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Top AI Content Creation Tools: 15 Game-Changing AI Apps for Content Creators

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Behold, the future of content creation: Artificial Intelligence (AI). If you're still stuck in the gory days of manual labor or feeling overwhelmed with your workload, grab a cup of coffee and read on. AI is not just fantastical sci-fi jargon. It’s a real game-changer for content creators. It’s not about replacing your supreme being—far from it. Instead, AI content creation tools are your partners in creativity, helping you work smarter, not harder. 

Ready to ride the AI wave? 🏄‍♂️

What are AI content creation tools?

If you're scratching your head wondering how machines can be creative, here's the thing: AI content creation tools don't actually 'create' content. They're like your easy-going colleague who analyzes trends, does heavy-lifting, and gives you room to focus on the fun part. Using AI to create content is like having a secret weapon, empowering you to hyper-accelerate your content strategy without breaking a sweat. (Which is why there are so many great AI apps to improve your productivity, as well.)

There's a bountiful list of benefits: from speed and scalability to personalization, and even the ability to predict trends. It isn’t about ditching the human touch; rather, it’s about AI and humans doin’ a beautiful tango to make sweet content magic. 

15 best AI content creation tools in 2023

To help you jump on board the AI content creation train, we've rounded up a list of the top 15 AI content creation tools that are making a splash in their respective domains.

For writers

1. Jasper

As an AI content generation tool, Jasper goes beyond auto-correcting your grammar mistakes. It helps write blogs, ads, and even emails faster than a jackrabbit on a date. It’s your writing buddy who knows when you need a hand and jumps in to pull off a killer sentence. 


  • Advanced natural language processing capabilities
  • Ability to generate high-quality content


  • Limited customization options
  • May struggle with complex or specialized topics

2. Magical

Our very own AI-powered app, Magical, is more than just shiny software. It’s like having a smart assistant who gives you the superpower to get tasks done without losing your marbles. Think of it as a productivity genie you can call on anywhere to do things faster—like data entry, sending out repetitive messages, or filling sheets. It can even write and respond to your emails for you!


  • User-friendly interface
  • Instant personalization features
  • Works everywhere online


  • Only available on Chrome
  • Not meant for long-form writing

3. Surfer

Meet Surfer, a tool that makes SEO as simple as pie. It gives you the right words and phrases that'll teach Google to love your content. It’s the LeBron James of SEO—always scoring.


  • SEO optimization features
  • Helps in generating content optimized for search engines


  • May produce generic or formulaic content
  • Limited creative freedom

For designers 

1. Midjourney

Midjourney gives designers a break from monotony by suggesting optimizations based on your creative assets. It's an AI-based content creation tool that understands design like Mozart understands symphonies.


  • Extremely easy to use
  • Beautiful, vivid pictures


  • Learning curve
  • Limited customization
  • Repetitive creativity
  • Poor flexibility

2. Canva

Okay, seriously, who hasn’t heard of Canva? Their AI component recommends optimal design templates, saving you hours of scrolling. Plus, it suggests different designs based on your content—an AI Picasso at your service! 


  • Streamlines or automates tedious tasks
  • Accessible and easy to use


  • Limited functionality
  • Limited outputs for file types

3. Khroma

Imagine if you could find the perfect color palette with the click of a button. No more trial and error. Simply feed Khroma your favorite colors, and like a kid with a new set of crayons, it'll create a gazillion color combos.


  • Supports designers' creativity
  • Frees up designer's time and energy


  • Overwhelming selection of colors

For videographers 

1. InVideo

InVideo is your one-stop solution for creating stunning videos—without the Spielberg budget. It gives template suggestions based on your content. It’s like a super-efficient film crew wrapped into one neat AI package. 


  • Offers a wide range of video templates
  • Provides advanced editing features


  • Limited customization options
  • Some features require a paid subscription

2. Synthesia

Want to create high-quality AI-based content generation with a shoestring budget? Meet Synthesia. It quickly generates videos using a virtual avatar, eliminating the need for a traditional shoot. It's the director of your dreams!


  • AI-powered text-to-video conversion
  • Supports multiple languages


  • May have limitations in voice customization
  • Pricing can be expensive for professional usage

3. Magisto

Magisto automatically edits and produces your videos, leaving you free to brainstorm your next killer content. It's like having your personal Hollywood editor on board. 


  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Offers automated video editing


  • Limited control over editing process
  • Free version has watermarked videos

For photographers 

1. Luminar Neo

Luminar Neo enhances your photos with AI san fairy dust. The tools can remove imperfections, augment color and even replace the background, all at a click. It's like a magic photo wand!


  • Powerful AI and standard editing tools
  • Best-in-class sky replacement


  • Some rough edges
  • Paid-for extras

2. Aftershoot

With Aftershoot, you can select the best shots and edit them in a snap. It’s an AI-based content generation buddy that takes care of the mundane, leaving you to pull off those stunning shots.


  • Great for existing Lightroom users
  • AI-powered editing tools work seamlessly


  • May not have all the features of Lightroom

3. Adobe Photoshop (New AI tools)

Photoshop now has AI-powered editing that makes mundane tasks a walk in the park. It's like hiring a top-notch photo lab right on your computer. 


  • Extensive editing capabilities
  • Integration with other Adobe products


  • Steep learning curve
  • Expensive subscription pricing

For social media content creators 

1. Lately

Lately turns your long-form content into drool-worthy social media posts. Imagine slicing and dicing your content masterpiece into bite-sized chunks—Lately’s the master chef.


  • Automated social media scheduling
  • Content suggestions based on audience engagement
  • Analytics and reporting


  • Limited customization options
  • Reliance on AI algorithms may be off-putting

2. Murf 

Want to create a podcast but don't like your voice? Murf AI reads your script in multiple voices, turning you into the vocal chameleon you've always dreamt to be.


  • AI-powered content creation
  • Image and video editing capabilities
  • Hashtag suggestions


  • Lack of human touch
  • Limited creative control

3. Flick

Flick does the heavy lifting by finding the best hashtags for your content. It's like having a social analyst who knows what gets the crowds hashtagging away.


  • AI-driven hashtag recommendations
  • Image and video editing features
  • Analytics and performance tracking


  • Limited social media platform integrations
  • Steep learning curve

How to choose the right AI content creation tool

In this wild world of AI tools, let's get one thing straight—there's no such thing as a 'best' tool. What works wonders for one might be a dud for another. The key is finding what sings to your tune. Here are a few points to guide you through the process: 

Know your needs

First off, make a list of what you need help with. Maybe you're a social media manager who needs assistance creating eye-catching posts, or a content writer struggling to balance research with writing. If graphic design has you pulling your hair out, an AI tool like Canva might be your new best friend. Are copious amounts of video editing sucking the joy out of your life? An AI-based content creation tool like Magisto should be your go-to. 

Budget reality check

We'd all love a Lamborghini, but let's face it—not all pockets permit luxurious indulgences. Here's the good news: there's an AI tool out there to fit every budget. Sure, higher-end tools offer more bells and whistles. But remember, you don't need a bazooka to kill a fly. For smaller tasks, a simple, cost-effective tool like Lately might do the trick. 

Testing times

Okay, this one's big—test before you invest. (Hey, that rhymes!) Many AI tools offer free trials. It’s like going on a first date, giving you a glimpse of what you're signing up for. And even after paying, remember, quitting is not a crime. If an AI tool feels like a square peg in a round hole, bid it adieu and move on. 

Learning curve

Some tools, like Adobe's AI offerings in Photoshop, are power-packed. But they might require you to be as nimble as a cat on a hot tin roof. If learning new tech makes you queasy, opt for something more user-friendly like Canva. 

Integrations: Playing well with others

Does the tool you're eyeing dance well with others? Seamless integration with your existing apps is crucial for smooth operations. Our own Magical, for instance, plays well with any other application that works on Google Chrome to boost your productivity magic.

Landing on the perfect tool is often a journey of trial and error. You might stumble, but remember each stumble is a step closer to your perfect AI partner.

Real-life examples of AI in content creation

Let’s get real for a moment—AI is already transforming content creation. From InVideo helping small businesses create amazing video ads, to Adobe Photoshop's AI-powered tools allowing photographers to edit faster. The proof is in the pudding, folks.

Example 1: Marvel’s “Secret Invasion” credits

There was a recent uproar that Marvel decided to use AI to animate the opening credits for their new TV show on Disney Plus called “Secret Invasion.” The images shown look very similar to the ones you might be able to create on Midjourney.

Example 2: AI-powered videos on YouTube

Many content creators on YouTube have started using AI to imagine alternate versions of pop culture touchstones, like this example from Curious Refuge which shows what the film series of Lord of the Rings might look like if Wes Anderson had directed it:

Example 3: AI-edited photos on Instagram

Pat Kay shows how you can use AI tools like Imagen AI to edit photos much faster, perfect for posting on Instagram or other photo social media platforms:

Future trends of AI in content creation

Brace yourselves as AI content tools become smarter, faster, and more customized. As AI adoption accelerates, we might see more personalized content, real-time analytics, and even predict future content trends—exciting, right?

Hyper-personalized content

As the thirst for personalized content grows, AI is stepping up to quench it. AI tools can analyze a user's online behavior, hobbies, likes, dislikes—all in a jiffy. Imagine creating a unique piece of content tailored for each individual's taste. Sounds exhausting, right? But AI automation promises to make this a reality, without us exhausting our coffee supplies. 

Real-time content optimization

Presently, AI assists content optimization during the creation process or after content gets published. But the future might see AI assisting in real-time. Think of a scenario where AI tools provide instant feedback as we write, reducing post-publish adjustments and making the creation process smoother than a gravy sandwich.

Automated video creation

According to Sandvine, online videos account for over 65% of all internet traffic. That number has increased substantially over the last decade. Automated video creation tools like InVideo and Synthesia are just the beginning. Expect to see more AI involvement in storyboarding, auto-generating dialogue, even automatic video editing—truly a movie magic waiting to happen.

Voice and tone enhancement

We’ve already seen AI tools adopt multiple languages, but the future holds more. AI voice assistants could adapt your tone—whether you speak like an Oxford scholar or sling slang like a laid-back teenager. AI could also assist in creating content in an audience's local dialect, making posts hit home like never before.

Predictive analytics

Imagine creating content today that'll trend six months from now. Sounds like wizardry? It's not. Predictive analytics is fast becoming a reality with AI. AI content creators could soon be predicting trends, optimizing posts even before they're published. Now, that's some next-level fortune-telling magic!

Yes, there are challenges. Issues of data privacy, plagiarized content, and keeping the human touch intact loom large. But hey, no great wave ever left the sea smooth. AI stands to become the superhero of content creation we never knew we needed. One thing’s for sure—the future of AI in content creation is a script even the best of Hollywood can't imagine.


In the world of content creation, AI isn't the boogeyman. It’s a friendly neighborhood sidekick here to make life easier. So why not explore the world of AI content creation tools to give your content strategy that secret sauce it deserves. Now, off you go—create, innovate, and let AI elevate your content game.

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