See How the Mission Lane Customer Support Team Saved 25,000+ Hours

Emely Leal

Bilingual Account Coordinator

Mission Lane

Mission Lane is a financial technology company that offers tools and support for millions of Americans to access credit, debit, and more.

15+ Team Members

Using Magical as a team to answer customer queries

50+ Support Emails

Answered per coordinator per hour using shortcuts

80% of Support Calls

Taken with notes using shared shortcuts

The longer a customer waits on hold, the more annoyed they get. 🤬 So when you’re getting as many calls and emails per day as the customer support team at Mission Lane—every single second counts…

This became clear to Emely Leal, Bilingual Account Coordinator shortly after she joined the company. There seemed to be an endless queue of support calls and emails coming in on any given day—and she quickly found herself overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of tickets she was responsible for answering: 

The company is growing and there have been more applicants joining the Mission Lane community. I’m on both the Spanish and English queue, so I’m taking around 25 calls per hour, or trying to answer about 50 emails. We’re so, so busy.

For Emely, this was her first time working a role where she would be answering phone calls from customers. And there was a lot of pressure for her to not only be accurate and helpful—but also take detailed notes after each call documenting what was being discussed.

There’s a specific timeframe goal after each call, and compensation and potential promotions depend on that. I cannot multitask, so it was taking me a lot of time to finish up notes after every call. It finally got to the point where this was having an impact on my stats and having a domino effect on other parts of my job.

The clock was ticking. (Literally.) So, Emely needed to find a more efficient way to take notes during these customer calls. Thankfully, she noticed that many of the conversations she was having were starting to feel familiar. And the emails were starting to give her a sense of deja vu as well… 

We do get a lot of very similar calls and very similar emails. Credit card application support, lost credit cards, issues with payments… I just wanted to avoid having to type out the same thing every time we get the same question.

A colleague let Emely in on a little secret: there’s a faster way to take notes and send repetitive emails. ⏱ And it wouldn’t take long for her to get set up, either… 

Little did Emely know, some of her colleagues on the Mission Lane team had already solved this problem using the Magical app. When her timeframe stats started to slip, one of them pulled her aside to show her how she could use text expansion shortcuts in her phone calls and emails.

A teammate shared Magical with me because my timeframe stats were obviously not doing very well. They told me: ‘Hey, I have these text expansion shortcuts already made. This is working for me right now, and it’s saving me time.’ They told me I could tweak each one and make it my own.

Even better: because Mission Lane had set up a team on Magical, Emely was able to get instant access to all the most popular shortcuts her colleagues were using. They had already set up triggers for common things they needed to type out all the time—like how to respond when a customer had lost their credit card, or to document when a customer was running into a common problem during the application process.

I was a little bit intimidated at first because I couldn’t remember all the triggers. But then I discovered you could just type in slash slash and the keyword, and it will pop up with all the options you need. That’s amazing.

This especially came in handy during the phone calls Emely had with customers. With Magical at her side, she found she was able to better focus on what they were saying. (And worry less about frantically typing out notes.) Emely could just keep calm, expand the relevant note shortcuts, and carry on with her day.

Like I said, I can’t multitask. That’s why I like Magical, because I can focus on the call with the card holder and just type keywords. So whenever the call finishes, it’s much easier for me at the end to just expand them with shortcuts and finish the notes.

Oh, and the support emails? Pshaw—those responses practically wrote themselves with the help of fill-in-the-blank variables.

Emails are very easy now too. If it’s a quick answer, Magical really shines. Because it’s so freakin’ easy to finish it in a minute. You just type the trigger, fill in some blanks, and you’re good to go.

Now, dozens of colleagues are sharing Magical shortcuts at Mission Lane. 👏 They’re becoming more productive as a team, and they have the improved timeframe stats to prove it… 

For Emely, this completely turned around her job performance. With Magical at her side, she was able to fire off more support email responses and get her call notes completed faster than ever before. This is a big deal for her not just on a professional level—but on a personal level as well.

I’ve saved about 30 hours so far using Magical. When I saw that, I was like: ‘Woah.’ My stats have improved, I’ve gotten more of the job down because of it. That means more opportunities in terms of potential promotions and compensation, too.

Word has spread fast through Mission Lane. Now, almost everyone on the team is sharing shortcuts and using Magical to get their work done faster—saving a collective 25,000+ hours across the department. Team leads and managers have embraced this new tool as well, because it means they’re able to better serve their customers.

I’m not the only one—most of my teammates and the people who trained me have recommended Magical for this reason. My manager has been very supportive. He sees that Magical has been very helpful for the team. It’s been booming at Mission Lane because it helps us finish notes faster and help more customers.

In some ways, it’s all come full circle too. Because now Emely is the one sharing Magical shortcuts with new team members who are struggling to improve their timeframe statistics. (Cue the Lion King soundtrack.)

Now, I'm sharing Magical with new teammates who are entering the company. They really like it, because it helps you save a ton of time. A tremendous amount of time, actually. It’s been very helpful not just for me—but for our entire team.


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Hey!I found a home that I think you'll love! Quick details:

Let me know if this sounds interesting and your availabilities over the next few days, and I'll schedule a walkthrough!✨ Magic trick: You can also use variables to easily fill data into a form without copy-pasting. Just hit // and select the data!