sent is only readable by the intended recipient—no matter what device you're using. 

From CEOs discussing strategic moves to developers sharing code snippets, Wire's commitment to privacy shields conversations from prying eyes.

This isn't your average chat app—it's a fortress in the form of communication software. With features like video calling and file sharing wrapped in layers of encryption protocols, team members can collaborate with confidence knowing their intellectual property stays within the virtual walls of their organization.

In a G2 review, user J.W. says: 

Great for business or personal since you can message a variety of different contacts easily. I can just copy and paste from one person to another or add a group so I can send reminders to everyone at once.

5. Element 

Element takes a different approach but with no less emphasis on security. Leveraging Matrix open standard protocol—an innovative technology designed for real-time communication—it enables users to own their data while participating in group conversations or direct messages securely.

The platform doesn’t skimp on functionality either: along with robust data security measures including end-to-end encryption, Element allows teams to share files seamlessly and engage in audio calls without sacrificing user privacy. 

This means discussions around proprietary designs or financial forecasts remain confidential yet accessible anywhere you have internet access—a win-win scenario for modern-day companies concerned about cyber threats but eager not to hinder productivity.

In a G2 review, user Steven C. says: 

Configuration was easy due to it's self hosting capabilities. Training on the product was even easier since it functioned like easy to use chat application. We also appreciated the fact that there is a browser and app version of the application which allows for flexibility of access.


JANDI steps up as an ally for businesses by offering both free trials and robust paid plans that are billed annually. The question isn't just about cost—it's value. With JANDI, teams kickstart collaboration with group chats and file sharing without immediate investment.

But when business scales up, so do needs. JANDI’s paid plans start opening doors to more advanced features like unlimited message history and guest access—essential tools for growing teams needing deeper communication layers.

In a G2 review, user Caroline B. says: 

Productivity by having closer communication between our entire work team has improved because we can do everything on the platform as if we were all in the same office. I like it because its use is easy to learn to use. From the beginning I had no training. long to know how it works.

7. Google Chat

If you're already nestled in the Google ecosystem, then Google Chat might be right up your alley; it comes bundled within Google Workspace. Its free version gets basics done but jump on their trial or dive straight into their full suite, and watch how real-time chat amplifies productivity across Sheets and Docs too.

Paid subscriptions often unlock prime capabilities such as increased GB storage for hefty projects or finer data security measures—a critical consideration if safeguarding sensitive information is top priority for your organization.

In essence, weighing these options means looking beyond today’s penny-pinching towards tomorrow’s potential gains. Consider what seamless integration could mean for daily operations before choosing which route to take because sometimes splurging now could save heaps later down the line.Your call should balance current functionality with future growth opportunities.

In a GetApp review, user Micah M. notes: 

I like how it integrates seamlessly with other google products like google drive and google documents. I also feel like it’s a very stable product.

8. Zulip

Consider Zulip, which takes email-style threading to new heights within its interface. Users can enjoy threaded conversations that allow them to jump in and out of different topics without losing context—a game-changer for those who've experienced the chaos of unthreaded chats. This approach ensures no message gets lost in the shuffle and each conversation remains focused and searchable.

In a G2 review, one user says: 

It is a great tool for having communication within the team. It works on cloud platform and a seperate space can be created for each new discussion. It is absolutely free to use and and enterprise support at a low cost.

9. Twist

Moving away from constant notifications associated with many messaging apps is Twist—offering asynchronous communication aimed at reducing interruptions throughout your workday. With Twist’s unique model emphasizing thoughtful responses over immediate reactions, it becomes easier for teams spread across time zones or preferring flexible working hours to collaborate effectively without feeling pressured by live chat demands.

Their emphasis on deep work rather than instant availability encourages productivity through focus—something you'll understand better once you delve into their world here. By allowing users control over when they engage with messages means less stress about missing something important just because they weren't online at the right moment.

In a G2 review, user Corey D. shares: 

I like how minimalist this app is, and how clean the UI appears. It is much easier to use than Stride. I also enjoy the fact that there is no light or indicator for when I'm online.

10. Rocket.Chat

When your business needs a communication tool that bends to your will, not the other way around, open source platforms like Rocket.Chat. are top notch. This tool gives you full control over the stack with customizability in its DNA. Open source means tweaking every aspect of your chat tool is fair game—from data security protocols to integrating unique management tools.

Rocket.Chat boasts robust features include instant messaging, group conversations, and video calling—all customizable. Teams collaborate more effectively when they can tailor their tools to fit specific workflows or integrate with existing systems such as social media channels or project management software. It's why many seek out Rocket.Chat; it's an alternative built on flexibility.

In a G2 review, user Jastin E. says: 

Rocket.Chat's standout feature lies in its adaptability and customization capabilities, enabling users to tailor their communication and collaboration environment to precise specifications. The open-source nature of the platform fosters a vibrant community of developers, allowing for continuous improvement and a wide array of plugins and integrations. Additionally, the emphasis on real-time messaging, robust security measures, and the option for self-hosting contribute to Rocket.Chat's appeal, making it a versatile solution for diverse communication needs.


Teamwork makes the dream work, and choosing the right tools can turn that dream into reality. The best Slack alternatives pave new paths for collaboration, communication, and productivity.

Finding the right Slack alternative requires a careful balance of features, usability, and cost that aligns with your team's unique needs and workflow. Whether you prioritize advanced collaboration tools, stringent security measures, or seamless integrations with other applications, there's a plethora of options available in the market to suit various organizational sizes and sectors.

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