
Networking Email Templates That Don't Suck

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So, you want to master the art of writing a killer networking email template? You're in luck. This article will guide you through creating emails that not only catch attention but also spark meaningful connections. 

We'll discuss how to build an amazing networking email template from scratch as well as give you effective networking email templates you can use and make your own. In addition, we'll offer some practical tips for networking successfully. 

The Power of Networking Emails

Networking can be...shall we say, awkward at times. You're trying to make connections with people who can help you or whom you can help. There's no reason why you need to make it even more awkward. 

Here's a few more reasons why networking email templates are so important:

First Impressions Matter

Networking emails often serve as the first point of contact between professionals. A well-written email can set the tone for a positive and productive relationship. It's an opportunity to make a good first impression by demonstrating professionalism, courtesy, and genuine interest.

You're Building & Expanding Your Professional Networks

In today's interconnected world, having a broad and diverse professional network is invaluable. Networking emails allow individuals to reach out to potential mentors, peers, collaborators, or industry leaders outside their immediate circle, thereby expanding their network and opening doors to new opportunities.

Novelty means getting outside of your own little social bubble, or, as we have learned to say, ‘echo chamber,’ and talking to people you don’t know that well who are doing things you never imagined,” Granovetter told me in an email. “If you only know people you work with every day, you won’t be learning anything new about how to do things.
-Mark Granovetter, Stanford University Sociologist 

You Gain Access to Opportunities Not Known to Others

Many opportunities in the professional world are not advertised publicly but are filled through personal connections and referrals. Networking emails can unlock these hidden opportunities by putting you on the radar of key decision-makers and influencers in your field.

You're Sharing & Exchanging Knowledge

Networking emails facilitate the exchange of ideas, insights, and best practices among professionals. This exchange is vital for staying updated on industry trends, solving complex problems, and fostering innovation.

Building Long-Term Relationships 

Effective networking emails can lay the groundwork for long-term professional relationships. These relationships can evolve to offer mutual support, collaboration, and advocacy over time, contributing to career resilience and satisfaction.

What Should I Include in a Networking Email?

Here’s a structured approach to what you should include in your networking email to make it impactful:

1. Engaging Subject Line

Make it clear and engaging. The subject line should give the recipient a good reason to open the email. It could reference a mutual connection, a shared interest, or the specific purpose of your email, e.g., “Seeking Your Insight on [Industry/Role]”.

2. Personalized Greeting & Intro

Use the recipient’s name to personalize the greeting. If possible, show familiarity with their work or achievements to create an immediate connection, e.g., “Dear Dr. Smith, I was inspired by your recent talk at…” Briefly introduce yourself, including your current role or professional standing and how you came across the recipient’s contact information. This helps to establish context for the recipient.

Networking emails that mention a mutual connection have a 50% higher response rate, so if you have someone in common, call that out quickly. 

3. Get to the Point Right Away

Clearly state the reason for reaching out. Whether you’re seeking advice, information about a job opening, or insights into an industry, be concise and specific about what you’re asking for.

Mention any mutual connections or shared interests. If you’ve met before, remind them of where and when. If you admire their work or share common professional interests, mention that. This helps to build rapport.

According to HubSpot, 85 percent of jobs are filled through networking. Seventy percent of jobs are never even published publicly, meaning that so many opportunities arise simply from talking to people — whether it’s a formal coffee chat or over Twitter DM. It’s a daunting reality, particularly for those who don’t come from privileged backgrounds or aren’t born with connections that can help them out. Luckily, there are plenty of tactics and tools anyone can use to strengthen or build new relationships — especially in the digital age.
-Teresa Xie 

4. Give Your Value Prop

Explain what you bring to the table. This could be insights from your current role, a different perspective, or the potential for future collaboration. Even if you’re seeking advice or mentorship, indicating your willingness to learn and contribute can be appealing.

5. Give a Strong, Clear CTA

Be clear about what you’re asking for. This could be a brief phone call, a coffee meeting, or answers to specific questions via email. Make it as easy as possible for them to say yes by being flexible with their schedule.

6. Thank You & Close

Express appreciation for their time and consideration. A simple thank you can go a long way in leaving a positive impression.

Include a professional signature with your full name, title/position, company (if applicable), and contact information. This makes it easy for them to identify you and respond.

What You Don't Need in a Networking Email

Like everything, there's things you should NOT do and networking email templates are no exception. Here are key things to avoid at all costs:

1. Generic or Impersonal Greetings

Avoid using generic greetings like "Dear Sir/Madam" or "To whom it may concern." These indicate a lack of effort to research the recipient's name and personalize the message.

2. Overly Long Emails

Keep your email concise and to the point. Lengthy emails can overwhelm or discourage busy professionals from reading through and responding.

3. Lack of Clarity on Purpose

Be clear about why you're reaching out. Vague requests or unclear objectives can lead to confusion and reduce your chances of receiving the help or information you're seeking.

4. Making Demands or Sounding Entitled

Your tone should be polite and respectful. Avoid sounding demanding or entitled to someone’s time or resources. Networking is about mutual benefit and respect.

5. Typos and Grammatical Errors

Proofread your email to ensure it's free from typos, grammatical errors, or awkward phrasing. Such mistakes can detract from your professionalism.

6. Over-Sharing Personal Information

While some personal details can help build a connection, oversharing or divulging inappropriate personal information can be off-putting.

7. Failure to Do Your Homework & Not Offering Value

Sending a networking email without researching the recipient's current role, interests, or recent achievements can come across as lazy or inattentive. While you might be reaching out to seek advice or information, it’s important to consider what you can offer in return, even if it's simply a fresh perspective or gratitude.

11 Networking Email Template Samples

Note: When you have a lot of networking to do, you should use the free Magical Chrome extension. With Magical you can store these templates (or create new ones) and use them anywhere with one click. It works with any email platform or messaging app. Check it out: 

1. Reaching Out to a New Contact

Subject: Exploring [Industry] Insights – A Quick Hello

Dear [Name],

I recently came across your profile on [LinkedIn/Company Website], and I was impressed by your extensive experience in [Industry/Field]. I’m currently exploring opportunities in this area and am eager to learn from seasoned professionals like yourself. 

Would you be open to a brief call or coffee meeting at your convenience? I’m keen to hear about your journey and gain insights that could guide my own path in [Industry/Field].

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the possibility of connecting.


[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

I recently came across your profile on [LinkedIn/Company Website], and I was impressed by your extensive experience in [Industry/Field]. I’m currently exploring opportunities in this area and am eager to learn from seasoned professionals like yourself. 

Would you be open to a brief call or coffee meeting at your convenience? I’m keen to hear about your journey and gain insights that could guide my own path in [Industry/Field].

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the possibility of connecting.


[Your Name]

2. Following Up After an Event

Subject: Great Connecting at [Event]

Hi [Name],

It was such a pleasure meeting you at [Event] last [Date/Time]. I really enjoyed our conversation about [Topic Discussed]. 

I wanted to follow up on our discussion and [mention any follow-up items, e.g., sending a link or a document you talked about]. Also, I’d love to stay in touch and perhaps explore ways we might collaborate or support each other in the future.

Let’s connect here on LinkedIn [insert LinkedIn URL] or feel free to drop me an email anytime.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

Hi [Name],

It was such a pleasure meeting you at [Event] last [Date/Time]. I really enjoyed our conversation about [Topic Discussed]. 

I wanted to follow up on our discussion and [mention any follow-up items, e.g., sending a link or a document you talked about]. Also, I’d love to stay in touch and perhaps explore ways we might collaborate or support each other in the future.

Let’s connect here on LinkedIn [insert LinkedIn URL] or feel free to drop me an email anytime.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

3. Seeking Advice

Subject: Seeking Your Valuable Advice on [Topic/Field]

Dear [Name],

I am [Your Name], and I am currently [Your Position/Student at Institution]. I have been following your work in [Field/Area], and I am truly inspired by your contributions.

I am reaching out to seek your advice on [specific question or decision]. I believe your insights could be invaluable to me at this juncture. Would you be open to a brief email exchange or a quick call at your convenience?

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your time and look forward to possibly hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

I am [Your Name], and I am currently [Your Position/Student at Institution]. I have been following your work in [Field/Area], and I am truly inspired by your contributions.

I am reaching out to seek your advice on [specific question or decision]. I believe your insights could be invaluable to me at this juncture. Would you be open to a brief email exchange or a quick call at your convenience?

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your time and look forward to possibly hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

4. Asking for a Job Referral

Subject: Request for Referral to [Position] at [Company]

Hi [Name],

I recently came across the [Position] opening at [Company], and I am very interested in applying. Given your remarkable tenure there and understanding of the company culture, I thought to reach out to you.

Would you be comfortable providing a referral for me? I’ve attached my resume for your review, and I’m happy to provide any additional information you might need.

Thank you very much for considering my request. Regardless of your decision, I value our connection and look forward to keeping in touch.


[Your Name]

Hi [Name],

I recently came across the [Position] opening at [Company], and I am very interested in applying. Given your remarkable tenure there and understanding of the company culture, I thought to reach out to you.

Would you be comfortable providing a referral for me? I’ve attached my resume for your review, and I’m happy to provide any additional information you might need.

Thank you very much for considering my request. Regardless of your decision, I value our connection and look forward to keeping in touch.


[Your Name]

5. Introducing Yourself to a Potential Mentor

Subject: Inspired by Your Work – Seeking Mentorship

Dear [Name],

I’ve been following your career with great interest, especially your contributions to [Field/Industry]. As someone at the beginning of my career in [Field], your path is incredibly inspiring to me.

I am reaching out to see if you would be open to considering a mentorship relationship. I am eager to learn and grow under your guidance, even if it means a small commitment of your time.

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn from your experiences.


[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

I’ve been following your career with great interest, especially your contributions to [Field/Industry]. As someone at the beginning of my career in [Field], your path is incredibly inspiring to me.

I am reaching out to see if you would be open to considering a mentorship relationship. I am eager to learn and grow under your guidance, even if it means a small commitment of your time.

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn from your experiences.


[Your Name]

6. Reconnecting with an Old Colleague

Subject: Catching Up After [Time] – [Your Name]

Hi [Name],

It’s been [time period] since we last caught up, and I was just thinking about our time working together at [Company/Project]. How have you been?

I’d love to catch up and hear about what you’ve been up to lately, both professionally and personally. Are you available for a call or coffee sometime soon?

Looking forward to reconnecting!


[Your Name]

Hi [Name],

It’s been [time period] since we last caught up, and I was just thinking about our time working together at [Company/Project]. How have you been?

I’d love to catch up and hear about what you’ve been up to lately, both professionally and personally. Are you available for a call or coffee sometime soon?

Looking forward to reconnecting!


[Your Name]

7. Networking Follow-up Email

Subject: Following Up from Our Last Conversation

Hi [Name],

I wanted to touch base following our last conversation/meeting. I’ve given a lot of thought to your advice on [specific advice], and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your insights.

[Optional: Include a brief update on how their advice has helped you or any new developments.]

Let’s keep in touch!


[Your Name]

Hi [Name],

I wanted to touch base following our last conversation/meeting. I’ve given a lot of thought to your advice on [specific advice], and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your insights.

[Optional: Include a brief update on how their advice has helped you or any new developments.]

Let’s keep in touch!


[Your Name]

8. Cold Email to Someone You Admire

Subject: Admiring Your Work in [Field] – [Your Name]

Dear [Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am currently [Your Position/Role]. I have been following your work in [Field/Area], and I am genuinely inspired by your achievements and the impact you’ve made.

I’m reaching out to express my admiration for your work and to ask if you’d be open to sharing any advice for someone at the early stages of their career in [Field]. Your perspectives would be incredibly valuable to me.

Thank you for considering my request. I understand how precious your time is and appreciate any insights you can share.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am currently [Your Position/Role]. I have been following your work in [Field/Area], and I am genuinely inspired by your achievements and the impact you’ve made.

I’m reaching out to express my admiration for your work and to ask if you’d be open to sharing any advice for someone at the early stages of their career in [Field]. Your perspectives would be incredibly valuable to me.

Thank you for considering my request. I understand how precious your time is and appreciate any insights you can share.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

9. Invitation to Speak at an Event

Subject: Invitation to Speak at [Event Name]

Dear [Name],

I am [Your Name], the organizer of [Event Name], which focuses on [Event Topic]. We are currently seeking speakers who can inspire and engage our audience, and your expertise in [Field] immediately came to mind.

Would you be interested in speaking at our event on [Date]? We believe your insights on [Specific Topic] would be incredibly valuable to our attendees.

We can provide more details about the event, audience, and logistics at your convenience. Thank you for considering our invitation.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

I am [Your Name], the organizer of [Event Name], which focuses on [Event Topic]. We are currently seeking speakers who can inspire and engage our audience, and your expertise in [Field] immediately came to mind.

Would you be interested in speaking at our event on [Date]? We believe your insights on [Specific Topic] would be incredibly valuable to our attendees.

We can provide more details about the event, audience, and logistics at your convenience. Thank you for considering our invitation.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

10. Thanking Someone for Their Time

Subject: Thank You for Your Time and Insights

Dear [Name],

I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for taking the time to meet with me [yesterday/last week]. Your insights into [specific topic or advice] were invaluable, and I’ve already started to implement some of the strategies we discussed.

I truly appreciate the guidance and support you’ve provided. Please let me know how I can return the favor, whether it’s through support in your current projects or anything else.

Thank you once again. I hope we can stay in touch!


[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for taking the time to meet with me [yesterday/last week]. Your insights into [specific topic or advice] were invaluable, and I’ve already started to implement some of the strategies we discussed.

I truly appreciate the guidance and support you’ve provided. Please let me know how I can return the favor, whether it’s through support in your current projects or anything else.

Thank you once again. I hope we can stay in touch!


[Your Name]

11. Transitioning into a New Industry

Subject: Seeking Your Insight on Transitioning into [Industry/Role]

Dear [Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I currently work as a [Your Position] at [Your Company]. I came across your profile through [Mutual Connection/LinkedIn/Event], and I was particularly impressed by your work on [Specific Project or Achievement].

I am reaching out to seek your advice on transitioning into the [industry/role] space, as I am considering a similar path. Your expertise and insights would be invaluable to me as I navigate this decision.

Would you be open to a brief phone call or meeting for coffee sometime in the next few weeks? I am flexible with my schedule and can adjust to yours.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I truly appreciate any guidance you can provide.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I currently work as a [Your Position] at [Your Company]. I came across your profile through [Mutual Connection/LinkedIn/Event], and I was particularly impressed by your work on [Specific Project or Achievement].

I am reaching out to seek your advice on transitioning into the [industry/role] space, as I am considering a similar path. Your expertise and insights would be invaluable to me as I navigate this decision.

Would you be open to a brief phone call or meeting for coffee sometime in the next few weeks? I am flexible with my schedule and can adjust to yours.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I truly appreciate any guidance you can provide.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Remember, personalization and sincerity are key to making these templates work for you. Tailor each email to the recipient and situation for the best results.

Future Trends in Networking 

A fresh wave that's changing the game in networking is how we're weaving social media insights right into our email conversations. Incorporating social media insights into our emails transforms the initial interaction, laying a foundation of relatability right from the start.

Finding Common Ground Through LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become more than just a platform for showcasing professional achievements; it's now a treasure trove of data that can be used to tailor networking communications effectively. Digging into the profiles of those you're keen on connecting with allows you to unearth commonalities or intersecting paths, thereby giving your message a unique edge. Dropping in those shared interests or mutual connections really amps up your chances of snagging a reply.

This method leverages social media as a tool for building trust and relationships before even meeting someone face-to-face. It demonstrates genuine interest in the person beyond their job title or what they could offer you professionally.

Using Social Media Insights in Your Emails

Exploring beyond LinkedIn, platforms such as Twitter/X and Instagram can reveal a person's hobbies and personal endeavors, offering a richer understanding of who they are. Including references to these details—without overstepping boundaries—can make your emails feel more personalized and less like cold outreach attempts.

Incorporating such insights shows effort on your part to understand who they are outside of work, which is often appreciated in today’s fast-paced digital world where genuine connections have become rarer. 

Let Magical Help You Network 

Mastering the networking email template is just the start. You have to be able to hit all the right notes with the people you're networking with. And using the tips we've given you here will help you do just that.

When you're building your networking database, make sure to use Magical. With Magical, you can write and store your networking email templates and call them up with one click. You can even personalize your emails with details like your recipient's name. Try it today and see how ove 650,000+ people are saving 7 hours a week on average on their repetitive tasks.

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Networking Email Templates That Don't Suck

So, you want to master the art of writing a killer networking email template? You're in luck. This article will guide you through creating emails that not only catch attention but also spark meaningful connections. 

We'll discuss how to build an amazing networking email template from scratch as well as give you effective networking email templates you can use and make your own. In addition, we'll offer some practical tips for networking successfully. 

The Power of Networking Emails

Networking can be...shall we say, awkward at times. You're trying to make connections with people who can help you or whom you can help. There's no reason why you need to make it even more awkward. 

Here's a few more reasons why networking email templates are so important:

First Impressions Matter

Networking emails often serve as the first point of contact between professionals. A well-written email can set the tone for a positive and productive relationship. It's an opportunity to make a good first impression by demonstrating professionalism, courtesy, and genuine interest.

You're Building & Expanding Your Professional Networks

In today's interconnected world, having a broad and diverse professional network is invaluable. Networking emails allow individuals to reach out to potential mentors, peers, collaborators, or industry leaders outside their immediate circle, thereby expanding their network and opening doors to new opportunities.

Novelty means getting outside of your own little social bubble, or, as we have learned to say, ‘echo chamber,’ and talking to people you don’t know that well who are doing things you never imagined,” Granovetter told me in an email. “If you only know people you work with every day, you won’t be learning anything new about how to do things.
-Mark Granovetter, Stanford University Sociologist 

You Gain Access to Opportunities Not Known to Others

Many opportunities in the professional world are not advertised publicly but are filled through personal connections and referrals. Networking emails can unlock these hidden opportunities by putting you on the radar of key decision-makers and influencers in your field.

You're Sharing & Exchanging Knowledge

Networking emails facilitate the exchange of ideas, insights, and best practices among professionals. This exchange is vital for staying updated on industry trends, solving complex problems, and fostering innovation.

Building Long-Term Relationships 

Effective networking emails can lay the groundwork for long-term professional relationships. These relationships can evolve to offer mutual support, collaboration, and advocacy over time, contributing to career resilience and satisfaction.

What Should I Include in a Networking Email?

Here’s a structured approach to what you should include in your networking email to make it impactful:

1. Engaging Subject Line

Make it clear and engaging. The subject line should give the recipient a good reason to open the email. It could reference a mutual connection, a shared interest, or the specific purpose of your email, e.g., “Seeking Your Insight on [Industry/Role]”.

2. Personalized Greeting & Intro

Use the recipient’s name to personalize the greeting. If possible, show familiarity with their work or achievements to create an immediate connection, e.g., “Dear Dr. Smith, I was inspired by your recent talk at…” Briefly introduce yourself, including your current role or professional standing and how you came across the recipient’s contact information. This helps to establish context for the recipient.

Networking emails that mention a mutual connection have a 50% higher response rate, so if you have someone in common, call that out quickly. 

3. Get to the Point Right Away

Clearly state the reason for reaching out. Whether you’re seeking advice, information about a job opening, or insights into an industry, be concise and specific about what you’re asking for.

Mention any mutual connections or shared interests. If you’ve met before, remind them of where and when. If you admire their work or share common professional interests, mention that. This helps to build rapport.

According to HubSpot, 85 percent of jobs are filled through networking. Seventy percent of jobs are never even published publicly, meaning that so many opportunities arise simply from talking to people — whether it’s a formal coffee chat or over Twitter DM. It’s a daunting reality, particularly for those who don’t come from privileged backgrounds or aren’t born with connections that can help them out. Luckily, there are plenty of tactics and tools anyone can use to strengthen or build new relationships — especially in the digital age.
-Teresa Xie 

4. Give Your Value Prop

Explain what you bring to the table. This could be insights from your current role, a different perspective, or the potential for future collaboration. Even if you’re seeking advice or mentorship, indicating your willingness to learn and contribute can be appealing.

5. Give a Strong, Clear CTA

Be clear about what you’re asking for. This could be a brief phone call, a coffee meeting, or answers to specific questions via email. Make it as easy as possible for them to say yes by being flexible with their schedule.

6. Thank You & Close

Express appreciation for their time and consideration. A simple thank you can go a long way in leaving a positive impression.

Include a professional signature with your full name, title/position, company (if applicable), and contact information. This makes it easy for them to identify you and respond.

What You Don't Need in a Networking Email

Like everything, there's things you should NOT do and networking email templates are no exception. Here are key things to avoid at all costs:

1. Generic or Impersonal Greetings

Avoid using generic greetings like "Dear Sir/Madam" or "To whom it may concern." These indicate a lack of effort to research the recipient's name and personalize the message.

2. Overly Long Emails

Keep your email concise and to the point. Lengthy emails can overwhelm or discourage busy professionals from reading through and responding.

3. Lack of Clarity on Purpose

Be clear about why you're reaching out. Vague requests or unclear objectives can lead to confusion and reduce your chances of receiving the help or information you're seeking.

4. Making Demands or Sounding Entitled

Your tone should be polite and respectful. Avoid sounding demanding or entitled to someone’s time or resources. Networking is about mutual benefit and respect.

5. Typos and Grammatical Errors

Proofread your email to ensure it's free from typos, grammatical errors, or awkward phrasing. Such mistakes can detract from your professionalism.

6. Over-Sharing Personal Information

While some personal details can help build a connection, oversharing or divulging inappropriate personal information can be off-putting.

7. Failure to Do Your Homework & Not Offering Value

Sending a networking email without researching the recipient's current role, interests, or recent achievements can come across as lazy or inattentive. While you might be reaching out to seek advice or information, it’s important to consider what you can offer in return, even if it's simply a fresh perspective or gratitude.

11 Networking Email Template Samples

Note: When you have a lot of networking to do, you should use the free Magical Chrome extension. With Magical you can store these templates (or create new ones) and use them anywhere with one click. It works with any email platform or messaging app. Check it out: 

1. Reaching Out to a New Contact

Subject: Exploring [Industry] Insights – A Quick Hello

Dear [Name],

I recently came across your profile on [LinkedIn/Company Website], and I was impressed by your extensive experience in [Industry/Field]. I’m currently exploring opportunities in this area and am eager to learn from seasoned professionals like yourself. 

Would you be open to a brief call or coffee meeting at your convenience? I’m keen to hear about your journey and gain insights that could guide my own path in [Industry/Field].

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the possibility of connecting.


[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

I recently came across your profile on [LinkedIn/Company Website], and I was impressed by your extensive experience in [Industry/Field]. I’m currently exploring opportunities in this area and am eager to learn from seasoned professionals like yourself. 

Would you be open to a brief call or coffee meeting at your convenience? I’m keen to hear about your journey and gain insights that could guide my own path in [Industry/Field].

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the possibility of connecting.


[Your Name]

2. Following Up After an Event

Subject: Great Connecting at [Event]

Hi [Name],

It was such a pleasure meeting you at [Event] last [Date/Time]. I really enjoyed our conversation about [Topic Discussed]. 

I wanted to follow up on our discussion and [mention any follow-up items, e.g., sending a link or a document you talked about]. Also, I’d love to stay in touch and perhaps explore ways we might collaborate or support each other in the future.

Let’s connect here on LinkedIn [insert LinkedIn URL] or feel free to drop me an email anytime.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

Hi [Name],

It was such a pleasure meeting you at [Event] last [Date/Time]. I really enjoyed our conversation about [Topic Discussed]. 

I wanted to follow up on our discussion and [mention any follow-up items, e.g., sending a link or a document you talked about]. Also, I’d love to stay in touch and perhaps explore ways we might collaborate or support each other in the future.

Let’s connect here on LinkedIn [insert LinkedIn URL] or feel free to drop me an email anytime.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

3. Seeking Advice

Subject: Seeking Your Valuable Advice on [Topic/Field]

Dear [Name],

I am [Your Name], and I am currently [Your Position/Student at Institution]. I have been following your work in [Field/Area], and I am truly inspired by your contributions.

I am reaching out to seek your advice on [specific question or decision]. I believe your insights could be invaluable to me at this juncture. Would you be open to a brief email exchange or a quick call at your convenience?

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your time and look forward to possibly hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

I am [Your Name], and I am currently [Your Position/Student at Institution]. I have been following your work in [Field/Area], and I am truly inspired by your contributions.

I am reaching out to seek your advice on [specific question or decision]. I believe your insights could be invaluable to me at this juncture. Would you be open to a brief email exchange or a quick call at your convenience?

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your time and look forward to possibly hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

4. Asking for a Job Referral

Subject: Request for Referral to [Position] at [Company]

Hi [Name],

I recently came across the [Position] opening at [Company], and I am very interested in applying. Given your remarkable tenure there and understanding of the company culture, I thought to reach out to you.

Would you be comfortable providing a referral for me? I’ve attached my resume for your review, and I’m happy to provide any additional information you might need.

Thank you very much for considering my request. Regardless of your decision, I value our connection and look forward to keeping in touch.


[Your Name]

Hi [Name],

I recently came across the [Position] opening at [Company], and I am very interested in applying. Given your remarkable tenure there and understanding of the company culture, I thought to reach out to you.

Would you be comfortable providing a referral for me? I’ve attached my resume for your review, and I’m happy to provide any additional information you might need.

Thank you very much for considering my request. Regardless of your decision, I value our connection and look forward to keeping in touch.


[Your Name]

5. Introducing Yourself to a Potential Mentor

Subject: Inspired by Your Work – Seeking Mentorship

Dear [Name],

I’ve been following your career with great interest, especially your contributions to [Field/Industry]. As someone at the beginning of my career in [Field], your path is incredibly inspiring to me.

I am reaching out to see if you would be open to considering a mentorship relationship. I am eager to learn and grow under your guidance, even if it means a small commitment of your time.

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn from your experiences.


[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

I’ve been following your career with great interest, especially your contributions to [Field/Industry]. As someone at the beginning of my career in [Field], your path is incredibly inspiring to me.

I am reaching out to see if you would be open to considering a mentorship relationship. I am eager to learn and grow under your guidance, even if it means a small commitment of your time.

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn from your experiences.


[Your Name]

6. Reconnecting with an Old Colleague

Subject: Catching Up After [Time] – [Your Name]

Hi [Name],

It’s been [time period] since we last caught up, and I was just thinking about our time working together at [Company/Project]. How have you been?

I’d love to catch up and hear about what you’ve been up to lately, both professionally and personally. Are you available for a call or coffee sometime soon?

Looking forward to reconnecting!


[Your Name]

Hi [Name],

It’s been [time period] since we last caught up, and I was just thinking about our time working together at [Company/Project]. How have you been?

I’d love to catch up and hear about what you’ve been up to lately, both professionally and personally. Are you available for a call or coffee sometime soon?

Looking forward to reconnecting!


[Your Name]

7. Networking Follow-up Email

Subject: Following Up from Our Last Conversation

Hi [Name],

I wanted to touch base following our last conversation/meeting. I’ve given a lot of thought to your advice on [specific advice], and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your insights.

[Optional: Include a brief update on how their advice has helped you or any new developments.]

Let’s keep in touch!


[Your Name]

Hi [Name],

I wanted to touch base following our last conversation/meeting. I’ve given a lot of thought to your advice on [specific advice], and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your insights.

[Optional: Include a brief update on how their advice has helped you or any new developments.]

Let’s keep in touch!


[Your Name]

8. Cold Email to Someone You Admire

Subject: Admiring Your Work in [Field] – [Your Name]

Dear [Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am currently [Your Position/Role]. I have been following your work in [Field/Area], and I am genuinely inspired by your achievements and the impact you’ve made.

I’m reaching out to express my admiration for your work and to ask if you’d be open to sharing any advice for someone at the early stages of their career in [Field]. Your perspectives would be incredibly valuable to me.

Thank you for considering my request. I understand how precious your time is and appreciate any insights you can share.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am currently [Your Position/Role]. I have been following your work in [Field/Area], and I am genuinely inspired by your achievements and the impact you’ve made.

I’m reaching out to express my admiration for your work and to ask if you’d be open to sharing any advice for someone at the early stages of their career in [Field]. Your perspectives would be incredibly valuable to me.

Thank you for considering my request. I understand how precious your time is and appreciate any insights you can share.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

9. Invitation to Speak at an Event

Subject: Invitation to Speak at [Event Name]

Dear [Name],

I am [Your Name], the organizer of [Event Name], which focuses on [Event Topic]. We are currently seeking speakers who can inspire and engage our audience, and your expertise in [Field] immediately came to mind.

Would you be interested in speaking at our event on [Date]? We believe your insights on [Specific Topic] would be incredibly valuable to our attendees.

We can provide more details about the event, audience, and logistics at your convenience. Thank you for considering our invitation.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

I am [Your Name], the organizer of [Event Name], which focuses on [Event Topic]. We are currently seeking speakers who can inspire and engage our audience, and your expertise in [Field] immediately came to mind.

Would you be interested in speaking at our event on [Date]? We believe your insights on [Specific Topic] would be incredibly valuable to our attendees.

We can provide more details about the event, audience, and logistics at your convenience. Thank you for considering our invitation.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

10. Thanking Someone for Their Time

Subject: Thank You for Your Time and Insights

Dear [Name],

I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for taking the time to meet with me [yesterday/last week]. Your insights into [specific topic or advice] were invaluable, and I’ve already started to implement some of the strategies we discussed.

I truly appreciate the guidance and support you’ve provided. Please let me know how I can return the favor, whether it’s through support in your current projects or anything else.

Thank you once again. I hope we can stay in touch!


[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for taking the time to meet with me [yesterday/last week]. Your insights into [specific topic or advice] were invaluable, and I’ve already started to implement some of the strategies we discussed.

I truly appreciate the guidance and support you’ve provided. Please let me know how I can return the favor, whether it’s through support in your current projects or anything else.

Thank you once again. I hope we can stay in touch!


[Your Name]

11. Transitioning into a New Industry

Subject: Seeking Your Insight on Transitioning into [Industry/Role]

Dear [Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I currently work as a [Your Position] at [Your Company]. I came across your profile through [Mutual Connection/LinkedIn/Event], and I was particularly impressed by your work on [Specific Project or Achievement].

I am reaching out to seek your advice on transitioning into the [industry/role] space, as I am considering a similar path. Your expertise and insights would be invaluable to me as I navigate this decision.

Would you be open to a brief phone call or meeting for coffee sometime in the next few weeks? I am flexible with my schedule and can adjust to yours.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I truly appreciate any guidance you can provide.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Dear [Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I currently work as a [Your Position] at [Your Company]. I came across your profile through [Mutual Connection/LinkedIn/Event], and I was particularly impressed by your work on [Specific Project or Achievement].

I am reaching out to seek your advice on transitioning into the [industry/role] space, as I am considering a similar path. Your expertise and insights would be invaluable to me as I navigate this decision.

Would you be open to a brief phone call or meeting for coffee sometime in the next few weeks? I am flexible with my schedule and can adjust to yours.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I truly appreciate any guidance you can provide.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Remember, personalization and sincerity are key to making these templates work for you. Tailor each email to the recipient and situation for the best results.

Future Trends in Networking 

A fresh wave that's changing the game in networking is how we're weaving social media insights right into our email conversations. Incorporating social media insights into our emails transforms the initial interaction, laying a foundation of relatability right from the start.

Finding Common Ground Through LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become more than just a platform for showcasing professional achievements; it's now a treasure trove of data that can be used to tailor networking communications effectively. Digging into the profiles of those you're keen on connecting with allows you to unearth commonalities or intersecting paths, thereby giving your message a unique edge. Dropping in those shared interests or mutual connections really amps up your chances of snagging a reply.

This method leverages social media as a tool for building trust and relationships before even meeting someone face-to-face. It demonstrates genuine interest in the person beyond their job title or what they could offer you professionally.

Using Social Media Insights in Your Emails

Exploring beyond LinkedIn, platforms such as Twitter/X and Instagram can reveal a person's hobbies and personal endeavors, offering a richer understanding of who they are. Including references to these details—without overstepping boundaries—can make your emails feel more personalized and less like cold outreach attempts.

Incorporating such insights shows effort on your part to understand who they are outside of work, which is often appreciated in today’s fast-paced digital world where genuine connections have become rarer. 

Let Magical Help You Network 

Mastering the networking email template is just the start. You have to be able to hit all the right notes with the people you're networking with. And using the tips we've given you here will help you do just that.

When you're building your networking database, make sure to use Magical. With Magical, you can write and store your networking email templates and call them up with one click. You can even personalize your emails with details like your recipient's name. Try it today and see how ove 650,000+ people are saving 7 hours a week on average on their repetitive tasks.

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