
How To Write An Interview Confirmation Email Template Easily

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When you land that interview for the job you've been eyeing for weeks, it's super exciting, right? But what do you do next? You get to work banging out that interview confirmation email template....if you're smart, that is. Getting an offer for a job interview can be exciting, but don't lose track of all the important details and professional protocols in this process. 

This blog will take you through the steps of writing a professional interview confirmation email. You'll learn why these emails are so important in your relationship with you possible new employers and what to include in a template. So if you want to know how to confirm an interview via e-mail, we've got you! 

By the end of this read, you’ll have best practices for engaging interview confirmation emails that prepare candidates well and excite them about meeting you. Whether it's an in-person meet-up or a virtual sit-down via link sharing – we've got you covered.

What is an Interview Confirmation Email and Why Are They So Important?

An interview confirmation email simply is an email that's sent by either the employer or the job candidate to confirm the details of a job interview. It's a professional method to share crucial details like the interview's date, time, and place, whether it'll be in person or via phone/video call. It may also include interviewer names and any extra preparation steps needed, such as bringing specific documents or readying for particular question types.

Why it's important

  1. Confirms the Details: It ensures both parties are on the same page regarding the logistics of the interview. This confirmation helps to prevent misunderstandings or scheduling conflicts. This also shows that you pay attention to details and leaves a paper trail of the when and where of your job interview.

Sometimes even recruiters and hiring managers get confused, so using your interview confirmation e-mail template helps verify that they sent you the right invite or details in the first place. 

Many recruiting teams have been cut to the bone in recent years. Remaining staff are expected to manage a mountain of requisitions, which prevents them from dotting the i's and crossing the t's as they should. 
-Frank Burgoyne, Interview Success Coach 

2. It's Professional: Sending a confirmation email demonstrates professionalism and shows that a candidate is organized and diligent. For employers, it reflects well on the company's communication and coordination capabilities.

3. It's Preparation: It allows both the interviewer and the interviewee to prepare adequately for the meeting. For candidates, knowing the interview's format and who they will be meeting with can help in tailoring their preparation. For interviewers, it ensures that the candidate is informed and ready for the interview.

4. Makes a Great Impression: For candidates, this is often one of the first direct interactions they have with a potential employer. A well-crafted confirmation email can make a positive first impression.

5. Opportunity for Clarification: It provides an opportunity to ask for clarification on any details about the interview. For instance, a candidate might ask about the company's protocols for in-person interviews or if any specific technology is required for a virtual interview. You can also review if there's anything specific you need to show up prepared to talk about, such as a test assignment, the company's podcast, or a founder's book. 

6. Shows You're Reliable and Responsible: Confirming an interview time shows reliability and punctuality, qualities that are important in any professional setting. It indicates to the employer that the candidate takes the opportunity seriously.

What Should You Include In Your Interview Confirmation Email?

When crafting an interview confirmation email, whether you're the interviewer or the interviewee, including certain key elements in your email can ensure clarity and professionalism. Here's five of the most important elements to include:

1. Interview Date and Time

Clearly state the date and time of the interview. It's helpful to include the day of the week as well, to avoid any confusion. Consider mentioning the time zone if you or the other party are located in different time zones or if the interview is virtual.

2. Interview Format

Specify the format of the interview (e.g., in-person, phone call, video conference). If the interview is via video conference, include the link or instructions for joining the call. For in-person meetings, mention if there are any specific entry instructions or COVID-19 protocols to follow.

3. Location

For in-person interviews, provide the full address of the interview location. Include any relevant details such as parking information or specific building entry requirements. For virtual meetings, as mentioned, ensure the necessary links or dial-in information are included.

4. Interviewers

List the names and titles of the individuals who will be conducting the interview. This information helps the candidate prepare for the interview by researching the interviewers' roles within the company and potentially tailoring questions to ask.

5. What to Bring or Prepare

Mention if the candidate needs to bring anything specific, such as copies of their resume, a portfolio, or identification. For technical interviews, you might specify any preparation required, like reviewing certain materials or completing a pre-interview assignment. Additionally, if there are any particular topics or projects the candidate should be prepared to discuss, highlight these in the e-mail.

What to Pay Attention To Before the Interview 

As you prepare for the all-important job interview, do your research on the company, review the job application and posting itself, and draft up your own questions for the interviewer. Test all of your technology, too, to limit the possibility of glitches on the day of the interview. 

After you send your interview confirmation e-mail, pay attention to that e-mail address in case the interviewer needs to reschedule the event or if there are any other changes you need to know about before showing up live. Although it can be nerve-wracking to do an interview, the more you're prepared, the more confident you'll be on the big day. 

Interview Confirmation Email Templates

Editor's Note: Do you find yourself drawing a blank when you're trying to write emails like this? Try the free Magical Chrome extension. With Magical you can save these templates or customize your own templates and call them up with one click. Magical even instantly customizes your email with details like your recipient's name. Check it out:

Template 1: Standard Interview Confirmation Email Template

Subject: Confirmation of Interview on [Date] at [Time]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I am writing to confirm my interview for the [Job Title] position, scheduled on [Date] at [Time], [Time Zone] via [Interview Format, e.g., Zoom, In-Person].

I understand that the interview will be held at [Location] / via [Platform Link], and I will be meeting with [Interviewer(s) Name(s)]. Please let me know if there are any specific documents or items I should bring or prepare for our meeting.

Thank you for this opportunity. I am looking forward to discussing how I can contribute to [Company Name] and learn more about the team and company initiatives.

Best regards,

[Your Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I am writing to confirm my interview for the [Job Title] position, scheduled on [Date] at [Time], [Time Zone] via [Interview Format, e.g., Zoom, In-Person].

I understand that the interview will be held at [Location] / via [Platform Link], and I will be meeting with [Interviewer(s) Name(s)]. Please let me know if there are any specific documents or items I should bring or prepare for our meeting.

Thank you for this opportunity. I am looking forward to discussing how I can contribute to [Company Name] and learn more about the team and company initiatives.

Best regards,

[Your Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

Template 2: Rescheduling Request Template

Subject: Request to Reschedule Interview for [Job Title] Position

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I am very much looking forward to our discussion regarding the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Unfortunately, due to [Reason for Rescheduling, e.g., an unexpected commitment], I am unable to attend the interview originally scheduled for [Original Date and Time].

I am still very interested in the opportunity and was wondering if it might be possible to reschedule the interview for a later date. I am available [Provide two or three alternative dates and times], but I am more than willing to adjust to a time that suits your schedule.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and flexibility.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I look forward to the possibility of speaking with you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I am very much looking forward to our discussion regarding the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Unfortunately, due to [Reason for Rescheduling, e.g., an unexpected commitment], I am unable to attend the interview originally scheduled for [Original Date and Time].

I am still very interested in the opportunity and was wondering if it might be possible to reschedule the interview for a later date. I am available [Provide two or three alternative dates and times], but I am more than willing to adjust to a time that suits your schedule.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and flexibility.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I look forward to the possibility of speaking with you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

Template 3: Accessibility Accommodations Template

Subject: Accessibility Accommodation Request for Interview on [Date]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

Thank you for inviting me to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] on [Date] at [Time]. I am excited about the opportunity to discuss my fit for the role and learn more about the team.

I am writing to request [Specific Accommodation, e.g., sign language interpreter, wheelchair access, etc.], to ensure full participation in the interview process. [Optional: Brief explanation of the need for this accommodation.]

I appreciate [Company Name]'s commitment to diversity and inclusion and your effort to provide a comfortable and accessible interview experience for all candidates.

Please let me know if there are any forms or additional information needed from me to facilitate this request.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance.

Best regards,

[Your Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

Thank you for inviting me to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] on [Date] at [Time]. I am excited about the opportunity to discuss my fit for the role and learn more about the team.

I am writing to request [Specific Accommodation, e.g., sign language interpreter, wheelchair access, etc.], to ensure full participation in the interview process. [Optional: Brief explanation of the need for this accommodation.]

I appreciate [Company Name]'s commitment to diversity and inclusion and your effort to provide a comfortable and accessible interview experience for all candidates.

Please let me know if there are any forms or additional information needed from me to facilitate this request.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance.

Best regards,

[Your Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

Template 4: Declining an Interview Invitation Template

Subject: Interview Invitation Declination for [Job Title] Position

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I am writing to express my gratitude for the invitation to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. It is with careful consideration that I must decline the interview at this time, as I have [Reason for Declining, e.g., accepted another offer, decided to pursue different opportunities, etc.].

I want to extend my sincere appreciation for considering me for this opportunity. [Company Name] remains an organization I hold in high regard, and I hope there might be a chance for us to work together in the future.

Thank you once again for your understanding and best wishes to the team moving forward.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]  

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I am writing to express my gratitude for the invitation to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. It is with careful consideration that I must decline the interview at this time, as I have [Reason for Declining, e.g., accepted another offer, decided to pursue different opportunities, etc.].

I want to extend my sincere appreciation for considering me for this opportunity. [Company Name] remains an organization I hold in high regard, and I hope there might be a chance for us to work together in the future.

Thank you once again for your understanding and best wishes to the team moving forward.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

Note: Read more about declining an interview here

Bonus Tips:

Confirmation Request: Ask the recipient to confirm their attendance. This helps ensure that both parties have acknowledged the interview details and are committed to the scheduled time.

Contact Information: Provide a contact number or email address for any last-minute questions or notifications, such as running late or needing to reschedule.

Follow-Ups and Reminders: Don't forget to send reminder emails at minimum 48 hours prior to the interview. This helps to keep things on track and just in case anything comes up for either one of you, there's still time to let each other know so no one's time gets wasted.

Including these elements in an interview confirmation email can help ensure a smooth and efficient interview process, minimizing the chances of misunderstandings and showing your professionalism.

FAQ's About Interview Confirmation Emails

1. How soon should I send a confirmation email after receiving an interview invitation?

It’s best practice to send a confirmation email within 24 hours of receiving the interview invitation. This shows your interest and professionalism.

2. Should I reply to all in the confirmation email if the invitation was sent to multiple people?

Yes, if the interview invitation includes multiple people in the CC field, it’s courteous to reply all, so everyone is aware of your confirmation and any questions you may have. This is especially important in panel interviews or when multiple departments are involved.

3. Is it necessary to ask for a confirmation of the confirmation email?

While not always necessary, it can be helpful to end your email with a line requesting a brief confirmation of receipt, especially if you need to clarify details or request accommodations.

4. Can I request to reschedule an interview in the confirmation email?

Yes, if you have an unavoidable conflict, it’s acceptable to politely request a reschedule in your confirmation email. Provide alternative dates and times to demonstrate flexibility.

5. What if I need special accommodations for the interview?

If you require accommodations (e.g., for disability access, religious reasons, etc.), mention this in your confirmation email. Be specific about your needs to allow the employer to make necessary arrangements.

6. How formal should my interview confirmation email be?

The tone should match the company culture and how communication has been thus far. Generally, err on the side of formal and professional, especially if it’s your first direct communication with the company.

7. Should I include questions about the interview or company in the confirmation email?

It’s acceptable to ask clarifying questions about the interview process or logistics in your confirmation email, but save more in-depth questions about the role or company for the interview itself.

8. What if I haven’t received any details about the interview format or location?

If crucial details are missing, politely request them in your confirmation email. For example, ask for the physical address of the interview, the names of the interviewers, or the format if not already provided.

9. Can I confirm an interview via phone call instead of email?

 If the invitation suggests confirming by phone, or if you have a very short time frame, a phone call can be appropriate. Otherwise, email is typically preferred for its convenience and record-keeping benefits.

Let Magical Help You With Your Job Search

By now, crafting an interview confirmation email template should feel within reach. You know what to include and what to say. Now you have a strong foundation for starting off strong with your potential new employers. 

But, if this turns out to be another interview and your job search is continuing, let Magical help you. Magical helps you store your favorite job application and interview confirmation emails so you can call them up with one click. It works with any email platform and set up is a breeze. 

Magical is used by over 650,000 people to save 7 hours a week on average. Try it yourself today!

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How To Write An Interview Confirmation Email Template Easily

When you land that interview for the job you've been eyeing for weeks, it's super exciting, right? But what do you do next? You get to work banging out that interview confirmation email template....if you're smart, that is. Getting an offer for a job interview can be exciting, but don't lose track of all the important details and professional protocols in this process. 

This blog will take you through the steps of writing a professional interview confirmation email. You'll learn why these emails are so important in your relationship with you possible new employers and what to include in a template. So if you want to know how to confirm an interview via e-mail, we've got you! 

By the end of this read, you’ll have best practices for engaging interview confirmation emails that prepare candidates well and excite them about meeting you. Whether it's an in-person meet-up or a virtual sit-down via link sharing – we've got you covered.

What is an Interview Confirmation Email and Why Are They So Important?

An interview confirmation email simply is an email that's sent by either the employer or the job candidate to confirm the details of a job interview. It's a professional method to share crucial details like the interview's date, time, and place, whether it'll be in person or via phone/video call. It may also include interviewer names and any extra preparation steps needed, such as bringing specific documents or readying for particular question types.

Why it's important

  1. Confirms the Details: It ensures both parties are on the same page regarding the logistics of the interview. This confirmation helps to prevent misunderstandings or scheduling conflicts. This also shows that you pay attention to details and leaves a paper trail of the when and where of your job interview.

Sometimes even recruiters and hiring managers get confused, so using your interview confirmation e-mail template helps verify that they sent you the right invite or details in the first place. 

Many recruiting teams have been cut to the bone in recent years. Remaining staff are expected to manage a mountain of requisitions, which prevents them from dotting the i's and crossing the t's as they should. 
-Frank Burgoyne, Interview Success Coach 

2. It's Professional: Sending a confirmation email demonstrates professionalism and shows that a candidate is organized and diligent. For employers, it reflects well on the company's communication and coordination capabilities.

3. It's Preparation: It allows both the interviewer and the interviewee to prepare adequately for the meeting. For candidates, knowing the interview's format and who they will be meeting with can help in tailoring their preparation. For interviewers, it ensures that the candidate is informed and ready for the interview.

4. Makes a Great Impression: For candidates, this is often one of the first direct interactions they have with a potential employer. A well-crafted confirmation email can make a positive first impression.

5. Opportunity for Clarification: It provides an opportunity to ask for clarification on any details about the interview. For instance, a candidate might ask about the company's protocols for in-person interviews or if any specific technology is required for a virtual interview. You can also review if there's anything specific you need to show up prepared to talk about, such as a test assignment, the company's podcast, or a founder's book. 

6. Shows You're Reliable and Responsible: Confirming an interview time shows reliability and punctuality, qualities that are important in any professional setting. It indicates to the employer that the candidate takes the opportunity seriously.

What Should You Include In Your Interview Confirmation Email?

When crafting an interview confirmation email, whether you're the interviewer or the interviewee, including certain key elements in your email can ensure clarity and professionalism. Here's five of the most important elements to include:

1. Interview Date and Time

Clearly state the date and time of the interview. It's helpful to include the day of the week as well, to avoid any confusion. Consider mentioning the time zone if you or the other party are located in different time zones or if the interview is virtual.

2. Interview Format

Specify the format of the interview (e.g., in-person, phone call, video conference). If the interview is via video conference, include the link or instructions for joining the call. For in-person meetings, mention if there are any specific entry instructions or COVID-19 protocols to follow.

3. Location

For in-person interviews, provide the full address of the interview location. Include any relevant details such as parking information or specific building entry requirements. For virtual meetings, as mentioned, ensure the necessary links or dial-in information are included.

4. Interviewers

List the names and titles of the individuals who will be conducting the interview. This information helps the candidate prepare for the interview by researching the interviewers' roles within the company and potentially tailoring questions to ask.

5. What to Bring or Prepare

Mention if the candidate needs to bring anything specific, such as copies of their resume, a portfolio, or identification. For technical interviews, you might specify any preparation required, like reviewing certain materials or completing a pre-interview assignment. Additionally, if there are any particular topics or projects the candidate should be prepared to discuss, highlight these in the e-mail.

What to Pay Attention To Before the Interview 

As you prepare for the all-important job interview, do your research on the company, review the job application and posting itself, and draft up your own questions for the interviewer. Test all of your technology, too, to limit the possibility of glitches on the day of the interview. 

After you send your interview confirmation e-mail, pay attention to that e-mail address in case the interviewer needs to reschedule the event or if there are any other changes you need to know about before showing up live. Although it can be nerve-wracking to do an interview, the more you're prepared, the more confident you'll be on the big day. 

Interview Confirmation Email Templates

Editor's Note: Do you find yourself drawing a blank when you're trying to write emails like this? Try the free Magical Chrome extension. With Magical you can save these templates or customize your own templates and call them up with one click. Magical even instantly customizes your email with details like your recipient's name. Check it out:

Template 1: Standard Interview Confirmation Email Template

Subject: Confirmation of Interview on [Date] at [Time]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I am writing to confirm my interview for the [Job Title] position, scheduled on [Date] at [Time], [Time Zone] via [Interview Format, e.g., Zoom, In-Person].

I understand that the interview will be held at [Location] / via [Platform Link], and I will be meeting with [Interviewer(s) Name(s)]. Please let me know if there are any specific documents or items I should bring or prepare for our meeting.

Thank you for this opportunity. I am looking forward to discussing how I can contribute to [Company Name] and learn more about the team and company initiatives.

Best regards,

[Your Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I am writing to confirm my interview for the [Job Title] position, scheduled on [Date] at [Time], [Time Zone] via [Interview Format, e.g., Zoom, In-Person].

I understand that the interview will be held at [Location] / via [Platform Link], and I will be meeting with [Interviewer(s) Name(s)]. Please let me know if there are any specific documents or items I should bring or prepare for our meeting.

Thank you for this opportunity. I am looking forward to discussing how I can contribute to [Company Name] and learn more about the team and company initiatives.

Best regards,

[Your Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

Template 2: Rescheduling Request Template

Subject: Request to Reschedule Interview for [Job Title] Position

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I am very much looking forward to our discussion regarding the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Unfortunately, due to [Reason for Rescheduling, e.g., an unexpected commitment], I am unable to attend the interview originally scheduled for [Original Date and Time].

I am still very interested in the opportunity and was wondering if it might be possible to reschedule the interview for a later date. I am available [Provide two or three alternative dates and times], but I am more than willing to adjust to a time that suits your schedule.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and flexibility.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I look forward to the possibility of speaking with you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I am very much looking forward to our discussion regarding the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. Unfortunately, due to [Reason for Rescheduling, e.g., an unexpected commitment], I am unable to attend the interview originally scheduled for [Original Date and Time].

I am still very interested in the opportunity and was wondering if it might be possible to reschedule the interview for a later date. I am available [Provide two or three alternative dates and times], but I am more than willing to adjust to a time that suits your schedule.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and flexibility.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I look forward to the possibility of speaking with you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

Template 3: Accessibility Accommodations Template

Subject: Accessibility Accommodation Request for Interview on [Date]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

Thank you for inviting me to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] on [Date] at [Time]. I am excited about the opportunity to discuss my fit for the role and learn more about the team.

I am writing to request [Specific Accommodation, e.g., sign language interpreter, wheelchair access, etc.], to ensure full participation in the interview process. [Optional: Brief explanation of the need for this accommodation.]

I appreciate [Company Name]'s commitment to diversity and inclusion and your effort to provide a comfortable and accessible interview experience for all candidates.

Please let me know if there are any forms or additional information needed from me to facilitate this request.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance.

Best regards,

[Your Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

Thank you for inviting me to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] on [Date] at [Time]. I am excited about the opportunity to discuss my fit for the role and learn more about the team.

I am writing to request [Specific Accommodation, e.g., sign language interpreter, wheelchair access, etc.], to ensure full participation in the interview process. [Optional: Brief explanation of the need for this accommodation.]

I appreciate [Company Name]'s commitment to diversity and inclusion and your effort to provide a comfortable and accessible interview experience for all candidates.

Please let me know if there are any forms or additional information needed from me to facilitate this request.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance.

Best regards,

[Your Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

Template 4: Declining an Interview Invitation Template

Subject: Interview Invitation Declination for [Job Title] Position

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I am writing to express my gratitude for the invitation to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. It is with careful consideration that I must decline the interview at this time, as I have [Reason for Declining, e.g., accepted another offer, decided to pursue different opportunities, etc.].

I want to extend my sincere appreciation for considering me for this opportunity. [Company Name] remains an organization I hold in high regard, and I hope there might be a chance for us to work together in the future.

Thank you once again for your understanding and best wishes to the team moving forward.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]  

Dear [Interviewer's Name],

I am writing to express my gratitude for the invitation to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. It is with careful consideration that I must decline the interview at this time, as I have [Reason for Declining, e.g., accepted another offer, decided to pursue different opportunities, etc.].

I want to extend my sincere appreciation for considering me for this opportunity. [Company Name] remains an organization I hold in high regard, and I hope there might be a chance for us to work together in the future.

Thank you once again for your understanding and best wishes to the team moving forward.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

Note: Read more about declining an interview here

Bonus Tips:

Confirmation Request: Ask the recipient to confirm their attendance. This helps ensure that both parties have acknowledged the interview details and are committed to the scheduled time.

Contact Information: Provide a contact number or email address for any last-minute questions or notifications, such as running late or needing to reschedule.

Follow-Ups and Reminders: Don't forget to send reminder emails at minimum 48 hours prior to the interview. This helps to keep things on track and just in case anything comes up for either one of you, there's still time to let each other know so no one's time gets wasted.

Including these elements in an interview confirmation email can help ensure a smooth and efficient interview process, minimizing the chances of misunderstandings and showing your professionalism.

FAQ's About Interview Confirmation Emails

1. How soon should I send a confirmation email after receiving an interview invitation?

It’s best practice to send a confirmation email within 24 hours of receiving the interview invitation. This shows your interest and professionalism.

2. Should I reply to all in the confirmation email if the invitation was sent to multiple people?

Yes, if the interview invitation includes multiple people in the CC field, it’s courteous to reply all, so everyone is aware of your confirmation and any questions you may have. This is especially important in panel interviews or when multiple departments are involved.

3. Is it necessary to ask for a confirmation of the confirmation email?

While not always necessary, it can be helpful to end your email with a line requesting a brief confirmation of receipt, especially if you need to clarify details or request accommodations.

4. Can I request to reschedule an interview in the confirmation email?

Yes, if you have an unavoidable conflict, it’s acceptable to politely request a reschedule in your confirmation email. Provide alternative dates and times to demonstrate flexibility.

5. What if I need special accommodations for the interview?

If you require accommodations (e.g., for disability access, religious reasons, etc.), mention this in your confirmation email. Be specific about your needs to allow the employer to make necessary arrangements.

6. How formal should my interview confirmation email be?

The tone should match the company culture and how communication has been thus far. Generally, err on the side of formal and professional, especially if it’s your first direct communication with the company.

7. Should I include questions about the interview or company in the confirmation email?

It’s acceptable to ask clarifying questions about the interview process or logistics in your confirmation email, but save more in-depth questions about the role or company for the interview itself.

8. What if I haven’t received any details about the interview format or location?

If crucial details are missing, politely request them in your confirmation email. For example, ask for the physical address of the interview, the names of the interviewers, or the format if not already provided.

9. Can I confirm an interview via phone call instead of email?

 If the invitation suggests confirming by phone, or if you have a very short time frame, a phone call can be appropriate. Otherwise, email is typically preferred for its convenience and record-keeping benefits.

Let Magical Help You With Your Job Search

By now, crafting an interview confirmation email template should feel within reach. You know what to include and what to say. Now you have a strong foundation for starting off strong with your potential new employers. 

But, if this turns out to be another interview and your job search is continuing, let Magical help you. Magical helps you store your favorite job application and interview confirmation emails so you can call them up with one click. It works with any email platform and set up is a breeze. 

Magical is used by over 650,000 people to save 7 hours a week on average. Try it yourself today!

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