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50 Welcome Message to New Employees Templates (+ Extra Tips)

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Is your team growing? It’s always exciting when someone new joins—usually a sign that your business is doing well, and that you’re ready to introduce new skills and fresh perspectives. While you’re busy getting everything organized (contracting, HR admin, laptops—it all takes quite a bit of time), don’t forget to welcome your latest recruit properly. Start by sending a nice welcome message to your new employee.

Why? Research suggests that 69% of employees are more likely to stay with a company for at least three years if they have a good onboarding experience. If they’re not happy, 20% of new employees leave within the first month-and-a-half of starting their job. Such a high turnover can be cumbersome and costly for your company.

Welcome messages to new employees matter - 69% of employees are more likely to stay with the company for at least 3 years after a great onboarding experience

The first impression you make matters. We’re here to help you make it a good one.

Why should you write “welcome to the team” messages?

You’ve worked at your company long enough to know all the ins-and-outs of the content of the work and the corporate culture. But for you new employee, everything’s new.

Until they get a handle on how things operate, they’re in the dark. Make it your job to make this transition smooth and easy.

Sending a “welcome to the team” message that lets them know that you’re pleased to have them on board casts your company in a positive light. It shows you already value their expertise and contribution. And making them feel welcome and appreciated right from the get-go helps you build a long-lasting and productive relationship.

It’s also an opportunity to remind them of what your company stands for and to inspire them to live up to certain values.

How To Welcome A New Employee To The Team

Welcoming a new employee to the team is an important step in building a positive and inclusive work environment. Happy, welcomed employees will go the extra mile to make your customers happy. And they'll stay longer. In fact new employees who went through a structured onboarding program were 58% more likely to be with the organization after three years.

Here's some tips to make the onboarding process effective and welcoming:

1. Preparation Before Arrival: Ensure that their workspace is ready with necessary equipment and supplies. Having everything set up demonstrates organization and thoughtfulness.

2. Welcome Email or Letter: Send a welcome message before their first day. This can include an overview of their first day, what they should bring, and who they will meet.

3. First Day Agenda: Provide a clear schedule for their first day or week. This should include orientation sessions, meetings with key team members, and any necessary training sessions.

4. Introduction to the Team: Introduce them to their colleagues. This can be through a formal introduction in a team meeting or an informal meet-and-greet. Consider assigning a mentor or buddy to help them settle in.

5. Provide Essential Information: Share important information about the company culture, policies, and procedures. Make sure they know how to access resources they might need.

6. Set Clear Expectations: Discuss their role, responsibilities, and goals early on. This helps in aligning their efforts with team objectives.

7. Encourage Questions: Create an environment where the new employee feels comfortable asking questions. Regular check-ins can help in addressing any concerns or uncertainties.

8. Social Integration: Include them in social activities and team lunches. Social connections can greatly improve their comfort and integration into the team.

9. Feedback and Support: Offer constructive feedback and support as they learn their new role. Acknowledge their progress and contributions.

10. Long-Term Integration Plan: Develop a plan for their continued development and integration into the team. This could include ongoing training, participation in projects, and regular performance reviews.

Remember, the goal is to make the new employee feel valued, supported, and part of the team from day one. This not only helps in reducing their anxiety but also accelerates their ability to contribute effectively to the team.

Real example of a welcome message

Here's an example of a welcome message we used here at Magical. Whenever someone new joins the team, their manager will post a welcome message to the #general Slack channel providing some context on who they are, why they were hired, a fun fact, and a photo to help everyone put a face to the name. (This is extra important if you work at a remote company, like Magical.)

Welcome message to new employee example

What should you say to welcome a new employee? (5 Tips)

Your welcome message is the virtual equivalent of an in-person greeting (if your company is fully remote or hybrid, it might be the only greeting your employee gets for a while). This means that it needs to be everything you’d expect from an in-person introduction. Think big smiles, a hearty handshake and a friendly demeanor. Now, put that energy into your writing.

Alright, you're in the driver's seat ready to welcome a new team member. Your welcome message acts as your virtual handshake, an enthusiastic first impression that's crucial, especially if your company operates from the cloud. Picture your most inviting in-person hello - a solid handshake, friendly vibes, and a wide grin - then, let's translate that energy into a killer welcome note.  

  1. Start strong. “Welcome aboard” or “Congratulations on joining our team” is an obvious but great way to start your message. If your welcome message is an email, use this as your subject line.
  2. Be warm and inviting. Even if your company culture is quite formal, it’s important that your welcoming note is warm and engaging. Make it personal. You can even mention some of the skills your new team member has: “We’re delighted to have your creative abilities and technical know-how in our team. Together, we know we can achieve great things.”
  3. Give them useful info. Your welcome note can be as long or as short as you like. You may choose to use it as an opportunity to share important information about the way things work, such as how to access the intranet, what different meeting rooms are called, and where your employee can go to grab a good bite to eat.
  4. Personalize that Prose: Don’t shy away from recognizing the unique skills that your new teammate brings to the table. For example, "We're thrilled to have your inventive prowess and tech expertise within our ranks. Together, we’re ready to move mountains."
  5. Outline Expectations: Let your newbie know what their first week should look like. This could include a schedule of introductory meetings or necessary training sessions. Additionally, provide them a handy roster of key contacts—for example, their HR partner, team leads, or their go-to IT expert. After all, we all know that tech can have its moody days. This not only helps them know what to expect, but it gives them a roadmap to feel a part of the team quicker.

You’ll likely send similar welcome messages out to all your new employees with a few small tweaks, so to make life simpler you can speed things up using an automated text expander with templates. Check out Magical. You’ll save hours every week.

Use AI to generate a welcome message template for you

Want to create a specific type of welcome message? Use this Magical template generator to create a custom template that says 'welcome' in exactly the right way. You can get specific with your prompt (for example, you can ask for 'a welcome message for a new marketing coordinator joining the team') and even choose the tone of voice you want to use. To generate an unlimited number of email templates, add the free Magical Chrome extension to your browser.


The best “welcome on board” email templates: 50+ examples

OK, let’s get down to business.

Here are a few ideas for welcome messages you may want to send out to new employees. These are just guidelines. Feel free to tweak or edit them according to what feels right for your company, culture and circumstances.

Welcome to the team emails

1. Welcome, [name]! We’re thrilled to have you with us. We really believe that your skills, experience and creativity are just what we’re looking for, and that you’ll be a great asset to our team.

2. Welcome to the team, [name]! We're so excited to have you with us and we can’t wait to see what you’ll do in your new role.

3. Congratulations on being part of the team, [name]! The whole company is delighted to have you on board. We know that we’re going to have a successful journey together.

4. A warm welcome to the office, [name]! Your remarkable skills are just what we’ve been looking for. You’re sure to be a great addition to our team and company.

5. Welcome to our team, [name]! We value the different talents and ideas of everyone in our team – yours included. We’re so looking forward to seeing what you get up to.

6. Thanks for joining our team, [name]. Our company is growing and changing all the time and we’re so excited to have you along for the ride.

7. Welcome to the team, [name]! Given your achievements at [previous company], we are excited to see how your innovative ideas will contribute to our growth.

8. A warm welcome and lots of good wishes on becoming part of our growing team, [name]. We are all happy and excited to have you here, and look forward to your contribution to our company.

9. Congratulations and welcome to our team, [name]. We’re here to help you feel right at home. If there’s anything you need, please let us know.

Personal welcome emails

10. Congratulations on your new role, [name]! We know you’re going to be a wonderful addition to our dynamic and passionate team. We can’t wait to work with you.

11. Hello, [name]! You've been highly recommended, and we're delighted that you've chosen us. Welcome to the team.

12. Hello and welcome to [company], [name]! We’re all about working with enthusiastic, creative people who want to learn and grow. We know that you’ll fit right in. It's great to have you with us.

13. Welcome, [name]. We chose you from all the applicants we interviewed because we believe that, together, we can do amazing things. We hope you’ll always feel inspired to innovate, share your thoughts, and push boundaries. Your colleagues are here to help you.

14. Welcome, [name]! At [company], we’re all about open communication and creativity. We want to hear your ideas, don’t be shy.

15. Congratulations and welcome, [name]! We thrive on innovation and change, and can’t wait to see how you’ll shake things up around here. Let’s get started.

16. Hello and welcome, [name]! We believe you’re going to be a valuable asset to our company and are here to encourage and support you along the way.

17. Hello, [name], and welcome. The entire team of [company] is thrilled to have you on board. We hope you’ll do some amazing work here!

18. Welcome, [name]! We’re so happy to have you with us, and hope that you’ll always feel free to speak up and share your views. At [company], we believe in growing together.

19. Congratulations and welcome aboard, [name]. We hand-picked you because we believe we can help each other grow and succeed. We know we’re in for a fantastic journey together.

20. Hello, [name], and thank you so much for accepting a position with us. We hope that you’ll be very happy here. Welcome!

21. Welcome, [name]! You’re one of a kind, and we can’t wait to hear all your thoughts and ideas. We look forward to learning and growing with you.

22. Congratulations on taking the next step in your career, [name]! We see great things ahead – it’s why we brought you on board. We invite you to ask questions, make mistakes and experiment. That’s how we’ll reach new heights together.

23. Congratulations, [name], and welcome to your first day with us. We want you to know that we believe in you and we’re behind you in everything you do here.

24. Welcome and congratulations, [name]! We choose our team members carefully because when someone joins our team, we hope to forge a long-term and successful partnership together. We can’t wait to start this journey with you.

25. Welcome, [name]! You’re the perfect addition to our team, and we look forward to helping you do the best work of your life with us.

26. Welcome to the team, [name]! We know that it can be a bit overwhelming starting a new job, but don’t worry. We’re here to help you in any way we can.

27. Welcome, [name], and thank you for choosing us. We couldn’t be prouder to have you on board.

Welcome to our department emails

28. A huge welcome to [name], coming to us from [another department]. We are excited to benefit from your unique perspective and expertise.

29. Welcome [name], and congratulations on your successful transfer from [previous department]. We are thrilled to tap into your wealth of experience.

30. Welcome, [name]! We've heard fantastic things about your skills and expertise, and we are confident that you are the missing piece we've been searching for.

31. Hello [name]! Transitioning from [previous department or company] is a significant move, but we're here to make it easy and worthwhile. Welcome to the team!

32. Warm welcome, [name]! Your reputation as a dynamic and creative individual precedes you. We're excited to see what innovative ideas you bring from [previous department/competitor].

33. Hello [name]! The transition from [previous department] is a significant step, but we're confident that you'll shine in your new role.

34. Welcome to the team, [name]! We're pleased that you've chosen to transfer from your previous department – your diverse experience will no doubt enrich our team's abilities.

Welcome back emails

35. Welcome back, [name]! Returning to a former environment can be daunting, but rest assure that we are here to make the transition as smooth as possible.

36. Welcome back, [name]! It's wonderful to have you rejoin our team after your time away. We're excited to see how your experiences will enhance our work environment.

37. Welcome aboard, [name]! We're looking forward to how your background and expertise in [specific field] can add to our team dynamics.

38. Welcome back, [name]! We're thrilled to have you rejoin our team and eager to see how your new experiences will shape our future success.

39. Welcome back, [name]! It's great to see an old face return. We're optimistic about how your growth during your time away will influence the team positively.

40. Welcome back to the team, [name]! Your experience away from us was valuable and we're eager to learn from your new perspectives.

Welcoming someone from another company

41. Warm welcome to [name]! Coming from our competitor gives you a unique edge and understanding that we're excited to learn from.

42. Hello and welcome, [name]! We're thrilled to have someone with your diverse experience and skills joining us.

43. Hello, [name]! As an esteemed individual in our industry, we are eager to see how your insights, especially from a competitor's perspective, will bring a fresh dynamic to our team.

44. Welcome to our team, [name]! Your past successes are an inspiration, and your ambition aligns perfectly with our mission.

45. Hello [name]! We're excited about this new chapter in your career. Welcome to the team and here's to future success together.

46. Hello, [name]! We're ecstatic about having a seasoned veteran like you joining our team. Your reputation precedes you, and we look forward to learning from you.

47.  Warm welcome, [name]! We can't wait to collaborate and grow with your assistance, fresh perspective, and proven expertise.

48. A hearty welcome to [name]. We admire your past achievements at [previous company], and look forward to achieving success together.

49. Dear [name], welcome to the team! We've admired your work for some time and can't wait to see what we will achieve together.

50. Welcome to our team, [name]! Your experience at [previous company] is just the ingredient we need for a dynamic and diverse team.

FAQ's About Welcoming New Employees

1.  What should be included in a welcome pack for new employees?
  - Welcome packs typically include essential information like company policies, employee handbook, office map, IT setup instructions, and sometimes company-branded items or small gifts to make them feel welcomed.

2.  How can I make a new employee feel welcome on their first day?
  - Prepare their workspace, introduce them to the team, schedule a team lunch or coffee break, and ensure they have a clear agenda for their first day. Personal touches like a welcome note can also make a big difference.

3.  What is the role of a buddy or mentor in welcoming a new employee?
  - A buddy or mentor helps the new employee navigate the workplace, understand company culture, and provides support and guidance during the initial period of employment. They act as a go-to person for any questions or concerns.

4.  How can I help a new employee understand the company culture?
  - Share stories and examples that reflect the company's values, encourage them to participate in company events and meetings, and introduce them to different team members who can share their experiences and insights.

5.  What are the key elements of an effective orientation program?
  - An effective orientation program should include an introduction to the company’s history, mission, and values, overviews of various departments, compliance and policy training, and practical information about day-to-day operations.

6.  How long should the onboarding process last?
  - The length of onboarding varies depending on the role and the company, but it typically spans from the first week to the first few months of employment.

7.  What are some common challenges new employees face and how can they be addressed?
  - Common challenges include understanding company culture, feeling overwhelmed with information, and building relationships with new colleagues. Regular check-ins, clear communication, and providing resources for support can help mitigate these challenges.

8.  How can technology be used to improve the onboarding experience?
  - Utilizing digital platforms for training, providing access to online resources, and using communication tools for team interactions can streamline the onboarding process and make information more accessible.

9.  How can I gather feedback from new employees about their onboarding experience?
  - Conduct surveys or informal one-on-one meetings to gather feedback. This can help in identifying areas of improvement for future onboarding processes.

10.  What strategies can be used to integrate remote employees into the team?
    - Use video conferencing for face-to-face interactions, create virtual coffee breaks or social hours, and ensure they have regular contact with their team and manager.

How to automate a welcome message to a new employee

While adding a personal touch to a welcome message is always important (don’t forget their name, for starters!), there are a few things you probably want to standardize so you can streamline your onboarding process. This is especially true if you’re growing fast.

With Magical, you can replace all your repetitive typing tasks with just a few keystrokes. No complex setup needed. It just works like a charm and you can start in minutes, saving you hours every week. Perfect for HR pros and recruiters who need to regularly message candidates, new hires, and existing team members.

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